Q&A for How to Keep a Rabbit in an Apartment

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    Are dwarf bunnies good pets for my kids?
    Community Answer
    Bunnies do not usually like to be cuddled, carried around or played with (bunnies are prey animals and are more careful and scared than predator animals like cats and dogs). Since they are also very fragile, they are not an ideal pet for small children. When the children are older, bunnies can be a nice pet since they are not that hard to be taken care of, but please do research about space and food requirements. If the children want a pet to cuddle and play with, a cat or dog might be more suitable.
  • Question
    Is it fine if I buy one rabbit instead of two? I only work 2 times a week and have plenty of time to keep a rabbit in my room, where I spend most of my time.
    Community Answer
    Yes, it sounds like your rabbit would be fine without a companion, as long as you're committed to giving it plenty of attention every day.
  • Question
    Can I keep my first rabbit just in a room with myself, and what gender is better to purchase for a small apartment?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can keep her in a room with yourself, but provide all the needed care and health-support. Either gender will do, but male rabbits tend to be friendlier than females.
  • Question
    What food is best?
    Community Answer
    Timothy hay, leafy greens, a little bit of fruit, and some pellets are the best foods for rabbits.
  • Question
    Is it okay to have a rabbit in a small apartment?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is perfectly fine to have a rabbit in a small apartment as long as you are taking proper care of it.
  • Question
    Can I put my rabbit in the kitchen?
    Community Answer
    Not the best or most sanitary place. A bedroom or living room would be better.
  • Question
    What can I use to make a rabbit's cage?
    Community Answer
    Rabbits do best in exercise pens, where they can stand and jump, rather than cages.
  • Question
    My son found a baby rabbit outside. Its nest had been destroyed and its brother was dead. Could we raise it like a bought rabbit?
    Community Answer
    No, but you could foster it until it is grown enough to be released back into the wild. Consult a local vet or animal rescue about the proper way to do this.
  • Question
    I don't have a cage, and my rabbit will jump out of her box. How do I keep her in her box, while I'm at school and stuff?
    Community Answer
    Try closing the box and cutting air holes on the top and on the sides of the box.
  • Question
    Do female rabbits have periods?
    Community Answer
    Rabbits do not menstruate or routinely ovulate like humans do. Ovulation is only stimulated by mating. I would recommend having your doe (female) spayed, as this will reduce risks of health issues such as several cancers of the uterus and ovaries.
  • Question
    Is it okay to keep my rabbit in my room?
    Community Answer
    Yes, and they will likely love the company of having you in the same room as them. Just make sure to keep their cage tidy, or else your room may start to smell.
  • Question
    Can a rabbit and a guinea pig be in the same cage?
    Community Answer
    No. Rabbits don't get along with guinea pigs, and usually end up bullying them. You should never house more than one species together.
  • Question
    Can rabbits drink milk safely?
    Community Answer
    Yes but only from their mother. After the baby rabbit is weaned, start introducing hay for food and water for drinking.
  • Question
    At what age can I introduce vegetables?
    Community Answer
    You can introduce small amounts of vegetables and fruits at around 3 months old. It is important that you do introduce vegetables occasionally and only in small amounts.
  • Question
    What kind of rabbits is suggested for kids ( 7-11 )?
    Community Answer
    Himalayan rabbits are one of the best choices, of the breeds available, for children. They are renowned for being laid-back, gentle, friendly and curious. They are beautiful in appearance and love to cuddle, rarely ever known to bite or scratch.
  • Question
    Do bunnies/rabbits or their poop smell as bad as everyone says?
    Community Answer
    Rabbits do smell, like all animals, but not that greatly. Just make sure to clean the rabbit’s cage regularly and/or put fans to blow the smell away if needed, and you’ll be okay.
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