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Q&A for How to Keep Your Private Parts Clean
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QuestionWhat is the clear stuff I keep finding in my underwear?IBuddyCommunity AnswerIt's vaginal discharge, a normal part of growing up. If it is flowing in large amounts or has a strange color or a pungent odor, please consult a doctor.
QuestionIs my discharge supposed to have a smell?Community AnswerThere might be a slight scent normally, but if your discharge has a strong odor, you likely have an infection and need antibiotics.
QuestionI am an 11-year-old girl. What is the white discharge I am finding in my panties?Community AnswerNo need to worry about that. It is your normal vaginal discharge that comes out after it's done cleaning itself (yes it does that) so that's just the waste that comes out. If it makes you uncomfortable, wear a panty liner.
QuestionWhy do I have a bad smell coming from the vagina just after bathing?Community AnswerYou may be over-cleaning it, causing a pH imbalance which makes the smell worse. You may also have a bacterial infection or a yeast infection. Sometimes, you can balance the pH again by cleaning your vagina only once a day for a week. If the smell persists, see a doctor.
QuestionIs it OK to shave my pubic hair with a razor?Community AnswerYes. Always be careful with the razor blade; make sure it's sharp and not rusty or dull, because rust and dull blades can lead to infection, plus they won't be as effective on the hair. Sometimes it helps to shave after a shower or bath, since the pores in your skin will be more open, but this also means it will be easier to cut yourself.
QuestionWhenever I shave my public area, the skin gets really rough and stings a little when touched. Is this normal? Do I need to moisturize?Community AnswerMake sure to rinse with cold water after shaving to close your pores and moisturize when you get out. One way to stop razor burn is to use an UNSCENTED deodorant on your pubic mound, but no lower.
QuestionShould I shampoo and condition my pubic hairs?Community AnswerNo, it's not necessary, though some people who shave the area apply conditioner beforehand. This is just to make the shaving easier and limit razor burn.
QuestionWhat is the white stuff coming out in my privates?IBuddyCommunity AnswerMost likely vaginal discharge. That is normal.
QuestionMy vagina smells like pee all the time. What do I do? This is very embarrassing.Community AnswerWash it properly every day (instructions are provided in the article). Make sure you're wiping adequately (but gently) after using the bathroom and using enough toilet paper. If this doesn't help, you might want to consult a doctor.
QuestionIs it better to shave down or up when using a razor?Community AnswerGo with the grain, which means follow the natural direction in which your pubic hair grows.
QuestionHow I can remove hair from my private parts?Community AnswerWaxing, shaving, or laser hair removal. Waxing and laser are the most painful but effective; shaving may cause a large amount of irritation.
QuestionI'm really freaking out over the white stuff coming out of my vagina. I'm 15. What should I do?IBuddyCommunity AnswerDon't worry. It's just vaginal discharge. Most women have it. If it is in such a high amount that it concerns you, see a doctor.
QuestionI'm 12 years old and don't have pubic hair. How can I still smell good?Community AnswerPubic hair doesn't make you smell good, enjoy having none while you can. Just wash with soap as usual.
QuestionI have a lot of hairs on my vagina and they are growing and growing. It is really irritating for me. I even cut them once with scissors, but they grew more. What to do?AbigailAbernathyTop AnswererIt is your normal public hair. Everyone has it. If you cut it, it will grow back over time, just like hair on your head. Feel free to keep trimming it as needed. Or you could shave, or have it waxed (which has the longest-lasting results).
QuestionI'm getting these bumps on my private area, and it makes me smell. How do I get rid of them?Community AnswerThey are most likely just razor burns or ingrown hair, and they should go away on their own with time. Just continue to practice good hygiene. Having some smell in that area is also normal and probably nothing to worry about. If you are worried, see a doctor.
QuestionI'm 11 years old, is there an age requirement for trimming or shaving pubic hair?Community AnswerNo, but you should know that you have to be extremely careful. You could really hurt yourself with scissors or a razor. It would be best to talk this over with an adult before trying it, or at the very least do some research about how to trim/shave the area properly and safely.
QuestionIs vaginal discharge a thing every girl has? When will it go away?Community AnswerYes. Vaginal discharge is something every girl has. It usually begins around 2 years before your period, and it begins to get heavier around 3-6 months before it. Discharge is an integral part of the way your vagina cleans itself, so it does not go away. You can wear panty liners if it really bothers you.
QuestionCan you use witch hazel on the groin area?Community AnswerTo an extent, yes, but caution is advised. Witch hazel can cause irritation and burning, which may be very painful, to the genitalia. Only use witch hazel on the pubic mound. Opt for a pure witch hazel solution, as many have alcohol added to them, which can contribute to irritation.
QuestionIs it okay to use pantyliner every day?AbigailAbernathyTop AnswererYes, just make sure you change it regularly.
QuestionHow can I stop odor of the privates completely?Community AnswerIf you are female, you should wash your privates twice each day with water. Try not to use any soap; if you must use soap, use an odorless formula intended for infants or sensitive skin. You can also wear panty liners, but be sure to change them once or twice a day. If you are male, you should wash your privates twice daily with soap and warm water, including your scrotum. Wear fresh underwear daily.
QuestionHow do I know if it's my soap that is causing an infection in my private parts?Community AnswerNever use soap or anything on your genitals. Only wash with water. You will likely get a yeast infection because of the bacteria that builds on your soap, and because the soap will kill any good bacteria on your vagina. Signs of infection include: if your discharge smells and is chunky, if there are rashes, swelling, or if it is crusty at all. And learn to refer to your genitals by their proper names, they are no different from other body parts and confusion about what you mean can lead to medical and safety problems.
QuestionHow can I clean underwear with discharge on it?Community AnswerWash them as you would wash your other clothes. If that doesn't work, pre-treat with a stain remover spray.
QuestionIs applying soap on the red part under the foreskin of the penis is dangerous or healthy?RakhilCommunity AnswerIt's neither dangerous or unhealthy. It simply causes the penis to dry out fast when exposed to air.
QuestionIs it able to remove pubic hair completely with the help of razor?Community AnswerYes, but make sure you rinse with cold water to close the pores and moisturize your areas after you shave.
QuestionI am light skinned, and my vagina is extremely dark. I know it's supposed to have a darker color, but it's darker than the normal. How can I lighten the color? Is bleaching safe?Community AnswerAbsolutely not. Skin lightening/bleaching products are unsafe in general, you definitely don't want to use them on such a sensitive area. Some women have very dark vaginas. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, and there's really nothing you can do about it, so please just try to accept and love your body the way it is.
QuestionI sometimes feel irritation in my pubic region. Is this normal?Community AnswerYes. You can use a gentle lotion or medicated powder to soothe the irritation.
QuestionI am 12 and I always see a yellow thing on my underwear. What should I do?Galaxy of EvolutionCommunity AnswerIf you are a girl it's called vaginal discharge. It's just apart of the cycle, so don't be surprised.
QuestionIs it normal to have a lot of pubic hair at 12?Community AnswerYes! Everyone develops pubic hair at different times, but 12 is a perfectly normal age for it.
QuestionWhat does it mean if after you take a shower you smell like fish?Community AnswerIt means your ph balance is off and you may have a bacterial infection. Check with a doctir for treatment.
QuestionIs it okay to clean my vagina with baby wipes?AbigailAbernathyTop AnswererAbsolutely!
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