Q&A for How to Grow a Jade Plant

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    Do jade plants need a lot of sunlight?
    Melinda Meservy
    Plant Specialist
    Melinda Meservy is a Plant Specialist and the Owner of Thyme and Places, a botanical boutique offering plants and gifts in Salt Lake City, Utah. Before starting her own business, Melinda worked in process and business improvement and data analytics. Melinda earned a BA in History from the University of Utah, is trained in lean and agile methodologies, and completed her Certified Professional Facilitator certification. Thyme and Places offers indoor plants and containers, a fully stocked potting bench, and tips on plants to suit your space and lifestyle.
    Plant Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Yes. Jade plants do best in bright sunlight for a few hours each day.
  • Question
    Does my plant need to be root-bound to be put into a larger container?
    Katie Gohmann
    Professional Gardener
    Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.
    Professional Gardener
    Expert Answer
    Yes. Succulents like to be root bound because it causes the water to drain more quickly. If you move it to a big pot with a lot of soil that's able to stay wet, your plant is likely to suffer.
  • Question
    I put my jade plant in my office where there is no direct sunlight. It's since dropped all its leaves. How can I save the plant?
    Katie Gohmann
    Professional Gardener
    Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.
    Professional Gardener
    Expert Answer
    It might come back if you move it into good indirect sun. Do this gradually over a few days. You could also try moving it closer to a fluorescent light. There are no guarantees, though. Sometimes plants come back, sometimes not. Make sure you are watering correctly, as well.
  • Question
    I cut a branch off a jade tree, let it dry and put it dirt. It has fallen over a few times. Can I cut the end off again and retry? The leaves seem wilted, so I'm a bit worried.
    Katie Gohmann
    Professional Gardener
    Katherine Gohmann is a Professional Gardener in Texas. She has been a home gardener and professional gardener since 2008.
    Professional Gardener
    Expert Answer
    Propagation is tricky, and it doesn't always work. In my experience, if the cutting isn't firmly set in the soil, it will wiggle around too much and won't root. Make sure your cutting is able to stand upright on its own by burying the stem deeply. You can retry with that one, but I would recommend trying a new cutting.
  • Question
    Do jade plants like direct sunlight?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Jade plants need 4 hours of sunlight to grow but direct sunlight, especially for young plants trying to establish and sunshine concentrated through a window, can burn the jade plant’s leaves. During the daytime, an outdoor jade plant that is establishing should have some protection from direct sunlight outside the 4 hours of direct sun, such as dappled shade. An indoor jade plant will appreciate sunlight that is indirect. Think "bright light" rather than direct sunlight, and your plant will be fine.
  • Question
    How do I know if I need to transplant my jade plant?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Indications that your jade plant needs transplanting include: The plant has stopped growing and appears more like bonsai than tree and, if lifted out of its container, it’s extremely rootbound. You can tell a plant is rootbound when the roots curl around and around the soil and each other, bundling up uncomfortably. Another sign is a top-heavy jade plant that causes the whole plant to keep toppling over without being bumped. Rootbound or top heavy jade plants should be transplanted after soaking the soil the day before, then gently prying the whole plant out for repotting. For help, see How to Transplant a Jade Plant .
  • Question
    How old must a jade plant be before it blooms?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    There is no exact amount of years before a jade plant is ready to bloom. Rather, it must be a mature plant subjected to suitable environmental conditions (cool, long dark nights; lack of water; reduced nutrients) before it will consider blooming.
  • Question
    Can I plant my jade plant in a shallow pot?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    You can plant the jade plant in a shallow, wide pot because it has shallow roots but it’ll need repotting more frequently to a larger container or you’ll end up with a bonsai jade tree (pretty but not great if that’s not the effect you’re after). Just be sure to check its progress now and then, to ensure it’s growing fine. A clay pot is the best kind of container for the jade plant because of its ability to both absorb moisture and allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Question
    Is the jade plant okay indoors or outdoors?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    The jade plant can be grown both indoors or outdoors, depending on your preferences. Outdoors, the jade plant will tolerate high temperatures and intense light but it cannot withstand frost or freezing temperatures, so if your local climate has cold extremes, bring the plant back indoors to overwinter. If shifting the plant from indoors to outdoors, keep the plant shaded from direct sunlight initially until it acclimatizes, otherwise there is a risk the leaves will burn. If shifting the plant from outdoors to indoors, clean it first to prevent bringing bugs indoors, as these will quickly infest other houseplants.
  • Question
    When do jade plants bloom?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Jade plants will bloom when the plant is mature enough (after many years of growth) and when it is subjected to the right environmental conditions (long, dark cold nights, low humidity, reduced nutrients and lack of water).
  • Question
    How big will a jade plant grow?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Jade plants will grow up to 5 feet (1.5 meters) tall. When the plant becomes tall, it can easily become top heavy in a small container, and tumble over. As such, it’s important to keep repotting at the plant’s rate of growth.
  • Question
    Are the leaves of a jade plant edible?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    The leaves of the jade plant are mildly toxic to humans and your pets. They are therefore not edible because they can cause diarrhea, vomiting and general digestive discomfort. While highly unlikely to kill if ingested, there is no point taking chances; if you have children or pets that like experimenting with putting things in their mouths or chewing plants, keep your jade plant(s) out of reach. Some people may also find touching the leaves or sap can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Question
    How do I start a jade plant?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    A jade plant is easily rooted from cuttings, and you can give this a nudge by using rooting hormone powder. Cut a healthy small stem section from the plant whole, then let it dry out and scab over. Once this has occurred, fill a container with succulent soil mix and plant the cutting. Do not water it until the cutting takes and the plant is growing; this is important for avoiding root rot. You can also purchase a jade plant from your local nursery, or ask them to get one in.
