Q&A for How to Live in Your Car

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    What if you plan on staying in a car permanently instead of temporarily?
    Community Answer
    You may have to rent a storage unit for your possessions, as well as a P.O. box so you can receive mail, and you will need to find somewhere to safely park your car, as well as somewhere to bathe regularly.
  • Question
    I may need to start living in my car, but I live in Florida. How can I keep cool and have my windows rolled up?
    Community Answer
    You'll need to block the windows to keep out the sun and park in the shade when at all possible. I would also invest in a small cooler and keep it stocked with ice.
  • Question
    How do I live in my car and live rent free?
    Community Answer
    Kit your car or camper out as the article says, and park near a gym where you won't get bothered. I heard about a woman who did this in LA and saved up $72,000 in 18 months, she pretty much lived at the gym.
  • Question
    How many nights should I staying at the same supermarket parking lot that is open 24/7 before moving to a different location?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't stay in one place for longer than 24 hours, though if you move your car out of the lot for a few hours at a time, you might be able to stretch that a little.
  • Question
    Where can I stay?
    Community Answer
    Consider pulling your back seats down and your front passenger's seat, if possible. This will make much more space for you.
  • Question
    What should I use as a physical address when living in my car?
    Community Answer
    The UPS Store will rent you a mailbox with a physical address with 2 forms of ID.
  • Question
    Would this be suitable for two adults?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It's much better to have a companion for safety and to break the monotonous boredom at times. Like the old but true saying goes, "Two heads are better than one."
  • Question
    What should you say when family members and friends ask you where you're staying?
    Community Answer
    There's no shame in living in a car. Tell them that the situation is only temporary, and you'll be back on your feet soon. Tell them the truth. These are your family members and friends we're talking about. If they really care about you, then they'll understand.
  • Question
    We live in our van in Arizona and don't have much money. Is there a place we can stay and get help?
    Community Answer
    Slab City can be very resourceful. It is a community of van dwellers and travelers who are well-connected to the larger community.
  • Question
    How can I survive sleeping in the car if it is really cold outside and the windows are rolled down and I don't have a blanket with me?
    Community Answer
    Use a sleeping bag. You can get one that is comfortable as far down as 30°F cheaply at Walmart. Obviously itgets much colder in a lot of places so you can get a warmer, more expensive one, wrap a blanket over the bag, or, probably the best solution, dress warmly inside the bag. Some kind of thermal underwear would be best as you don't want to be overly bulked up in there, especially as you'll be in a sleeping bag in a car and already struggling to move and stay comfortable. Also remember to have something to cover your head with. A warm hat and scarf are a good start, and a hoodie can be good too. Then drape a coat over your face to keep it warm. If possible, hang something over the open windows, like a towel or old thermal drapes from a thrift store.
  • Question
    Can't I just use the bathroom at gas stations and other 24-hour places?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the place and its policies. Some places want you to buy something first, and others will tell you that their restrooms aren't open to the public
  • Question
    Is there anything that I can use to keep cool during the summer time at night?
    Community Answer
    Wear light clothing, crack all the windows a little bit, and have a wet cloth or towel to put on your face as needed.
  • Question
    I will have to stay in my minivan for a few weeks and I live on the east coast where it's the dead of winter. Can I keep my heat on while my car is idling overnight?
    Top Answerer
    If you keep your car idling overnight, the battery might die and you'd need a jump. Also, if there is snow covering your exhaust pipe, you run the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning which is lethal, especially if you're asleep.
  • Question
    Do you have any tips for when we cannot run the A/C and the van gets over 100 degrees?
    Community Answer
    Your best bet is to park under shade and roll down windows; if you have a sunroof, roll down that. too.
  • Question
    What if I have a child or infant with me?
    Community Answer
    It probably wouldn't be a good idea to live like this with a child or infant. The best thing would be to try and find a family member or friend that would be willing to care for the child, if not invite you into their house as well.
  • Question
    Would it be dangerous for my hamster to live in my car with me?
    Community Answer
    Hamsters overheat fairly easily, so yes, it would be pretty dangerous if you ever left the hamster in the car on days when the temperature was even remotely warm (it gets very hot very quickly inside a car).
  • Question
    What if I have a bunny? Can I keep her with me in the car?
    Community Answer
    No. It is unsafe and inhumane to keep an animal inside of a car at all times. Your bunny would likely get sick and possibly die as a result.
