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Q&A for How to Maintain an Online Relationship
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QuestionIs online love real?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYes, it is possible to develop a genuine and meaningful connection with another person over the internet! Some online relationships eventually transition to long-term in person partnerships or marriages. However, just like with any relationship, it's important to be cautious and watch out for red flags that might indicate an unhealthy or one-sided relationship.
QuestionAre online relationships healthy?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerOnline relationships can be very healthy and fulfilling if you communicate clearly, stay honest with each other, and establish clear boundaries and expectations. Use common sense to keep yourself safe, like getting to know the person before you disclose anything really sensitive or personal about yourself.
QuestionDo online relationships last?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerJust like any relationship, they can last if you’re both willing to put in some work! You’ll need to communicate clearly with your partner and check in with them occasionally to make sure you understand each other’s expectations. Ultimately, you may both feel the need to move on to an in-person relationship in order to feel fulfilled and keep the momentum going.
QuestionWhat does it mean if someone says they love you but they remain distant?Community AnswerIt is possible that this person may have an issue with trust. Try takings things more slowly. After a time, it's a good idea to ask them about it, saying how you feel and not being accusing in any way. Since it is online, remember that a lot of this is what you're surmising from what you're reading, so be very careful when "reading between the lines". Asking outright is best.
QuestionGirlfriend can't afford to come to my country. I can't afford to bring her to my country. We like each other. How can I bring her or how can I get her to come to my country? What avenues exist for a miracle?Community AnswerIn order to save money, you could meet halfway. Figure out where that is and get together. Or just be patient and save money for a while until one of you can afford to visit/bring the other.
QuestionHow do I maintain conversations with someone who gets bored easily?Community AnswerTry to ask them questions about things that interest them, or try to keep things interesting and ask weird questions. However, if they consistently get bored talking to you, you may want to consider whether they're worth the effort at all. People who are compatible with each other are able to talk to each other naturally and easily. You shouldn't have to bend over backwards to keep a partner or friend interested.
QuestionIs it a bad sign if a guy chooses to go to karaoke instead of talking to you at the regular time, saying we can talk later?Community AnswerWhile this might be disappointing, it is not necessarily a red flag unless this becomes the norm rather than a once in awhile situation or if he fails to contact you as he told you he would. Figuring out why not talking at the regular time made you sad and even discussing it with him could help you avoid future sadness.
QuestionNormally we go a maximum of three days without talking to each other, now it's been five. I'm worried something's wrong, I can't eat or sleep. What should I do?Community AnswerJust try to remain calm and give it a little more time. He/she could just be very busy, maybe a work emergency came up or they are just having WiFi trouble and can't get in touch. Don't panic yet. If it turns out to be nothing, tell him/her that it upset you being out of contact for that length of time and try to make plans to avoid this problem in the future.
QuestionWhat can I do if she has cheated and flirted with other guys but I love her?Community AnswerIf she told you so and you're sure that you can handle it, then you have to think about it carefully because she could do it again. But maybe giving second chances it's not a bad idea if you love her too much for letting her go. An online relationship can be hard on the two of you.
QuestionWhy is my boyfriend ignoring me while I'm online?Community AnswerMake sure he knows you're there. He could be more focused on something else, so he doesn't notice that you're online. If you want to talk with him it's as simple as getting his attention first.
QuestionMy online girlfriend can't afford to travel to my country and I can't afford to bring her here. She hasn't broken up with me, but she has stopped emailing. What's going on?Community AnswerThere are many possibilities. The most likely is that she's just not interested anymore, and rather than officially 'breaking up', she simply stopped emailing. It's also possible that she doesn't have internet access at the moment, or that she's very busy, or even that something happened to her.
QuestionI am in an online relationship with a guy that always texts me, but refuses to send me pictures. What can I do?Community AnswerIn that case, your boyfriend is probably hiding something. Either he isn't who he says he is, or he has low self-esteem and he's afraid to show you what he looks like.
QuestionMy boyfriend doesn't talk much, I try to keep a conversation going but I run out of topics. What can I do?Community AnswerTry asking him questions that give him a chance to talk. Maybe ask, "How was your day?" or "What did you do today?" These questions will make him have to answer and when he does answer, ask him something specific about that topic. For example, if he says that he's been having a good day, ask him what he liked about it.
QuestionWhat do I do if I found out that my girlfriend is has a boyfriend, and I am just her online boyfriend?Community AnswerConfront her -- talk it out and try to stay calm. It would be better to have the conversation in person or over the phone rather than online, if that's possible.
QuestionI was in a relationship with this guy for a year (all online). It was overall great. He just came back after a year and a half and told me he kind of misses me and wants to continue where we left off. What should I do?Community AnswerTake it slow. Try to just catch up with him a little bit, and see if the old feelings resurface. You don't want to rush into anything if you're not sure.
QuestionHow do I tell someone about my online relationship?Community AnswerJust come clean. Tell them you are in an online relationship. Let them know that you are serious. Having a plan on how to end up with this in the future can help.
QuestionWhat if I can only get in touch with someone through a video game and we live in different time zones?Community AnswerJust know when they are online. If it's possible, try to get their email address or another mode of communication.
QuestionI asked my girlfriend to meet me face-to-face and she refused. What should I do if I'm not happy with the relationship anymore?Community AnswerThis is a sign that she's not interested, and neither are you, so the best thing to do would be to just break up with her via text since she refuses to meet with you in person.
QuestionI met my boyfriend on a dating site, and when I recently visited the site his profile said he was single and that he had many friends. What should I do?Community AnswerFind out what he's about without making accusations or sounding angry. Be calm and "feel him out." Ask him why he has "single" on his account. He may not have noticed that it was like that, so asking won't hurt. Above all, be ready to walk away if you can't get the relationship that you want.
QuestionHow do I deal with someone not answering my questions?Community AnswerPerhaps the person is not comfortable with your questions. Make sure your questions are appropriate. If someone doesn't want to answer your questions, respects his/her wishes, and find someone else to talk to.
QuestionHow do I get to know someone on an online relationship?Community AnswerIt's not simple to get to know a person you have never met or seen. Try friend-requesting the person or follow the person so that you can get the chance to like, retweet or share their posts. Try commenting on them and see if you get a response from all this. From there, try to get to know each other.
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