Q&A for How to Make Buttermilk from Milk

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    What is buttermilk used for?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Buttermilk can be used as a drink, or you can incorporate it into recipes such as soda bread, biscuits, pancakes, or marinated meats. It also makes a great base for cheeses and yogurts.
  • Question
    Can you make buttermilk from yogurt?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    You can mix yogurt with a little water or milk to create a buttermilk substitute. A mixture of equal parts plain Greek yogurt and milk makes a great buttermilk substitute.
  • Question
    How do you make real buttermilk?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    To make buttermilk the traditional way, allow full-fat, non-homogenized milk to sit out until the cream and milk separate. The milk and cream will ferment, causing them to become sour. The fermented, acidic-tasting milk is buttermilk. This type of buttermilk is still popular in South Asia and the Middle East.
  • Question
    How do I make a gallon of buttermilk by using regular milk?
    Community Answer
    A gallon of milk contains 16 cups. Add 16 tablespoons of lemon juice or white vinegar, and let set.
  • Question
    How much vinegar do I use with 2 cups of milk?
    Community Answer
    You would need to use 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 cup of milk. If you use more vinegar, it may be too sour.
  • Question
    How long does it have to set before I can use the buttermilk?
    Community Answer
    It takes five or 10 minutes to set before you can use the buttermilk for what you need.
  • Question
    Can I use apple cider vinegar?
    Community Answer
    White vinegar is the best choice, because it has a neutral acidic flavor. Other vinegars like apple cider vinegar may add unwanted flavors to your buttermilk substitute.
  • Question
    How much vinegar should I add to 1/4 cup milk to make buttermilk?
    Community Answer
    The ratio required to successfully and evenly curdle the milk is 1 tablespoon of vinegar to 1 cup of milk. You would need 1/4 tablespoon of vinegar for 1/4 cup of milk.
  • Question
    One area days a teaspoon per cup milk, another area says tablespoon
    Community Answer
    The correct ratio is one tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar per one cup of milk.
  • Question
    Can I make buttermilk from low fat milk?
    Community Answer
    You can use 2% lowfat milk, but 1% lowfat milk and skim milk do not have enough fat content to thicken and curdle properly.
  • Question
    The recipe says one teaspoon of lemon juice or vinegar to a cup of milk, but in the Q&A some answers say one tablespoon to a cup. Which is correct?
    Community Answer
    The correct ratio is one tablespoon of lemon juice or white vinegar per 1 cup of whole or 2% milk.
  • Question
    Can I use sour milk as buttermilk?
    Community Answer
    As long as it's pasteurized milk, sour milk is extremely unlikely to make you ill if used in recipes instead of buttermilk. Raw milk should not be used if sour.
  • Question
    Can I make buttermilk using instant dry milk?
    Community Answer
    No. Most instant dry milk has no fat, so you would not be able to get it to sour.
  • Question
    Can I make buttermilk from almond milk?
    Community Answer
    No. Almond milk doesn't have enough fat.
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