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Q&A for How to Learn About Islam
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QuestionMy Muslim friend asked me to convert. Is it ok if I do it because he asked me to?Community AnswerYou should only become a Muslim if you truly believe in the teachings of the religion.
QuestionI love Allah and I want to convert to Islam, but I don't know how I can or where to go for it. Any advice?Community AnswerRead How to Become a Muslim . You can meet a local Masjid Imam to help you to convert. Also, if you have friends who are Muslim they can help you to convert to Islam. The local Imam will help you to learn more about the religion and practice in daily life!
QuestionIf I am a teen and believe Islam is right for me, does my whole family have to convert in order for me to convert?Community AnswerNo, nobody else besides you needs to convert.
QuestionHow can I teach a non-Muslim about Islam?Community AnswerBe patient. Go slow, teach them about Allah, then the prophets and angels, then the celebrations and rules of Islam. Teach them what they should and shouldn't do!
QuestionHow do I fit in time for prayer during work?Community AnswerYou must pray on time. Allot time to pray. Ask the management to help you, they should be flexible. Otherwise, change your work hours, job, or contact higher management.
QuestionWhat is the meaning of a tasbih?Community AnswerIt is a form of dhikr that can be done anytime, usually after prayer, in which you recite praises for Allah.
QuestionHow do I become a Muslim without leaving my parents?Community AnswerYou can become a Muslim without leaving your parents. Contact a local imam or masjid for direction.
QuestionWould a child be accepted by their family and into the Muslim community if he/she converts?Community AnswerThe Muslim community is very welcoming. With regard to his family, this would depend on the relationship he/she has with them, as well as their own religious beliefs.
QuestionI'm a Christian and my boyfriend is a Muslim and I want to join Islam, what are the rules?Community AnswerMake sure you accept Islam from your heart and that no one has forced you to accept. All you need to do is recite shahada, which is "Ash-hadu anla elaha illa-Allah wa ash-hadu anna Mohammadan rasul-Allah." The translation is, "I bear witness that there is no deity (none truly to be worshiped) but Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah." Once you recite this with true intentions you will become a Muslim. Try to learn basic things like praying, fasting, etc. and implement them in your life.
QuestionI'm confused about what plagues Allah sent to Egypt in what order. I heard the last plague was the Nile turning into blood, but another source said it was the firstborn of Egypt being killed.SobiTop AnswererAccording to the Bible the last plague was the firstborn being killed, but the last sign mentioned in the Qur'an in chapter 7 verse 133 is water turning into blood.
QuestionI have a friend wanting to convert to Islam, does he have to change his name?Community AnswerIf his name does not have a bad meaning, such as Ben, John, or David, then it's perfectly OK. If the name is otherwise inappropriate, then he should change it.
QuestionCan I become a Muslim before speaking to an imam?Community AnswerYes, absolutely. If your heart is content to convert and you have learned shahadah, you can go ahead by yourself or get help from a local imam. (It's better to go through an imam.)
QuestionI have strong faith, but I am a gay man. Is that a problem?Community AnswerIt is a problem, but remember Allah's mercy is bigger than any obstacle. You can pray to Him to help you and guide you. Avoid acting upon your urges and remember Heaven where all wishes will be granted. Stay blessed.
QuestionCan a non-Muslim marry a Muslim?Naheemat OyekanmiCommunity AnswerThe non-Muslim must convert before getting married to the Muslim as it is stated in the Qur'an.
QuestionWhy did Musa forgive the 70 leaders before Allah did? Is it a sin to be curious about this?SobiTop AnswererHe did not forgive them; he commanded them to ask for forgiveness from Allah. As a Messenger, he could only preach the message, but he had no power. The 70 elites did not believe the message, and they were killed by Allah's thunderbolt; however, Musa (peace be upon him) prayed for forgiveness and they were resurrected, continuing their journey toward the promised land.
QuestionI have a Christian boyfriend and don't want to leave my religion. What do I do?Community AnswerAccording to Islamic law, Muslim women are forbidden from marrying non-Muslim men. If you are concerned with adhering to these laws, then either you have to break up with him, or he will need to convert eventually. If he is unwilling to convert or you are unwilling to end the relationship, then there's nothing to be done other than to keep seeing him and disregard the concerns or criticisms of others.
