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Q&A for How to Make Aleppo Soap
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QuestionI made Aleppo soap for the first time yesterday, and noticed that there are crystals on the surface. Is this normal? It also went really fast to trace.KathyCommunity AnswerThat's normal if it went fast to trace. Crystals are usually okay too. However, if they are inconvenient, scrape them off. You could even make them into crystals and decorate with them!
QuestionI made Aleppo soap but it did not dry and is looking clumpy. It has been 3 days now. Is there any way I can salvage it?Mzm555Top AnswererProbably not - it would probably be much more trouble than it's worth trying to re-batch it or work it into another batch, possibly ruining that one as well. Possibly try a different recipe and double check all ingredient amounts putting them through a soap calculator such as "soap calc" or "mms". Also ensure you are doing all soap making steps correctly, such as stirring the lye water solution until clear, using enough water, using de-mineralized/distilled/r.o. or purified water and using a stick blender to reach trace. If you are still not having any luck consider attending a small course/workshop for some assistance - most local soapmakers run them and they are an excellent resource!
QuestionWhere can I buy laurel berry oil?Mzm555Top AnswererProbably only online - make sure you buy from soap-making or cosmetic websites as they will often be able to sell you the oil much cheaper in bulk quantities (around 20-40 fl oz- or 500ml to 1L). Most retail and boutique online sellers often sell oils at much higher prices - especially essential oils.
QuestionWhen looking for lye, or straight sodium hydroxide, am I looking for the pure substance or in solution?Mzm555Top AnswererYou are looking for the "pure" aka dry "beaded powder" form, not the solution. This can be bought at the supermarket as caustic soda or pure sodium hydroxide and might even have on the packaging "great for soapmaking!" Do not use drain cleaner however, as this has other chemicals in it making it unsuitable for making soap.
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