  • Question
    Can I sleep in my car in a place where semis park for the night?
    Community Answer
    Yes, most truck stops allow you to sleep in your vehicle overnight. I've even slept at lake parks for many weeks at a time.
  • Question
    How do I deal with having no bathroom when I live in my car?
    Community Answer
    Like the article said, you can use a bucket, and to wash your hands, keep a small rag or a soapy rag handy.
  • Question
    What are some tips for living in a car with a dog? I have a job but I'm currently going through a rough patch, what can I do with my dog when I am at work?
    Community Answer
    Ask a family member or trusted friend to watch the dog. If no one can, talk to someone at an animal shelter about your options. They may be able to house your dog temporarily or set you up with a foster situation where someone else can take your dog into their home until you get back on your feet.
  • Question
    If I'd have to constantly be on the move when in my car, how would I make a permanent address work?
    Community Answer
    You can rent a mailbox at the post office or UPS store.
  • Question
    How do I live in my car with my cat?
    Community Answer
    If you own a large SUV, then keep your friendly feline in the cargo area with some newspaper, but close off the cargo area if possible to avoid smells. Crack the back window to let air in but not wide enough for people or your cat to get through.
  • Question
    Is parking permitted in long term parking at airports?
    Community Answer
    No, it is not.
  • Question
    I have a dog; what would be a cheap way to air condition my vehicle while working?
    Community Answer
    This is difficult to do, same answer as care for an infant. Do not leave the dog in the car. It might help to use one of those "cool collars" that are placed in water, then around your dog's neck for only a brief time (less than an hour depending on the heat index and it may not be possible at all). Dogs cool better when they can get wet, especially their feet. Have plenty of water, ice chips and park in a shaded area. Only do so as an emergency for only a few minutes, and move your dog outdoors as soon as possible, and consider avoiding leaving your dog at all. If your dog is small, use a pet carrier that would fit in the child's seat of a grocery cart should you need to get your dog into AC.
  • Question
    If I want to move around, will the post office or UPS accept an out of state ID to establish a mailing address?
    Community Answer
    Yes, I've done that myself. Just let them know you're in transit. I've had a box at a UPS store, but they can be quite expensive, even for a small one.
  • Question
    Can I use a mini van as a car or is that too small?
    Top Answerer
    Minivans are actually quite roomy. The third row usually uses bench seats, so they're the easiest to use for sleeping. However, it gets rather poor gas mileage, and can be difficult to drive for those used to SUV's since they don't usually have AWD.
  • Question
    Which is better for living in, a truck or an SUV?
    Community Answer
    I've been living in my SUV for about six weeks in Florida. I love the roominess, comfort and extra features that my 2002 Ford Expedition offers. It has three 12 volt plugins, leather interior, extra cupholders, small storage compartments and about six interior lights which can be turned on and off individually. I can lay the back two rows of seats down or they can be removed to allow for more space. I store my food and cooking supplies behind the third row seat, so I can easily access them by lifting the back gate up. My SUV is old but in good condition and it's all I can afford right now. It feels like a mini motorhome. I love it! It also has very dark tinted windows in back.
  • Question
    How can I as a female live in my car and stay safe?
    Community Answer
    I keep a container of pepper spray handy. I try to be very aware of my surroundings and trust my gut feelings regarding safety. I keep my keys with me at night and with a push of the button the alarm system goes off and it's loud! I remind myself that I am strong and capable. I am 71 years old and am currently living in my SUV by choice because I want to travel and adventure.
  • Question
    How long could I stay in the car without air conditioning?
    Community Answer
    If it is cold outdoors and if you have a blanket and necessities, a good long while. If it is hot, however, you may die from heatstroke anywhere from a few hours to a week or two, depending on how hot it is, so don't stay in it during the daytime. Set up a tent or tarp alongside the car if you need to stay near it.
  • Question
    What happens if the AC catches on fire while I'm sleeping in a Walmart parking lot?
    Community Answer
    Your best bet is check your AC System from time to time, or buy a small fire extinguisher (not the big one used in hotels, appartments, offices etc.). And if you smell smoke, then immediately get out from the car and run because once a fire reaches the fuel tank, the car will explode. Do not carry your belongings since you don't know how much time you got till the fire reaches the fuel tank.
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