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Q&A for How to Learn German
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QuestionHow do I learn German fast?Language Academia is a private, online language school founded by Kordilia Foxstone. Kordilia and her team specialize in teaching foreign languages and accent reduction. Language Academia offers courses in several languages, including English, Spanish, and Mandarin.Find a new hobby and try to learn it in German! For example, if your new hobby is learning about cars, you could watch car-related videos and read car-related articles in German.
QuestionIs it possible that I can learn German just by watching videos? I'm following German lessons on YouTube.Community AnswerThat might be helpful, but to learn a language fully you should be speaking the language, too. Continue with your videos, but also speak German whenever you can!
QuestionIs German simply English but with different words? Do you just string these words together?Community AnswerNo, like every other language you cannot substitute every German word with and English word while using English grammar. You have to learn the grammar rules to German and learn the German vocabulary.
QuestionWhich resources do you recommend? I can't find anything!Community AnswerDownload German learning applications on your phone (duolingo is a good one). Also, check in your town for German conversation groups which will improve your skills.
QuestionWhat dictionary do you recommend for a beginner?Community AnswerTry ABBYY Lingvo x5. You can find it online. It shows a lot of examples of word usages, and it easy to use.
QuestionHow do I pronounce neidlich?Sun DonkunCommunity AnswerIf you are English speaker, it's similar to "nide-lich" while this "ch" is similar to "h" in "hue" in British accent.
QuestionDoes "auf wiedershen" mean "goodbye"?Mandana BzCommunity AnswerYes.
QuestionHow do I say "I'm sorry, I did not get that"?Community AnswerThe translation for that is "Entschuldigung, ich habe das nicht verstanden."
QuestionHow do I say "I am fine" in German?Sun DonkunCommunity AnswerSay "Es geht mir gu,t" (ess-geht-meer-goot) or you can switch between "es" and "mir," to "Mir geht es gu,t" or shorten to "Mir geht's gut" to emphasize "mir" (me). Informally, you can simply say "Es geht."
QuestionHow long does it take to learn German?Community AnswerIt depends on how much you want to learn and how you learn. The answer is different depending on the situation.
QuestionHow can I go to Germany?Community AnswerIf you want to go to Germany, you could either book a flight from your country or drive if you live in a nearby European country. However, remember to keep your passport or ID on you while in Germany.
QuestionHow many countries speak German as a primary language?Community AnswerGerman is the official language of Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, and Liechtenstein, although it is commonly spoken in other areas throughout Europe.
QuestionHow am I supposed to find a German friend?Community AnswerYou can find one on social networking sites. Try searching for "Germany" in the search bar.
QuestionWhat does "wie" mean?Mandana BzCommunity Answer"Wie" may mean "as," "such as," "like," "than," "as well as" or "when" in different situations.
QuestionHow do I say "you" in German?Community AnswerIf the person you are speaking to is a friend or child, use "du" (the informal tone). If the person is a teacher, boss, colleague, or another person you respect, use "sie" (the formal tone). If you are addressing a group of people, use "ihr" (the equivalent of "you all" or "ya'll").
QuestionAre there any recommended movies or TV shows in German that I can watch?Community AnswerIn Aller Freundschaft, Tatort, and Tagesschau are all on ard.de and are available to watch in America.
QuestionHow do I say, "What is your name?" in German?Community AnswerYou can either say: "Wie heißt du?" or "Wie ist dein name?" Both of them are totally fine.
QuestionHow do I greet someone in German?Community AnswerYou can say: Guten Tag (Hello/Good day)! Ich heiße [name]. Was heißt du (What is your name)? PRONUNCIATION: goot-in togg! Eek heis-uh [name]. Voss heist doo?
QuestionHow would I know if a word needs die, der, or das?Community AnswerIf German is not your native language, you just have to learn the articles with the words. Otherwise it is almost not possible to assume the article just from the vocabulary.
QuestionIs age a criteria to learn German? I am 37 years old and my native language is Tamil.Galasy4969Top AnswererNo. You can learn a language at any age. However, know that it'll be more difficult for you than if you were younger.
QuestionWhat are the best sites to use on a computer that would help me learn German without revealing any information (Visa, PayPal, etc.)?TorpiTop AnswererDuolingo, Memrise, and the German courses on Deutsche Welle don't require personal information, are free, and are best used in combination with one another. There are also many resources on YouTube (including more videos by DW).
QuestionHow do you say "I know German" in German?TorpiTop Answerer"Ich kann deutsch". This is a good example of the differences between languages - ich kann deutsch" literally means "I can German", but in German this is the set way to say that you know a language. Literally translating "know" in this sentence (either "ich kenne deutsch" or "ich weiß deutsch") would sound as weird to a German speaker as "I can German" does to us.
QuestionHow do I say “What is your full name" in German?Anada MartinezCommunity AnswerThe translation of this question in German is, "Wie lautet Ihr voller Name?"
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