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Q&A for How to Grow Wheat in Minecraft
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QuestionWhat's the best ways of growing wheat, and what's the best variety?Community AnswerIn Minecraft, all wheat is the same. The best way to grow it would be to do it like the villagers. Make a closed square or rectangle, then hoe the soil inside it. Then, break up every alternate line of farmland one block deep. After that, fill the holes with water and plant the seeds.
QuestionCan you grow wheat where there is no sunlight?Seasalt25Top AnswererYou can grow wheat anywhere there is tilled dirt and some source of light. You can grow wheat and other crops without the sun, but you need torches, glowstone, sea lanterns, or other sources of light to be around the crops.
QuestionHow do I grow wheat if there are no seeds even in the inventory?Seasalt25Top AnswererYou cannot grow wheat in Minecraft without wheat seeds. You can get seeds from breaking tall grass, in villages, and in chests found in dungeons, temples, and other structures.
QuestionWhen I hit the tall grass it just breaks and there are no seeds what do I do?Seasalt25Top AnswererFirst, make sure you are not breaking a grass block. The grass you get seeds from is on top of dirt or grass blocks, it is green and is not a full block. If you are breaking this, then keep breaking multiple of the grass until you get seeds. Not every tall grass will drop seeds.
QuestionCan you make wheat seeds?Seasalt25Top AnswererNo, you cannot make wheat seeds. However, you can get them by harvesting fully grown wheat plants, breaking grass or tall grass, looting chests in villages, or by trading with wandering traders, who may have wheat seeds available.
QuestionHow do you grow pumpkins?Seasalt25Top AnswererTo grow pumpkins, you first need pumpkin seeds, which can be obtained by breaking pumpkin stems, placing a pumpkin in a crafting table, or by looting chests in dungeons, mineshafts, villages, and woodland mansions. Then, you need to use a hoe and till dirt or grass blocks within 4 blocks of a water source and plant the seeds on the tilled ground. Make sure there is a free space directly next to the seedling. Once the stem is fully grown, it will eventually produce a pumpkin in the space next to it.
QuestionWhat is the colour of wheat crops at harvest?Seasalt25Top AnswererWhen wheat is fully grown, it will be a light yellow color with very few darker yellows.
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