  • Question
    How do you get a jade plant to flower?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    To get your jade plant to flower, you’ll need to control its environment. This will be easier during the cooler months, such as late fall and winter than in the warmer months. Provide cool nights with low humidity, around 50ºF-60ºF. Ensure that the plant gets complete darkness for a full night, as darkness is what encourages the blooming phase. Either move the plant to a dark room or place a box over it to ensure no light each night. Reduce watering and stop fertilizing the plant as well. Even with doing all this, the plant will decide on its own terms whether or not it’s the right time for blooming; moreover, if the plant's not mature enough yet, then it won’t bloom even if the conditions are ideal.
  • Question
    Why are the branches dropping off my jade plant?
    Kristen Mozuch
    Community Answer
    Start running through the list of jade basics: Are you watering more often than every 2 weeks? Are you watering less than every 2-3 weeks? What about sunlight? Jade plants need moderate light, so that means you can't stick it in a darker corner and expect it to thrive. If jade gets too much light, it can start showing signs of stress like dropping its branches. Also, jade needs to be repotted every 3-4 years, so if it's been longer than that, it's time to give it fresh soil. Out of all of these, my best guess is your plant needs more light.
  • Question
    What to do with an extra branch that becomes to heavy?
    Community Answer
    You could trim them off using a pair of sterile garden clippers. If you want to, you can then root these cuttings to make new Jade plants.
  • Question
    Can you plant my jade plant outside?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your climate. If you live in an area that's warm and dry year-round, yes. If you live someplace that has all four distinct seasons, you can put your jade plant in the ground for the summer, but you'll have to dig it up at the end of the season and put it somewhere in your home that has direct sunlight.
  • Question
    What do I do if the plant has shriveled leaves?
    Community Answer
    Provide extra water if the soil is dry, and leave the jade plant in shade for a few days.
  • Question
    My jade cutting developed into a single stalk with no offshoots. How do I get it to branch out?
    Community Answer
    Pinch the the stalk just above where two leaves are growing. The stalk will then regrow with two branching stalks. Repeat on the new stalks as they grow to create multiple branches.
  • Question
    The leaves of my jade plant are falling even though the soil is wet. Why is my jade plant losing leaves?
    Community Answer
    It was probably overwatered. Allow the soil to dry completely before watering it again, and make sure that the pot in which the jade is planted has drainage holes.
  • Question
    What to feed the jade?
    Zheng.lingdi 54
    Community Answer
    They do have special fertilizer for succulents. Compost is always good, just not as much. You can add that as a top dressing.
  • Question
    How do I grow a jade plant without it rotting?
    Kristen Mozuch
    Community Answer
    It's all about the soil. Make sure your mix includes enough perlite and sand so the roots don't sit up against wet soil for days on end. Your pot needs to drain extremely well. Don't let the pot sit in a tray of drained water -- pour off any excess. Water once so the plant can drink, have the excess drain well, then water again 2-3 weeks later.
  • Question
    How do I get a jade plant to flower?
    Community Answer
    Jades flower only every seven years, so you will probably just have to wait.
  • Question
    I'm confused. You say to place the stalk in water to root. Above, you say to let the stalk dry before placing it in dirt (w/o putting it in water). Which is it?
    Kristen Mozuch
    Community Answer
    Don't root in water, only in soil. You can use potting soil with extra perlite and/or sand for drainage.
  • Question
    The leaves are turning yellow and dropping off. Is this from too much water, or not enough? It is in a north window.
    Community Answer
    Does your north window give enough DIRECT sunlight? If so then you may be overwatering. Once you've solved the problem, there's also this trick to see when to water: press a leaf between your fingers - if it feels firm, it's fine, if not, it needs water. Also make sure the soil is semi-moist.
  • Question
    How do I trim spindly jade trees to get them more bushy?
    Zheng.lingdi 54
    Community Answer
    First, get a sharp instrument of your choice - scissors, shears, etc. and sterilize the blades. Jade plants will sprout below the cut point, so the closer to the root you cut, the lower the new branch(es) will be. I would experiment - cut off one branch and see how you like the results. Make a new plant with your cutting. Jade plants make wonderful bonsai, so a series of planned cuts over time should give you the full and bushy plant you desire. As you grow in confidence, you can cut more heavily. The bigger the jade plant, the more reserves are stored in the roots. They can recover from amazing amounts of damage.
  • Question
    Every time I bring mine in for the winter it drops all its leaves. Then in the spring and summer, they all grow back. How can I keep that from happening?
    Zheng.lingdi 54
    Community Answer
    The plant is suffering from shock. It could be the amount of light, temperature, and/or moisture. Try a gradual move indoors. Bring the plant in for a few hours every day, increasing the amount of time as you go. Try and match the amount of light as closely as possible. You may need a grow light.
  • Question
    My indoor jade is over 40 years old. It will no longer produce nice big leaves. It has three trunks about 3 inches in diameter, one just drooped to the floor. Is it done? If I hack off everything, will it send out new shoots?
    Zheng.lingdi 54
    Community Answer
    Your plant is not done, it sounds like it's trying to divert effort into something besides growth. It may be trying to root some of the heavy branches so it can get more nourishment. It may need fresh soil or fertilizer and a stake to support all that weight. You can also prune the plant (you're going to have a lot of material for new plants). Don't cut everything off at once! I'd suggest starting with the one branch that's hit the floor and see how it goes.
  • Question
    How do you root a jade plant?
    Community Answer
    Place the leaves or stalk in direct water. They should root easily and quickly. Then, leave them on a windowsill in an old water bottle.
  • Question
    My jade plant has long drooping shoots and is very large. How do I get it to grow straight up?
    Community Answer
    Your jade is probably a running jade plant. It needed to be in a hanging basket. The same care and attention needs to be given as a regular jade tree.
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