Q&A for How to Hold a Sleepover with Boys and Girls

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    What about you want to have some "special" time with your bf/gf at the party alone upstairs. Ho do you make sure no oe follows
    Community Answer
    First, make sure it's okay with whoever's house it is. If you're a guest in someone's house, you have to follow their rules. If it's okay to have some alone time, be as discreet as possible. Don't announce that you're leaving or get up while everyone is sitting in a circle talking. Wait til people are moving around or watching a movie. If someone does try to follow, tell them quietly that you need to talk to your boyfriend for a moment and that you'll catch up with them later.
  • Question
    What can I do if my sleep over has my boyfriend involved
    Community Answer
    If you feel like you aren't ready to have a sleepover with your boyfriend, be honest. Tell him you want to wait until it feels special. If you do want him there, remember to be a good host/guest. Don't ignore everyone except your boyfriend, and don't do anything that's against the house rules.
  • Question
    What happens if you are really weird. And nothing helps.
    Community Answer
    Everyone's a little weird! If you're being invited to a sleepover, you probably aren't that weird at all. If you feel self-conscious about your behavior, ask a good friend for some honest feedback and listen to what they say.
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    How come my mother wont allow that? :(
    Community Answer
    It depends. If you've been irresponsible or have rowdy friends, she might be worried that she can't trust you to behave properly. But some parents are just old-fashioned and don't understand that mixed-gender groups can have regular fun together.
  • Question
    What kind of games and food should I brin
    Community Answer
    Something that everybody can enjoy! If you know that all your friends love horror movies, bring your scariest ones. But if you really like a game that not everybody gets, it might be best to leave it at home.
  • Question
    If you think your the only girl going to the sleepover what should you expect
    Community Answer
    First, you should ask so you aren't nervous or surprised. If you are the only girl and you aren't comfortable with that, you don't have to go. If you're worried about being made fun of, tell them your parents won't let you. If you are okay with going, let your friends know what you expect and be sure to keep your phone handy in case you want to go home.
  • Question
    What happens if you want to have a sleepover with 6 girls(not including me) and 1 guy since i only have one guy friend that's rlly close
    Community Answer
    Invite him, he's your friend! He might not feel comfortable being the only guy, but let him know you want him to be there and he'll probably come.
  • Question
    What if you want to invite your crush and his friends but all your girl friends know you like your crush? Is it ok to still invite him?
    Community Answer
    Sure! Your friends might tease you a little, but they want you to spend time with your crush! Just be careful not to let things get out of hand, and don't do anything you don't feel ready for yet.
  • Question
    Should I supply condoms or advise guests to bring their own? Mom says that the girls should bring them to be sure the boys wear them is that ok.
    Community Answer
    If you think there might be sex at your sleepover, tell you friends to bring condoms. If you want to provide them, you can, but make sure that your friends don't feel pressured into doing anything.
  • Question
    What could you do for games for a boy and girl at 10 years old
    Community Answer
    Board games like Apples to Apples or Oregon Trail are fun. You could also try karaoke, two-player video games, and even games like hide and seek or tag.
  • Question
    I am a boy and im having a sleepover with a girl were ten and wondering what some kid stuff to do
    Community Answer
    Think about what she likes to do! If she likes playing video games or karaoke, you can plan that. Don't be afraid to just ask her what she'd like to do too.
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    What if they ask you about sex?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. If you don't feel ready or aren't interested in the person, just tell them so gently and act like nothing is wrong. If you feel like you're ready, you can make the best decision for yourself.
  • Question
    Can you still have boy girl sleepover when you are going through puberty?
    Community Answer
    Sure, if your parents are okay with it. They might want you to wait until you're a little older, but there's nothing wrong with the idea.
  • Question
    What about naked sleepovers?
    Community Answer
    If you live alone and your friends are into the idea, go for it! Don't pressure anyone and be sure to talk to anyone you live with before you plan this.
  • Question
    My son keeps getting invited to a girl visiting another girl sleep over, usually after he was asked if he would join her on a not date. I think she is using him as a body guard 5'11" and then visits
    Community Answer
    If you don't want your son to sleep over at a girl's house, you don't have to allow it. As for the girl using him, it really depends on how he feels about it. Some boys are just fine being platonic friends with girls or being their protector.
  • Question
    What kind of game should we play
    Community Answer
    It depends on what kind of games you and your friends like. Some social groups love games like Truth or Dare or Never Have I Ever, but others would rather enjoy a board game or a first-person shooter together. Think about what you do with your friends when you hang out--you can do the same stuff at a sleepover!
  • Question
    is there any fun activities for teen parties??
    Community Answer
    You could plan a craft activity like making your own face masks or bath bombs--even boys will often like these! You can also play a group video game, try Truth or Dare, or do karaoke.
  • Question
    I am worried that the boys might spread germs
    Community Answer
    Talk to your guests about hygiene and house rules when you invite them. If you aren't okay with people wearing shoes or messing up the bathroom or not showering in your house, it's fine to say so!
  • Question
    What music are we going to dance to?
    Community Answer
    Try a streaming site and pick out a Top Hits playlist. That way, if people don't like it, you can say it's not your playlist. Let people change the music to whatever they want.
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