Q&A for How to Make Wind Chimes From Old Silverware

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    Does this wind chime really make a pleasant sound?
    Community Answer
    "Pleasant sound" is completely subjective. The sound will be pleasant to some, and perhaps not so pleasant to others. If you make them and you really dislike the sound, just leave them up until one of your friends says, "What a lovely sound," and then give them away.
  • Question
    If I am using glue to close the loops around the prongs, how can I keep them from coming undone?
    Community Answer
    You need to use thin wire to hold your silverware instead of glue. 18 to 26 gauge copper or silver wire is good enough for the weight of the ornament. Make a pretzel loop 3 or 4 inches / 5 to 10 cm from one end. Slide the silverware's prong or handles through the loops and pull the wire tight to close the loops and tighten the piece. Now grab the end and twist it to firmly hold them in place.
  • Question
    We've gone through several drill bits, either using a hand drill, or my husbands Shop Smith. We've used bees wax on the drill bit, placed the drill bit in water to cool it, you name it we've done it. I'm making wind chimes out of, silverware, stainless flatware. I'm just plain discouraged. We've used all the special sorts of drill bits. Can you tell me what we're doing wrong?
    Community Answer
    Don't drill so fast. Take it slow and let the bit do its work. Also, you may need to anneal your silverware if it is hardened. Heat it up to glowing red and let it cool down slowly.
  • Question
    What size drill bit should I use to drill holes in spoons, forks, and knives?
    Community Answer
    Any drill bit below 5ml or a quarter inch would be fine. Anything larger would be too big and could start to weaken the metal.
  • Question
    Would fishing line work?
    Community Answer
    Depending on the thickness of the fishing line, yes it could work. I've used fishing line and it has worked absolutely fine.
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