Q&A for How to Look Awesome at a School Dance (Girls)

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    What if the boy I ask likes someone else and so rejects me? And if he accepts, how can I manage our interactions at the dance?
    Community Answer
    If he says no, then just say, "Thanks anyway," walk away, and ask someone else. It's no big deal, everybody gets rejected. If he accepts, just act casual and talk with him like you would anyone else. If you're not sure what to do when dancing, it's usually a good idea to just observe what everyone else is doing and do the same.
  • Question
    What if I like a boy and he asked me?
    Community Answer
    That sounds like an ideal scenario. Accept and have a great time at the dance!
  • Question
    Can a girl ask a boy to go to the dance?
    Community Answer
    Sure! Just because boys traditionally ask girls doesn't mean you can't be brave and ask a boy instead.
  • Question
    As a shy person, what should I say if a guy asks me to dance?
    Community Answer
    You could just say, "Sure," or "Yeah, I'd love to." If you don't want to dance with him, then I would say, "Actually I'm feeling tired right now, but thank you."
  • Question
    Do I have to go with a date, or can I just go with friends?
    Community Answer
    If you don’t want to go with a date, you can definitely go with your friends! It’s all about having fun; if you have the most fun with your friends, then definitely go with them.
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    How do I tell a guy I have a crush on him?
    Community Answer
    You don’t have to tell him, but you could drop hints, like telling him he's funny or nice, or that you're glad he's your friend.
  • Question
    How do I dance with a guy who is with another girl?
    Community Answer
    If you want to ask a guy who's with a girl, make sure you have explicit permission from the other girl first. Also, if the girl he's with will be there, accept the fact that he'll probably say no to you. But if he says yes, let him know that the other girl gave you permission.
  • Question
    Should I wear a long or short dress to homecoming?
    Community Answer
    Typically, short dresses are most common for homecoming and long dresses for prom. But you should wear whatever you like. If you want a longer dress but not a dramatic look, consider a "low-high" dress.
  • Question
    I really like this guy, and I want to ask him to our formal middle school dance, but I don't know if he likes me too. How can I ask him to the dance without embarrassing myself?
    Community Answer
    Just ask him casually, like "hey, you wanna go to formal with me?". Don't overdo the ask. If he says yes, great! If he says no, shrug it off, that's totally fine. There are other fish out there!
  • Question
    How do I tell a guy I don't want to dance with him without being too mean?
    Community Answer
    Just make an excuse. Say something like, "Thanks anyway, but I'm going to hang out and talk to my friends for a while," or, "Thanks anyway, but my feet hurt, I think I need to go sit down."
  • Question
    I'm going to a semi-casual middle school dance next Friday, but I'm not sure what to wear. Should I go with a romper and flats, or a pair of jeans and a nice shirt?
    Community Answer
    Either choice will work - go with what you feel best wearing.
  • Question
    How can I know what to wear?
    Community Answer
    Go with what you feel comfortable in and that looks nice. If your dance is formal, you'd probably need to confirm if there's a dress code and wear something nicer than usual. However, if you're going to a casual dance, then it's fine to wear anything.
  • Question
    How do I ask a boy to the dance when he is a grade above me?
    Community Answer
    Your age shouldn’t matter. Think about why you like him, and not of the age difference.
  • Question
    Should you wear black leggings to a semi-formal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can, as long as your outfit conforms to the school's dress code. Just wear a nice shirt with the leggings.
  • Question
    How can I be more confident and get up the courage to ask a boy to an upcoming dance?
    Community Answer
    Tell yourself that 20 seconds of courage is all you need. Then, go for it.
  • Question
    How do I ask my crush out to a dance if I think they'll say no?
    Community Answer
    When you ask, tell your crush that you think the two of you would have fun going to the dance together. Have confidence in yourself, and know that if your crush says no, you can ask someone else or go with friends.
  • Question
    What should I do if a slow song comes on and I don't have a guy to dance with?
    Community Answer
    Take a break from dancing and walk around, get a drink, talk to friends, etc. If you see a guy you know also hanging around without a date, consider asking him to dance with you.
  • Question
    What type of shoes should I wear?
