Q&A for How to Make Paint Colors

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    What colors do I mix to make different colors?
    Kelly Medford
    Professional Painter
    Kelly Medford is an American painter based in Rome, Italy. She studied classical painting, drawing and printmaking both in the U.S. and in Italy. She works primarily en plein air on the streets of Rome, and also travels for private international collectors on commission. She founded Sketching Rome Tours in 2012 where she teaches sketchbook journaling to visitors of Rome. Kelly is a graduate of the Florence Academy of Art.
    Professional Painter
    Expert Answer
    You can make every color by mixing some combination of the primary colors and white.
  • Question
    Can I make white paint at home?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    You can make white paint by mixing a white pigment, such as chalk or zinc oxide, with a binder or glue. Some good binder options include vegetable oils (for oil painting), gum Arabic (for watercolors or gouache), or egg yolks (to make egg tempera).
  • Question
    How do you lighten a paint color?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    The easiest way to do it is to mix the darker color with a lighter hue. For example, you could mix a dark red with pink to make a lighter red. Mixing in a little white will also work. You can also dilute the paint with water or paint thinner to make it paler and more translucent.
  • Question
    How can I darken a paint color?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    You can mix the paint with a darker paint of the same color family. For example, mix in a little dark blue with a lighter blue to create a darker shade of blue. You can also add a little black or dark grey, but keep in mind that this will make the color look more muted or greyish. If your paint is translucent, adding more layers may make it appear darker.
  • Question
    What colors do you mix to make blue?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Blue is a primary color, meaning you can’t mix anything else together to get it. However, you can create different shades of blue by mixing blue paint with other colors. For example, mixing blue with green will create a teal or aqua color, or you can add a little pink or red to create a purplish blue.
  • Question
    How do I make turquoise?
    Community Answer
    Keep experimenting with blues and greens until you get the color you like.
  • Question
    How do I make light brown?
    Community Answer
    To make light brown, with the help of a brush, mix some (very little) white paint to the shade of brown you have, it will give you light brown. Add more white paint to lighten the shade, until you reach the shade you want.
  • Question
    How do you make green?
    Community Answer
    Mix yellow and blue in equal amounts. Mix a little blue with more yellow to get light green, and more blue and a little yellow for dark green. Add a little white to the green to make it very light in color.
  • Question
    What colour do I mix with white to get a safari sand colour?
    Community Answer
    A safari sand color can be reached by mixing yellow-orange with a small amount of red. From there, add a small amount of this paint into white paint. A little goes a long way, so be careful when mixing.
  • Question
    How do I make medium blue with paint?
    Community Answer
    If you have a dark blue and a white paints, start with a good bit of white then slowly mix in the blue until you have the shade you're looking for. If you don't have white, you can instead use a light blue and just use a little less dark blue. Another option, though this doesn't work as well, is to add a bit of black to light blue.
  • Question
    How do I make red, yellow, or blue?
    Community Answer
    Red, yellow, and blue are primary colors, so you can't make them out of other colors. What you can do, however, is make primary colors lighter or darker by mixing in a little bit of white or black.
  • Question
    How can I get a pastel color, such as light pink or light blue?
    Community Answer
    Start with white, then add small amounts of red, blue, green, or whatever color you want your pastel color to be. Keep mixing and adding until you get the color you want. Remember, a little bit of the darker color (blue, red, green, etc) will go a long way.
  • Question
    What color paint is needed to mix an avocado color?
    Community Answer
    An avocado color can be reached by mixing a yellow-green color, and skewing it toward a lighter hue by mixing in some white or additional yellow. Mix to your liking!
  • Question
    How do I make Lincoln log green?
    Community Answer
    Lincoln log green can be achieved by mixing a green or yellow-green with a small amount of blue. This green skews deep and dark toward blue, but be careful not to add too much blue.
  • Question
    How do you make brown?
    Community Answer
    To make brown, mix a primary color with its complementary color (opposite color on the color wheel), for example red and green, blue and orange, or purple and yellow.
  • Question
    How can I make orange?
    Community Answer
    If you have red and yellow, mix them together to get orange. If you don't have yellow, mix red and green to get yellow. Depending on the porportions in each color, you will get different shades of orange.
  • Question
    How do I mix dark teal blue?
    Community Answer
    Experiment with different colors, but dark blue with a bit of green should work.
  • Question
    How can I make blue from gray?
    Community Answer
    You can't technically make blue, since it is a primary color. If the gray is blue based, you could add some black to get a deep royal blue color. You could also add more blue to the gray to get a blue-gray.
  • Question
    Can I make orange without red?
    Community Answer
    No. Orange is a secondary color and was discovered by mixing yellow and red together, so if you don't include the red, it can't become orange.
  • Question
    I tried mixing red and green as I wanted yellow, but it's not yellow, why?
    Community Answer
    Red, yellow, and blue are basic colors. You can never make basic colors by mixing colors.
  • Question
    What colors make gold?
    Community Answer
    Yellow, brown and white make gold.
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    How do I make neon purple?
    Community Answer
    Whether you mixed your purple paint by using red and blue, or magenta and cyan, adding white will make it lighter and brighter. Add just a little paint at first, then gradually mix in more to achieve the hue you want. Adding as much white paint as purple will create a pastel color.
  • Question
    How do I make turqoise?
    Community Answer
    To get turquoise, mix a one-to-one ratio of blue and green. If it looks too green, add more blue, and vice-versa.
  • Question
    What colors do I mix for amber?
    Community Answer
    Red and yellow. Add more or less of each color to perfect the shade.
  • Question
    How would I make a burnt orange color?
    Community Answer
    Mix a little bit of brown into your orange paint until you achieved the desired shade. (You can even add a drop of red, but not too much.)
  • Question
    How can I make a barn red a little darker?
    Community Answer
    A touch of black or some dark brown would do it.
  • Question
    Mixing lilac and white, what will I get?
    Community Answer
    This will simply desaturate your lilac, make it lighter. It can be interesting to obtain a large range of color that way.
  • Question
    How do I get a dark mahogany color?
    Community Answer
    Mix an orange color (red + yellow) with blue and red to get brown, then add black to darken the brown. If you want a more reddish brown, then add red to the brown color.
  • Question
    How can I change a peach color to safari sandy?
    Community Answer
    Since peach is a shade of orange, add some orange, brown, and salmon pink. To give it a sandy texture, add salt or sand to it.
  • Question
    How do I make the color gold?
    Community Answer
    You can suggest the gold color on a canvas by using a variety of colors: You can use yellow, orange, nearly red and some black, to create the illusion of gold. Feel free, however, to buy a tube of golden paint if you'd rather have the glittery part. Yet, you can always mix up glitter with paint for that effect.
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