Q&A for How to Look Pretty at School

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    How can I look pretty with makeup?
    Natalie Tincher
    Style Strategist & Wardrobe Specialist
    Natalie Tincher is the Owner and Principal Style Strategist of BU Style. Since 2010, Natalie has specialized in personal styling to reflect clients’ individuality, confidence, and comfort. In 2019, she was named the Global Head of Styling for Bloomberg Television. Natalie is certified in Image Consulting through the Fashion Institute of Technology. She regularly shares her expertise with corporate groups at major financial institutions, media companies, and news outlets including: Time Out New York, Refinery 29, and NBC News.
    Style Strategist & Wardrobe Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Keep your makeup minimal so your natural beauty shines through. You don't need a lot of makeup to be pretty!
  • Question
    How can I be more naturally pretty?
    Natalie Tincher
    Style Strategist & Wardrobe Specialist
    Natalie Tincher is the Owner and Principal Style Strategist of BU Style. Since 2010, Natalie has specialized in personal styling to reflect clients’ individuality, confidence, and comfort. In 2019, she was named the Global Head of Styling for Bloomberg Television. Natalie is certified in Image Consulting through the Fashion Institute of Technology. She regularly shares her expertise with corporate groups at major financial institutions, media companies, and news outlets including: Time Out New York, Refinery 29, and NBC News.
    Style Strategist & Wardrobe Specialist
    Expert Answer
    Wear colors and textures that complement your hair, eyes, and skin. If you like to wear makeup, I suggest going with something minimal so your natural beauty can shine through.
  • Question
    Makeup isn't allowed at my house, but I want to have some so badly. All the girls at my school have makeup and its driving me crazy not having any. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you want makeup to look nicer and you can' t have it, just take care of your skin. Get plenty of sleep (about nine hours) and wash your face every day. Wear sunscreen on your face when you go out to prevent wrinkles and freckles. Try to work on the makeup thing with your parents gradually. Ask them if you can get some tinted lip gloss or something, perhaps as a reward for good grades, and gradually work your way up to other things.
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    I'm 12 years old. Can I wear makeup?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as it's okay with your parents. Stick with a natural look, like a little foundation, light eyeshadow, highlighter, and lip gloss. I wouldn’t recommend eyeliner yet.
  • Question
    How can I tell a guy I like him?
    Community Answer
    Just say it. Tell him you think he's cute, or ask him if he wants to hang out with you sometime! You can also try flirting and hope he picks up the hint. Laugh at his jokes, find ways to touch him when you're talking to him, smile a lot, etc.
  • Question
    What do I do if makeup is not allowed?
    Community Answer
    Embrace your inner beauty. Physical appearance is not that important. If you want your skin to look nice, wash your face daily and apply moisturizer and lip balm (if permitted).
  • Question
    Do you need makeup to look beautiful?
    Community Answer
    No. Physical beauty can be enhanced by makeup, but it's definitely not necessary. Inner beauty and physical health are more important than makeup.
  • Question
    How do I dress nice if it is cold weather?
    Community Answer
    Just make sure to layer. Make sure you have a cool/attractive coat, plus some nice sweaters and sweatshirts. Solid, basic colors are best, since these will match a lot of different outfits.
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    What if people say I am only mediocre?
    Community Answer
    Don’t worry about what others think. You are pretty in your own way, and everyone has their own opinions. It does not mean they are right.
  • Question
    Can I paint my fingernails bright colors when I want to look pretty?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Nails really do make a person look pretty, and dark colors are very attractive.
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    I am 11. Is it too early to tell my crush I like him? How do I get him to like me?
    Community Answer
    It's never too early, you just have to approach it the right way. Be calm and collected and you should do just fine. And the best way to get a person to like you is to be yourself (I know this sounds like a cliche, but it really works). Patience is also a big part, and just becoming his friend. This usually helps a lot.
  • Question
    I don't wear very much makeup, so what should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you don’t wear too much makeup but wear a little, keep it natural! Enhance your best features. If you don’t wear makeup at all, make sure you get enough sleep, drink lots of water, and wash and moisturize your face regularly.
