Q&A for How to Hold Hands

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    What if my mom is there!?
    Community Answer
    Then I suggest waiting for a better moment. Your partner would probably feel awkward anyway and might reject your advance.
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    How do I let go of their hand?
    Community Answer
    This can be tricky, I know someone who went on a date and the person wouldn't let go, even when she dropped her phone. Do not be too clingy! Usually there should be a natural time to let go, like if your hands become to sweaty or the other person must move. Don't be afraid to be the one to let go, especially if you feel uncomfortable.
  • Question
    Will he find it weird if I just walk up and grab his hand?
    Community Answer
    It depends. If you two have been in a relationship for a long time, then walking up and grabbing his hand is completely normal. But if you just started dating, you may come off as a little clingy.
  • Question
    Where should my fingers be placed?
    Community Answer
    You can either interlock fingers, or you can do the X technique. Interlocked fingers are more meant for romantic hand-holding.
  • Question
    I'm really shy when it comes to this stuff. Can you help?
    Community Answer
    Remember, your partner is likely shy too! Sometimes you just need to make the leap. If they reject your advances, it may seem like the end of the world, but you'll both likely forget about it soon. If this stuff really bothers you, you could wait for your partner to make a move, and drop a few hints like, "My hands are freezing, feel them!" or you could "accidentally" brush their hand with yours, then leave it close by.
  • Question
    When my boyfriend and I were just friends, we held hands playfully a lot. Now I'm not so sure about how to approach this. I want to hold hands romantically. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You could try the interlacing fingers technique mentioned earlier. Also, when you hold his hand, you could make eye contact and smile meaningfully, letting him know you aren't just messing around. Finally, before when you held hands, you were not in a relationship, so I'm sure he will understand the gesture better given the circumstances.
  • Question
    What if there is someone else around?
    Community Answer
    It depends. If it is just one friend with you, I would recommend not holding hands, just to keep the third wheel from feeling uncomfortable. However, if you are with a big group of people who are mature and know about your relationship, though, do not be afraid to flaunt it!
  • Question
    Is it normal for a relationship to be on and off, and whenever we start dating again, the first thing we do is hold hands?
    Community Answer
    There's nothing abnormal about holding hands, but if you're always breaking up and getting back together, that's a pretty big sign that this relationship is not going to work out.
  • Question
    I normally have somewhat cold hands, is this discouraging in any way?
    Community Answer
    It shouldn't be, especially if the person likes you. You can also say something like, "My hands are so cold" as a subtle hint that you want to hold hands.
  • Question
    Would leaving my hand open and nudging my boyfriend's leg a bit be a good enough way to get him to hold my hand?
    Community Answer
    Yes, unless he's really bad at taking hints. I tested this method on someone and it worked wonderfully.
  • Question
    Should I rub my thumb on the back of his hand?
    Community Answer
    Sure, if you want to and it feels natural, go ahead.
  • Question
    How do I get the nerve to hold hands? I am 13, sort of dating, and I am afraid that he will be freaked out by my large hands.
    Community Answer
    He won't be. Our perceived flaws, like your "large hands," are always much more noticeable to us than they are to other people. Just take a deep breath and reach for his hand. He will be happy you did. If you're really nervous, do it at a time/place when there are not a lot of other people around so you don't feel like you have an audience.
  • Question
    We always go on the same bus, should I try then?
    Community Answer
    You could, but if they don't already know you like them, it would be a good idea to tell them first. You don't want to try to hold someone's hand totally out of the blue. If you both like each other, then you can go ahead and try to hold hands.
  • Question
    How do I hold hands when at school?
    Community Answer
    I would hold hands with the person at lunch, or maybe in a quiet, safe place in the classroom like under the table.
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    What if I'm not together with the girl, but just friends?
    Community Answer
    You could try saying a funny pickup line, like, "Your hand looks heavy, can I hold it?" I said this to my friend while holding out my hand and we both laughed.
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    My boyfriend and I are getting engaged in less than a month and I don't want him telling his friends/family what I tell him. How do I get him to make such a promise?
    Community Answer
    Just tell him how you feel. If you're going to tell him something you don't want anyone else knowing, just say something like, "Can we just keep this between us?" or, "This is kind of personal, and I would appreciate it if you kept it a secret."
  • Question
    Can I hold hands with someone who's driving?
    Community Answer
    Not recommended. That would be distracting in addition to tying up one of the driver's hands, both of which should be kept available for driving.
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    How do I talk to my significant other about holding hands?
    Community Answer
    Keep it simple. Just say something like, "Hey [their name], want to hold hands?"
  • Question
    Which of her hands do I hold?
    Community Answer
    If you’re on the right side, hold hands with your left and her right. Think of a V shape.
  • Question
    What if I am not completely sure that he likes me? Do I just gently grab his hand?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't recommend that, as you'd probably feel pretty awkward if he pulled his hand away or something like that. I'd suggest telling him you like him first so you can find out if he feels the same way.
  • Question
    My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 3 months, is it too late to hold hands because it would be awkward?
    Community Answer
    It’s never to late! Especially if you’ve been dating for 3 months already. Since you have been together for quite some time, he/she most likely not find it weird. Although, if they do find it awkward, you can try waiting some more time or asking if they want to hold hands.
  • Question
    I really want to hold my boyfriend's hand but I am too scared. Plus, we are in school and my friend will be a little much. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your friend! If they are a true friend they will understand! Also be brave! its okay to take a risk! you will never know if you don't!
  • Question
    My boyfriend is not super romantic or sentimental and I want to let him know that I want to hold hands with him more often. How do i this without seeming clingy?
    Community Answer
    Just have an honest talk with him. You can let him know that you are ready to take that next step. If he is not ready, then you will just have to respect his wishes and wait.
  • Question
    Me and my boyfriend already touch hands and high fives and comparing sizes often. but I am still not sure if he is comfortable holding hands just yet. What are some clues that he might give off?
    Community Answer
    The clues are all there since he happily touches hands already and explores yours. If you feel ready, then maybe you should make the first move. If he pulls away, don't take it the wrong way; just espect his boundaries and wait for him!
  • Question
    Which hand goes on top when holding hands?
    Community Answer
    Well it depends. If you are on the right side of your partner, then try holding them with your left hand. Do sort of a V shape or just do what makes you both comfortable.
  • Question
    How can I hold a boy's hand in public at church?
    Community Answer
    If there are many people that you know/have seen before, yes. Ask to sit next to him, try to use some hints like “My hands are cold in here, feel!” Or nudge his hand lovingly. It’s best to do it before someone else sits next to you/your partner. I’ve tried before and as I hinted/flirted they stared, as if they were thinking “Oh?!”. Try to do it quickly, but not rushing, then all they’ll think is “Oh, just a nice couple holding hands.”
  • Question
    Is there a way for both of us to feel comfortable while holding hands? When we use that simple hand grasp technique, the person holding hands from the front always feels less comfortable.
    Community Answer
    Often, both people can be comfortable with the intertwining method, so try that.
  • Question
    How do I hold hands with someone if I think it's weird?
    Community Answer
    If you don't want to hold hands with someone, just explain to them that you don't like it. Don't feel obligated just because it's something that a lot of couples do.
  • Question
    What do I do if a teacher catches us holding hands?
    Community Answer
    You shouldn't hold hands in the classroom. Outside the classroom, there should be no issues with a teacher seeing you holding hands (unless there's something in the school guidelines expressly forbidding it).
  • Question
    How do I get over my nerves when I want to hold hands?
    Community Answer
    Try to breath in deeply, and let go of any tension in your body. He/she is probably feeling the same nerves you are!
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