QuestionAre non-Muslims going to hell according to Islam?Hammad AbdullahCommunity AnswerAccording to Islam, yes. Anyone who doesn't believe in one Allah and the Prophet Muhammad as his final messenger after hearing the true message of Islam is going to hell.
QuestionCan I convert as a teen?Community AnswerYes. Allah accepts everyone, no matter how old or how young. You should absolutely convert if you feel in your heart that this is the best path for you.
QuestionIf I convert to Islam, is it possible to marry a Muslim girl?Community AnswerYes, it is.
QuestionI am a Christian and my fiance is Muslim. He wants to marry me. Is this forbidden?Community AnswerNo, it's not forbidden, and you don't have to convert, but you should be supportive of him and his religion.
QuestionWhat are the rules for gays in Islam?Community AnswerBeing homosexual is strictly forbidden in Islam. Feelings are not a sin. Rather, they are a test from God as to whether or not you will act upon him.
QuestionI was a Christian before, but when I was in Saudi Arabia I started to learn about Islam and I made my Shahada. Is it possible now to continue my learning?Community AnswerYes, it is absolutely possible to hold onto Islam and continue your learning.
QuestionI am a Muslim and I am trying to participate in praying and I lie a lot and I am trying to stop but how can Allan forgive me though? What if I go to hell how can I make Allah forgive me?Community AnswerAllah has lots of mercy and love. For you to acknowledge this, it is Allah putting guidance in you. Make dua that Allah forgives you, and inshallah he will.
QuestionI'm a Muslim and my boyfriend is a Christain and am not sure we would want to convert. What to do?Bat 🦇Top AnswererIf you truly believe in Islam, convert. The both of you should so that you're on the same page. Remember that Islam teaches this life is only temporary, and the Day of Judgement is also called the Day of Regret.
QuestionI want to convert in Islam. So is it okay to eat pork and drink wine?Bat 🦇Top AnswererDoing so is prohibited (sinful) but it will not take you out of the fold of Islam. That is, you will still remain a Muslim (but you cannot say that it is allowed when there are explicit texts in Islam prohibiting pig meat and intoxicants). Consider dropping these habits and adopting healthier ones in place.
QuestionCan I convert if I don’t know much about Islam but believe that Islam is right and am slowly learning?UmmshareefTop AnswererIf you believe in the six basic beliefs of Islam (as outlined in the article) then you should convert immediately by saying the Shahada. Do not worry if your knowledge of Islam is limited at this stage. Learning about Islam is a lifelong duty for all Muslims.
QuestionI like a girl and want to convert her to Islam but she has never thought of converting. How do I persuade her to change?Phantomzx10Community AnswerIntroduce her to the basics of Islam, and slowly emphasize how important it is to you and how much it would mean if she converted. However, do not force her in any way (emotional blackmail, etc.), as that would be meaningless. Make your intentions clear, and respect her decision.
QuestionIf you say the shahada in your head are you Muslim are should you say shahada aloud?Phantomzx10Community AnswerGenerally one should recite the Shahada in the presence of a, or preferably two or more witnesses. It is also customary to celebrate and welcome a convert to their new faith. However, since your Deen is only a matter between you and Allah, inability to get witnesses due to social circumstances etc will not be an obstacle to conversion. What's important is Niyyah (intention, and the promise of everlasting commitment).You should definitely recite it aloud and record it if you absolutely cannot have witnesses. One should try their absolute best to have witnesses (a local mosque for example) as it could also prove vitally helpful for other Muslims, as well as future reference.
QuestionI would really like to convert to Islam, but people make fun of me and say I cannot convert to Islam because I am black.Phantomzx10Community AnswerThose people are blatantly incorrect. Your race is in no way an obstacle to Islam. Despite contrary belief, Islam is very popular among blacks, and they hold considerable importance in Islam, dating all the way back to its origins. If you truly believe in Islam and know that you want to convert, you should absolutely not hold back because of others.
QuestionMy boyfriend is a Muslim and he said that if I wanted to marry him in the future, then I will have to convert to Islam. Can I have some help or advice on this?UmmshareefTop AnswererBoyfriend-girlfriend relationships are strictly forbidden under Islamic law. Your Muslim boyfriend should be well aware of this, so you should be wary of his motives in your situation and stay away from him. You should only convert to Islam if you truly accept its core beliefs, not for the convenience of marrying someone with suspect motives.
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