Q&A for How to Know the Right Age to Get Married

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    Am I too young to get married at 20 years old?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. As the article says, there is no universally right (or wrong) age to get married. It depends on you and your relationship and your general situation. If you've been together a few years and are both really convinced about it, go ahead. Just make sure it's a clearly thought-out decision, per the guidelines in the article.
  • Question
    What do I do if I have been dating a man for five years and every time I talk about marriage he becomes angry?
    Community Answer
    He's sounds like he's not ready for marriage. You need to have an honest discussion with him about what each of your expectations are for the relationship, and take your cues from there.
  • Question
    I am 24 years old. Can I marry?
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    Can I stop having sex with my partner, but still date?
    Community Answer
    That would depend on your partner's attitude toward sex. Talk it over with them, if they are okay with it, then yes. Regardless of their attitude, never let anyone coerce or manipulate you into having sex that you don't want.
  • Question
    When should a man get married?
    Community Answer
    When he wants to spend the rest of his life with the person he is in love with.
  • Question
    Can I marry someone who is 9 years older than me?
    Community Answer
    Yes, why not? Age doesn't matter as long as the maturity and positive qualities are there.
  • Question
    I just met her on social media, but she is interested in marrying me, is that okay?
    Community Answer
    If you haven't met her in real life yet, this is a huge red flag, she might be trying to scam you in some way. If you have met her, it's still probably too soon. Take some time to really get to know her first, introduce her to your friends, family, etc. and see how you feel in a few months.
  • Question
    Wht is the best age for a person to get married?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    From a cultural point of view, marriage was invented to make sure that whoever makes a woman pregnant also takes care of the offspring. Which is cutting a lot of corners, of course. If a woman's natural age to have her first child is say 22, and a stable marriage is required, then marriage as of 20 is good. However, in this day and age, the only right age to get married is however old you are when, after careful consideration, you decide you want to get married. In other words, you can get married at any age you want. Unless you're a minor, of course.
  • Question
    How long should I date someone before considering marriage?
    Community Answer
    Don't think about it in terms of time frame. It's more about how you connect with the person and how much you enjoy spending time with them. Sometimes you only have to know someone for a month.
  • Question
    Is it wrong to feel bad about being older than my boyfriend?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't say it's "wrong," but it's not necessary. As long as both of you are of legal age and the relationship is consensual, then age differences are fine.
  • Question
    As a man, can I marry a woman who is considerably older than me?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely, there is no problem here. However, if you want to have kids, try to ensure that your future wife/partner is a good deal under 40, to ensure that she is fertile. Otherwise, there is no reason why it wouldn't work provided you're both compatible, in love and prepared to deal with the generational differences.
  • Question
    How can I find a good spouse at the correct time?
    Community Answer
    There is no 'correct time'. The correct time to get married, as the article explains, is simply whenever you've been in a relationship with someone long enough and are both convinced about wanting to get married and have thought the decision through. And you shouldn't jump into thinking about marriage before you're even in a relationship. You need to find a good boyfriend/girlfriend first. There are many ways to go about that, and it can take a number of tries to find the right person. See How to Get a Boyfriend or How to Get a Girlfriend .
  • Question
    At what age can I get married?
    Community Answer
    Generally speaking, 18 years of age. Some states will allow marriages younger with parental consent.
  • Question
    Do appearance matter in a relationship?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the person. For most people, appearance matters to some degree, but personality compatibility matters more. Younger people without much relationship experience or emotional intelligence are more likely to prioritize appearances. If appearance doesn't matter to you, that's totally fine. You should find someone whose priorities for a relationship are compatible with your own.
  • Question
    Can I marry a girl with a baby?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If the two of you love each other, and you love her baby, there's no reason not to.
  • Question
    At what age can I get married?
    Community Answer
    In some states, you can get married at 16.
  • Question
    Why it is they say 23 is too young to get married, and wait until 28?
    Community Answer
    Because people change a lot in their twenties. Facts are, the younger you get married, the more likely it may end in divorce.
  • Question
    What should I do if my significant other does not want me to tell her parents that we want to get married?
    Community Answer
    Respect her wishes.
  • Question
    I'm 30 and have no job or real money. Can I still get married?
    Community Answer
    You could, but it's more convenient, advisable and safe in the long run to have a good financial standing. Money accounts for more than half of marital breakdowns recorded.
  • Question
    What can I do if my girlfriends parents dislike me?
    Community Answer
    Just go about your life and anything connected to it in a mature manner. Be polite to them as much as you can, even when they are intolerable. For all you know, they might just be pretending to dislike you in order to find out your true motives with their daughter.
  • Question
    My cousin met someone on Facebook, and the lady she met is 24 and my cousin is 26. My problem is that they haven't seen each other in real life and the lady is talking about marriage.
    Community Answer
    Obviously they should meet in person before even thinking about getting married. Ask your cousin if they've talked to this lady on FaceTime, Skype, etc., i.e. do they have any proof that she is who she says she is? You can also try calmly expressing your concern that things are moving a little too fast, but ultimately it's your cousin's choice how she proceeds in this relationship.
  • Question
    Can I marry the person who is two years older than me? I am a lady.
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can marry a person older than you. Couples can be older or younger. They should be adults and in their marriageable age before marrying though.
  • Question
    Is it good to marry a who is 20 years older than me?
    Community Answer
    If you both see a future that you both desire and life seems as happy and healthy as possible with each other, you may decide to go ahead with someone who is 20 years older than you. Weigh up the pros and cons and how age affects the two of you and then decide. It may also help to talk with friends and family about your feelings and any concerns.
  • Question
    Does age matter we get married?
    Community Answer
    If two people love each other and feel happy with other, their age doesn't matter. However, if the age difference is deliberately sought to fill a gap in your life or family, such as to gain a father-figure or a daughter-figure, then it might be akin to a lie. It really depends on the circumstances and the motivations of the persons intending to get married.
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