Q&A for How to Get a Hoya Plant to Bloom

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    Do the side shoots of the hoya have to be upright on a pole to flower?
    Pat Helvie
    Community Answer
    No. I have a Hoya that is very old and has three new stems that are very long. I have it on a tall piece of furniture, and I drape the long stems on top of the furniture.
  • Question
    My hoya leave are getting white spots. What does this mean?
    Top Answerer
    If the spots are dry, the plant has too much light and heat. If the spots aren't dry, it's caused by a disease or a fungus.
  • Question
    For the first time in 15 years my Hoya Carnosa did not develop buds this March and I presume no flowers this year. Why is that?
    Top Answerer
    Blooming season is very long. If there aren't any buds in March, they can appear later and you could still have flowers in August or September.
  • Question
    I have a hoya with variegated leaves, and it's well over 20 years old. It has never bloomed and doesn't seem to grow at all. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    It might not be receiving sufficient sunlight. Also, consideration should be given to the amount and type of fertilization. Assuming its potted, it could be time to consider either potting up or renewal of existing potting mix and root stimulation.
  • Question
    How can I get more flower spurs on my seven-year-old Hoya?
    Top Answerer
    To have more flowers, you can re-pot your Hoya every two years. You can also use potassium fertilizer.
  • Question
    What does the beginnings of a hoya bloom look like?
    Top Answerer
    It looks like a small white cluster that will grow after some weeks. It appears at the end of small stems.
  • Question
    My hoya sends out new growth with one or two vines that look ready to wrap around a pole. Do I need to provide something for it to climb on in order to flower? I've had it for 15 years, and have re-potted it, but it hasn't bloomed.
    Pat Helvie
    Community Answer
    I would drape them around something. I have one on the top shelf of a secretary, and I just drape it around the top of this piece of furniture. I think you need the right light, temperature and fertilizer, and maybe re-potting will do the trick.
  • Question
    How big should the pot be for one stem of hoya?
    Community Answer
    It should be started out in a small pot - say 4". Keep in mind that it likes to be a little root bound before it will even think about flowering.
  • Question
    If a Hoya plant is not budding or getting bigger, and I have had this problem in the past as well, what can I do to help the plants develop better?
    Community Answer
    You could have a couple of things going on here. Make sure you have the plant in bright indirect lighting - a couple of hours of direct sunlight can help promote blooming. Your hoya likes to be a bit root-bound and will be more likely to bloom if it is - that is why young and newly started plants take about 3 years before blooming. Don't overwater your hoya - once a week in the summer months and let it dry out in the winter months before watering. Fertilize with 5-10-5 in the summer - dilute it in water and only put it on the soil only right after you have watered. Always make sure the pot has holes in the bottom to promote drainage and use a soil that will not compact.
  • Question
    What would cause my hoya stems to stop growing and look like they're dying even when they are short?
    Debra Presley
    Community Answer
    Length has nothing to do with the actual survival of the plant. If the leaves are turning yellow and falling off the plant, I would inspect for root rot (too much water). If the leaves are looking shriveled, I would make sure that when you water, water is reaching and penetrating down to the roots.
  • Question
    What’s the minimum temperature for planting a hoya?
    Debra Presley
    Community Answer
    I have re-potted hoya at different times throughout the year (finding that the normal rhythm of the plant's growth cycle can work to my advantage). I use winter for re-potting my much older, larger and harder-to-handle plants to provide them with a longer period of adjustment or time to recover from any shock. Re-potting of my younger plants takes place in the spring when they normally come out of their dormancy, triggered by more light and warmer temps. As far as temperature goes, a good rule of thumb that I use is that I don't let temps drop below 50 degrees F where I grow my plants; however, there are a few genus that can withstand cooler temps downward of 30 degrees F.
  • Question
    What do I do if my hoya plant has brown spots on the leaves? What do I do if it hasn't bloomed in 3 years?
    Debra Presley
    Community Answer
    The brown spots could be from various reasons. Have you checked it for pests? Are the spots affecting the entire plant, or just a leaf or two? If your plant hasn't bloomed in 3 years, it's possibly due to not enough light. They love bright indirect sunlight and need it to bloom. If you haven't done so for awhile, fertilizing the plant with a very weak dose of the right fertilizer would also help.
  • Question
    Will my single vine hoya plant grow more vines or ropes, or will it continue growing just growing the one?
    Debra Presley
    Community Answer
    Not knowing exactly which hoya you have, I cant give you a firm answer to your question, but I can offer this: In my experience, I have yet to have (with one exception) a type of hoya that remained one single vine. Some definitely grow slower than others do, but most have always eventually branched out. If yours is a type that doesn't or is slow to do so, you may try taking some cuttings to root and plant with the single vine you currently have to help fill in the plant/pot.
  • Question
    I have a hoya that is 7 years old that has never bloomed. It gets many long shoots, and I’ve been cutting them off. Is this the reason it hasn’t bloomed? It gets good light exposure.
    Community Answer
    Don't cut the shoots or stems. The flowers bloom on these. If you are lucky enough to get a bloom, don't cut the shoot or the stem it bloomed on. The flowers rebloom on the same ones year after year (providing you have the right conditions).
  • Question
    Do the leaves turn colors in the fall?
    Community Answer
    Hoyas don't generally change color in the fall like, say, a maple would. If your hoya's leaves are changing color, it could be for a few different reasons. One possibility is that it's a verigated (multicolored) variety developing its verigation. Sometimes a verigated plant will "revert" and start producing only solid green leaves. Watering can be another factor. If your leaves are turning yellow and mushy or falling off, then you're most likely over-watering. Light exposure is another factor. Some varieties of hoyas will turn pink, red or almost purple if they are receiving intense sun exposure.
  • Question
    How do I put the hoya that's full of roots in water into soil? When should I do it?
    Community Answer
    You can pot it up at any time, but spring is probably best. Mix some peat and perlite into your potting mix. Now hold the rooted cutting above the pot with the roots dangling in and gently pour in the potting mix. Water gently.
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