    Community Answer
    For a formal, wear high heels, boots, or flats; for a casual dance, flats or sneakers are the way to go.
  • Question
    What if I like a guy and I want to ask him to the dance, but I just can't?
    Community Answer
    You could always write him a note and ask him ahead of time, or you could ask a friend to ask him for you. Your best option is really to just find the courage to ask him yourself, though.
  • Question
    My ex asked me to go with him, but I don't like me anymore. I also have a new boyfriend. What should I say?
    Community Answer
    Just say something like, "It's really nice of you to invite me, but I have a new boyfriend and I don't think he'd like it if I went to the dance with someone else. Thanks anyway!"
  • Question
    What do I do if I don't like someone who asked me to a dance, but I don't want to embarrass them either by rejecting them?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to like every person you dance with romantically. If you don't want to reject him, try saying, "Sure, I'll dance with you, but just as friends, okay?" Or if you really, really don't want to dance with him, say, "Sorry, I told my friends I'd talk to them during the next song," or something like that.
  • Question
    Can I interact with someone with a date at a school dance?
    Community Answer
    Of course. You can even ask someone to dance with you that is there with someone else, but if you're going to do that, it would be a good idea to ask their date if it's okay first.
  • Question
    A boy wants me to go to the dance with him as a date but I don't like him, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Be honest with him and tell him the truth. You could say: "Thanks so much for asking me but I've already had an offer I've accepted. You're very kind, you'll find someone else to take!". Even if you don't have someone who asked you, it doesn't matter, as they're not to know that and if you turn up alone, it could be for any reason!
  • Question
    How do I know if I'm leading someone on?
    Community Answer
    If you're flirting with someone with whom you have no romantic interest, then you're leading someone on. This can also be the case if someone you're not interested in asks you out and you give an ambiguous answer ("maybe...") rather than a rejection. It's basically allowing those who don't have a chance with you romantically to believe that they do.
  • Question
    What kind of dress should I wear to a 5th grade formal dance?
    Community Answer
    Nothing too formal, as you are still quite young. You probably don’t want to go any shorter than the knees, but that is up to you and your parents. Don’t go too heavy on the makeup if you wear any. They probably won’t play any slow songs because at your age they aren’t expecting anyone to be going with a date.
  • Question
    What do I wear to a fifth grade school dance as a female?
    Community Answer
    Wear anything that makes you feel good (and fits the dress code). If the dance is semi-formal, try a shorter dress or a skirt and nice top, with flats, sandals, or low heels. You can also ask your friends what they're wearing and choose something similar.
  • Question
    If I'm nervous to ask someone to dance/hangout during the dance, what should I talk about?
    Community Answer
    A great way to start a conversation is asking (and answering) questions. Find out about the other person's family, pets, hobbies, or anything else that comes to mind. Chances are, the other person will be just as glad to find something to talk about as you are.
  • Question
    If it's a casual winter dance, could I just wear a nice top and black jeggings or jeans? Also, what do I do when I ask a boy to dance and he says no and says something mean or funny about me?
    Community Answer
    If it's a casual dance, that sounds fine, especially if you're comfortable in it! How you respond to a guy who is mean or funny depends on your personality and what you're most comfortable doing. Some options would be simply ignoring him and walking away or saying something simple such as "Okay" or "Thanks for your opinion". No matter how you choose to respond do not be aggressive or dramatic so that you make a scene; the situation will quickly escalate, no one will appreciate the drama, and you won't have as much fun. Just remember that whatever he says isn't true, and try to be confident and have fun.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm overdressed for a school dance?
    Community Answer
    If you're too overdressed, do simple things like let your hair down and run your fingers through it a little, rub off a little of the makeup you have on, and maybe take off some of your jewelry and put it in your purse or wallet. The main thing is that, even if you are overdressed, just walk it off and don't look uncomfortable around people. If you own it, people will compliment you to your face rather than pass comments about you.
  • Question
    What would I wear to a middle-school autumn dance?
    Community Answer
    Just wear a casual long-sleeved dress within the fall color scheme or a fall-colored short-sleeved dress and a blue jean jacket.
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