Q&A for How to Make Gray

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    How do you make gray with primary colors?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    A pure gray is a combination of white and black. However, you can get a grayish-brown shade by mixing red, yellow, and blue. Use more blue to get a cooler “color gray” or more red if you want a warmer color.
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    Can you make gray with food coloring?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Yes. Dilute black food coloring with water or mix it into a white substance (such as white frosting) to create gray. You can also tint it with other colors, such as blue or red, to make a warmer or cooler gray. You can also try mixing red, blue, and green food coloring to get a grayish tint.
  • Question
    I have almost a full gallon of dark yellow paint, and would like to turn it light gray. Is this possible by adding different color paint?
    Community Answer
    Mix it with its complementary color (purple) to make it gray. Then add white to make it a lighter gray. Yellow paint is often not a true yellow, but a yellow hue. This means you need to be careful with the amount of purple you add. Most likely a small amount of purple will turn the yellow into gray.
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    Which color can I add to brown paint to make it turn gray or blue?
    Community Answer
    I would suggest adding blue. Brown, like gray, is also a mixture of red, yellow, and blue but in different ratios, and most of the time, with a smaller amount of blue. Adding blue should turn the brown into gray. Remember to add white as well to create the hue you want since brown and blue mixed together will result in a very dark gray.
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    What pencil colors will make gray?
    Community Answer
    Your pencil as in normal pencil that doesn't have any color. Or you can do add a light texture of black and add white. Test this on a piece of paper so you know what color/shade you like.
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    What color results from mixing yellow and gray?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the tone of the colors you're using, but it could make green or a less-saturated yellow.
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    How can I make dark green and light green clay?
    Community Answer
    You can buy them at a store but if you want to make dark green with normal colors then you’ll have to mix black and green and for light green clay you’ll need to mix green and white clay.
  • Question
    What color do black and gray make?
    Community Answer
    A darker gray. Adding black to any color makes the hue darker, and adding white will make it lighter.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of a blue hue in grey paint?
    Rosie V.
    Community Answer
    Add enough black to make the color almost completely black, then add white to lighten it and make it grey. Most likely what will happen is that the black will absorb the blue hue, and the white will lighten the color to make it grey.
  • Question
    How do I get a blue tint out of gray?
    Community Answer
    You can't make something blue because blue is a primary color. The only way to make a gray color look blue-tinted is to add blue.
  • Question
    How can I make dark grey or warm grey (bluish) in grey cement with black oxide?
    Cash Rich
    Community Answer
    Add very little black paint at a time, and if it gets too dark grey for your liking, just add some white paint to it. Remember the more black that is added means the darker grey. While, the more white added, the lighter the grey color.
  • Question
    Which colors, when you mix them together, make dark gray?
    Community Answer
    Black and white. Just use more black than white.
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