Q&A for How to Hug a Girl Who Is Shorter Than You

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    How do I let a guy know I want to be lifted up?
    Community Answer
    Either just tell him, or get up on your toes and carefully lean a bit of weight onto him.
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    My boyfriend is 8.2 inches taller than me. It's difficult for me to reach his shoulders. Is it still intimate if I hug him around his chest/high waist area?
    Community Answer
    I think it's fine to hug his waist, and he probably will too. You could also ask him to lift you up.
  • Question
    My boyfriend is eight inches taller than I am. How can I hug him without being awkward?
    Maleah Moon
    Community Answer
    Try to stand on the tips of your toes, so you don't come in contact with any areas that are "off limits." Or, just wrap one arm around his waist and give him a side hug.
  • Question
    I am about 5 inches taller than my girlfriend. I always engage first, so my arms are under hers, but that makes for an awkward hug since she is short. What should I do?
    Ashlyn Bibby
    Community Answer
    Try hugging her around the shoulders, or upper arm just below the shoulders.
  • Question
    What if she is just a few inches shorter?
    Community Answer
    You can hug her normally. This article applies to large height differentials.
  • Question
    How do I make my crush want to hug me?
    Community Answer
    You should just ask them for a hug. Try a side hug to begin with. Just bring it up casually, say something like, "Ugh, I've had a long day. Can I have a hug?"
  • Question
    I'm about 6 inches taller then my girlfriend, and she always wants to hug me, but she always tries to put her arms around my neck. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try telling her how you want to be hugged. Communication is the key in every relationship.
  • Question
    Is a girl going to ask me to pick her up when I'm hugging her?
    Community Answer
    Rarely. If she's your SO, then you will know whether she wants to be lifted up or not.
  • Question
    What would a guy about nine inches taller than his girlfriend do to hug well?
    Community Answer
    When you hug her, bend down so she can reach your more easily, then what you'd want to do is open your arms a bit to signal you want a hug or are offering one. After that, if she holds onto you, and if she is comfortable with it, nuzzle your nose into her neck a little.
  • Question
    What if I'm to scared to ask my boyfriend to lift me up when were hugging because he's a foot taller then me? What do I say or do?
    Community Answer
    You could come on straight up and say, "Will you lift me?" or just get on your tippie toes and gently lean your weight on him. If it doesn't work, just ask, the worst thing that can happen is he says no.
  • Question
    How does the girl hug a guy from behind if he is like a foot taller?
    Community Answer
    You would get on your tippie toes and hug him around his waist area. Do not lower your arms or else it might become awkward when you feel a slight change elevation. Slightly rest your head onto his back. Make sure you know he is comfortable with it. If he jerks forward, step back from the hug.
  • Question
    Is girl’s-head-on-guy’s-chest kind of hug considered as intimate hug? I hug my boss this way, and I don’t want other people to think I hug him inappropriately.
    Top Answerer
    That can be a very intimate hug, but this will also depend on other factors: how long the hug lasts, context, how normal hugging is in your work environment, etc. If you're really worried about your coworkers thinking it inappropriate, a more casual hug would be a side hug.
  • Question
    How do I know if my girlfriend wants to get picked up?
    Doom Fan 93
    Community Answer
    She may lean on you a little, if she does, ask her if she wants to be picked up.
  • Question
    My girlfriend is 13 inches shorter than me. How do I hug her really tightly?
    Doom Fan 93
    Community Answer
    Ask her to sit down on a chair or couch, stand on a stool or pick her up.
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