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Q&A for How to Hug a Girl
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QuestionI messed up my first hug with my girlfriend. We both hugged above the shoulders, but I think she wanted me to hug below the waist.This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerDon't worry about it, and try again! Getting to know another person's hugging habits takes some practice.
QuestionMy girlfriend is just going to walk up to me and hug me, how do I hug her back?Community AnswerJust keep it natural. She's your girlfriend! Keep your hands on the back of her waist if she intends to keep hers on your shoulders. Lean in closely and maybe even give a light kiss on her cheek or neck. Hug her tight and never be the first one to back away. Don't worry about it too much.
QuestionHow do I get a girl to notice me if I am quiet?Community AnswerTry and get to hang around her more, and maybe be a little less quiet. Try and make friends with her too. This might surprise you, but a lot of girls find shy boys to be cute.
QuestionWould it be awkward if I hugged a girl from behind and then kissed her on the cheek while still hugging her?Community AnswerIf it's a girl you know well, such as your girlfriend, it wouldn't be awkward to do this unless she isn't fond of physical contact. Hugging from behind and kissing her on the cheek is a sweet and intimate thing to do. If you mean would it be an awkward position, then quite possibly if she doesn't turn her head toward you, so wait for the right moment. And if you meant could you do this to just any girl, then no, that would be awkward as this is definitely and intimate gesture.
QuestionHow do I hug a girl I like, as support, not to show that I like her?Community AnswerHug her like you mean it, but don't hug for too long otherwise she'll think you're trying to be too intimate.
QuestionHow can I hug a girl to show that I like her?Community AnswerMake sure that you are comfortable with her and she is comfortable with you. Wait until you are leaving her or something good happens, then open your arms to hug her and move closer.
QuestionHow do I hug my girlfriend without startling her?Community AnswerHug her when you are in a relaxed environment, like at home or a quiet area. Move slowly so you do not scare her.
QuestionThere is a girl that I like and she likes me back, but when do I know when the time is right to hug her?Community AnswerStart off by holding hands maybe. Or maybe when you say hi or bye, just casually hug her.
QuestionThis girl I have a crush on used to have a crush on me back. We got into an argument because I was mad that she hugged many other guys. She eventually said, "If you wanted to hug me, then you should of gathered up the courage and did it before others did." Should I hug her?Community AnswerIt sounds like the opportunity has passed for you.
QuestionTold a girl I like her but she says she's not interested. How can I hug and peck her?Community AnswerIf she's not interested, I don't recommend trying to touch her. Give her some space, but continue to be friendly.
QuestionI just hugged my girlfriend for the first couple of times today, how would I move in for a kiss on the cheek or lips?Community AnswerI would wrap one arm around her waist, and with the other hand, cup her cheek and kiss her right on her lips. Make sure to close your eyes and don't kiss with tongue until your relationship is a little more advanced.
QuestionWhat do I do if she hugs me for longer than I intended?Community AnswerJust slowly start to let go when you feel you want the hug to be done, and otherwise, just wait 'til she's done. It's no big deal, and you shouldn't say anything. It might mean she really likes you or she just really needed a hug.
QuestionWould it be a good idea to get her something and then hug her?Community AnswerYes. After receiving a gift, a girl may even thank you by giving you a hug.
QuestionCan I use a hug to show her that I miss her? If yes, how?I like sushiTop AnswererHug her when you see her and tell her how much you have missed her. The best way is to just be direct.
QuestionWhat if the girl doesn't want me to hug her even though I want to hug?Community AnswerThen do not hug her. Sometimes our impulses are hard to contain, but consent matters in all things. I know a hug doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but to some it may be, and everyone should have the choice of whether or not to be touched.
QuestionThis girl wanted to hug me once, but I was nervous so I didn't hug her back. I like her, will she still like me?Community AnswerThere's a good chance she still likes you. You should be bold and approach her and ask for a hug. You could also say, "Sorry about the other day when I didn't hug you, you just caught me off guard."
QuestionHow should I hug a girl who is not much of a communicator?I like sushiTop AnswererJust ask her if you can hug her. If she says no, politely tell her that you understand. If she says yes, go for it!
QuestionHow do I hug a girl without making her feel uncomfortable?Community AnswerIf you don't want to make her uncomfortable, ask her first, "Is it okay if I give you a hug?" Then just follow the instructions in the article to hug her, or do whatever comes naturally in the moment.
QuestionIs it inappropriate for me to hug a girl's butt?Community AnswerMore than likely, yes, it is inappropriate. Hugging someone's butt has serious sexual implications that might very well make a girl uncomfortable.
QuestionHow can you hug a girl in a way that is not sexually suggestive?Community AnswerDon't hang on too long, or the hug will "automatically" become sexually suggestive. Also, keep your hands near the top of her back, in between her shoulder blades, generally avoiding both the small of her back and her neck, along with any other potential erogenous zones.
QuestionShould I put my head to the left or right when I hug a girl?Community AnswerDo whatever feels natural in the moment. Move slowly so you do not knock your heads together. If you move your head to the left, she will naturally move her head to the right, and vice versa.
QuestionAt what age should people start dating?I like sushiTop AnswererIt completely depends on the person and their beliefs/preferences. Some people aren't comfortable with dating until they are much older.
QuestionOur relationship ended because of a misunderstanding. Now I want to get her back. Is it OK to hug her?I like sushiTop AnswererDo not hug a girl without her permission. Hugging might just make it more awkward, especially if the relationship ended on bad terms.
QuestionHow can I hug a girl that I like (I'm in middle school)?Community AnswerIf you and she are in the same after-school program, when you are leaving, you can give a "See you later hug".
QuestionIf I hug a girl, can I have sex with her?Community AnswerNo, absolutely not. Hugging a girl does not mean you can have sex with her.
QuestionHow hard should I hug my girlfriend?Community AnswerA good, strong hug can make a girl feel safe and loved, but too hard and she will feel crushed or suffocated. Her response, positive or negative, will guide you.
QuestionI am generally very close with this girl, but we are not dating. I wrap my arms around her, pull her in and give her a squeeze. She doesn't complain and she smiles when we hug. She doesn't mind these hugs; is it acceptable?I like sushiTop AnswererAs long as both of you are comfortable with the hug, then it is acceptable. It sounds perfectly fine.
QuestionI hug a friend by wrapping one arm around her neck and patting her back, and don't do anything using the other arm. Is it OK if I place my other arm around her waist or her back?FrozenBoxGamingCommunity AnswerThe waist one would be more if you are dating or a close friend. The back should be OK, though.
QuestionI like this girl, but she does not know it yet. I'm dropping hints. How should I hug her to make her like me a bit more than friends?MirandaCommunity AnswerTalk to the girl first. Some girls don't like to be hugged immediately.
QuestionHow can I hug a girl who doesn't know I like her?Community AnswerYou shouldn't. If you are not in a relationship with her yet, don't hug her. It will make you and the girl feel awkward and she might start to dislike you. Try building a relationship with her first.
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