  • Question
    How do I become more confident when going into high school?
    Community Answer
    The best way to enjoy high school is to let loose, have fun, not take yourself too seriously, and not be afraid of being awkward of looking silly. I recommend talking to more people, because that is what helped me boost my confidence. The more friends you make, the better you'll feel about yourself.
  • Question
    What if I'm pretty but I wear glasses?
    Community Answer
    There's nothing wrong with glasses! Most people look really good in them, and they're actually really fashionable right now.
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    What if I have an ugly smile with crooked teeth?
    Community Answer
    I'm sure you don't have an ugly smile. If you're really concerned about this, ask your parents if you can get braces. In the meantime, practice smiles in the mirror to determine what looks best.
  • Question
    Can I tell a guy I don't talk to that I like him? And how?
    Community Answer
    You can if you want to! Be bold and just tell him. If you're nervous about it, maybe get to know him as a friend first and just see where things go.
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    How can I look pretty at school if I am shy and don't have a lot of confidence?
    Community Answer
    Try to find an outfit you feel confident in. Be social, even if you don't like to. The most important part to gaining more confidence is try to finding a look that you feel good about and that accentuates your best features. To some extent, confidence is about faking it till you make it, so if you don't feel confident right now, just pretend!
  • Question
    Am I allowed to wear deodorant when trying to look pretty?
    Community Answer
    Of course. You should always wear deodorant, especially at school. Try to go for a natural brand.
  • Question
    How can I look pretty and feel confident about it?
    Community Answer
    Usually, just telling yourself you look great helps with the confidence part. Wearing makeup is always a plus, and wearing clothes that are in style helps a lot, too.
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    How do I get red of pimples?
    Community Answer
    Tea tree oil helped me. Don't use too much of it, though. Also, wash your face twice daily, moisturize, and use toner. Aloe vera also helps for redness.
  • Question
    How would I put very short hair in a ponytail?
    Community Answer
    Stick with low pony tails. If there are still pieces sticking out, wear a thick headband that covers your ears a little.
  • Question
    How do I be pretty in school when there's a dress code?
    Community Answer
    Let your actions and attitude express your beauty. That's actually far better than beautifying yourself externally.
  • Question
    What if I'm new to a school and can't decide what to wear?
    Community Answer
    Go online, and look up styles for school, or the particular season.
  • Question
    How do I be confident with myself when I think I'm ugly?
    Community Answer
    I know you might think you're ugly, almost everyone thinks of themselves that way, at least sometimes. Remember this always - no one is truly ugly. You have to accept the fact that this is your face. Don't waste your life hating yourself, because if you do you won't get anywhere. Embrace your face.
  • Question
    What should I do to impress a boy?
    Community Answer
    There's some good advice in wikiHow articles Impress a Guy and Impress Your Crush .
  • Question
    Can I use baby lotion as moisturizer?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Baby moisturizer is great, it will make your skin really smooth.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have sweat stains in my shirt after I play a sport?
    Community Answer
    Try to bring an extra shirt so you can change, and wear an antiperspirant. This will help prevent sweating.
  • Question
    I look ugly in my school uniform. What can I do to give it more pizzazz?
    Community Answer
    If your dress code permits, you could cut it to show some skin or make it tighter. Maybe wear a really cool coat and shoes and some accessories. You can also do a cool hairstyle and wear a little makeup if you're allowed (don't overdo it).
  • Question
    How do I look pretty if I'm 11 with medium length hair and fringe?
    Community Answer
    Try to do different hairstyles that suit your face, like a ponytail or a half-up/half-down. Make sure you take care of your hygiene by showering regularly, brushing and flossing your teeth, wearing clean clothes, etc. Wear lip balm if you're allowed.
  • Question
    How can I look sporty while also looking nice?
    Inaya Majumdar
    Community Answer
    If you're slim, simply wear a sport shirt and shorts or sport clothes. While bringing out your shape, they'll also make you look cute and casual.
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