Q&A for How to Make Your Hermit Crab Live for a Long Time

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  • Question
    Is it okay if I only have one hermit crab?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you really should consider getting him a buddy so he won't be lonely. Loneliness is the #1 killer of crabs, because they are used to being in packs/groups in the wild.
  • Question
    How many hermit crabs should go in the same cage together?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how big the cage is. A cage needs to have enough room to hold your pets, the food and water dishes, extra shells, and toys. You want it to have all that and plenty of room to roam around.
  • Question
    Should I put my hermit crab in saltwater? I found it in the ocean.
    Community Answer
    Yes, use saltwater in its aquarium. Leave a bit of dry land for it, too.
  • Question
    How old do hermit crabs live to be?
    Community Answer
    In the wild, they can live up to 30 years. However, the best you can hope for in captivity is around 20 years with optimal care.
  • Question
    How do I know when my hermit crab is ready to change shells?
    Community Answer
    The shell will look really tight and the hermit crab will try to take it off.
  • Question
    How many babies can the crabs have?
    Community Answer
    A female hermit crab can lay anywhere from 800 to 50,000 eggs at a time, depending on her size.
  • Question
    What is the maximum number of hermit crabs that I can put in the cage?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how big the cage is. A cage needs to have enough room to hold your pets, the food and water dishes, extra shells, and toys. You want it to have all that and plenty of room to roam around.
  • Question
    What do hermit crabs eat?
    Community Answer
    They eat most of what we eat, minus the seasonings (no butter, salt, or spices). You can feed them plain shrimp, chicken, fish, organic fruits and veggies, eggs, and many other things. Consult the Crab Street Journal website for more information.
  • Question
    Do hermit crabs need a sponge to drink water?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. But if you have a deeper or fuller bowl of water, they would need something to grab onto so they don't drown.
  • Question
    Why does my crab's shell get chipped?
    Community Answer
    Your hermit crab is customizing its shell by chipping away at the opening to get the "perfect" fit. This is why it is very important that you provide unpainted shells for your hermit crab. Painted shells are toxic and can poison your hermit crab.
  • Question
    I was told hermit crabs can also eat fish food. Is this true?
    Community Answer
    Hermit crabs and all crabs can eat a little fish food, but I wouldn't recommend it exclusively, because it doesn't give them the right nutrients. Give them hermit crab food.
  • Question
    How do I get them to mate?
    Community Answer
    Hermit crabs do not breed in captivity. If the female has eggs, they will die, as we do not have the resources to keep them alive. They drop the eggs in the ocean in the wild. There are people that have successfully bred them, but it is an elaborate set up.
  • Question
    Do hermit crabs that live in a pet store or shop need a sponge?
    Community Answer
    No. Sponges harbor bacteria. Crabs need to get into the water bowl to groom, drink, bathe themselves, and replenish shell water.
  • Question
    What are the best things to put with a hermit crab?
    Community Answer
    You should put your hermit crab with other hermit crabs. Hermit crabs live in colonies of up to a hundred in the wild, and they can die of loneliness.
  • Question
    Can I use only coco fiber in my hermit tank?
    Community Answer
    No, you should use play sand and coco fiber.
  • Question
    Is it bad if I have a wire cage for my hermit crab?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Wire cages can kill them. Get a 10-gallon aquarium and play sand immediately.
  • Question
    Will sea sponges hurt my hermit crab?
    Community Answer
    No. I used to have sponges in my crabitat, but I took them out because they were soaking up all the water. You just need to change them when they get moldy.
  • Question
    At what age should I get my hermit crab?
    Community Answer
    It does not matter what age but at least older than one year. If you get your hermit crab before one it will most likely pinch.
  • Question
    Can I feed hermit crabs meat?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it should be unseasoned and given to them in small quantities on rare occasions.
  • Question
    My hermit crab died, and I buried him this morning. I'm so sad and crying a lot. How do I get over this?
    Community Answer
    I'm very sorry for your loss. Don't rush yourself. It takes time to get over the loss of a pet, just the same as if you lost a friend or family member. Unfortunately, there is no easy or fast way to get over loss. Only time will heal you, how much time is up to you. You could do a few things to help ease your grieving process and distract you, like studying or working out. You could also try to be productive. Clean something up or try to fix something. It's perfectly okay to cry about this, and you can also talk about your feelings with someone you trust or write about them in a journal.
  • Question
    Can I feed my hermit crab only fruits and vegetables?
    Community Answer
    No, since hermit crabs need protein. To make sure they get protein, you can feed them foods such as unseasoned chicken, beef, fish, or any dried sea creatures from the pet store.
  • Question
    Does coconut substrate have a bad smell to it?
    Community Answer
    No. Even moist, it is very low odor. Old coconut substrate does get dusty, so keeping the substrate fresh helps it stay more humid and less dusty.
  • Question
    How can I give my crab a bowl of salt water?
    Community Answer
    Soak the salt water in a sponge. This way he can drink without the possibility of drowning in a bowl.
  • Question
    I took great care of my hermit crab, but he still died after 3 months. Could he have died of loneliness?
    Community Answer
    No. Your hermit crab could have been old or possibly sick, but it wouldn't die of loneliness.
  • Question
    Do crabs leave their shell when they molt?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they do. It is completely normal for a hermit crab to bury themselves in the substrate and exit their shell for a few weeks while molting. Just make sure you have plenty of extra shells for your hermit crab to choose from after it comes up.
  • Question
    What if I give the hermit crab too much food?
    Community Answer
    You cannot give a hermit crab too much food, as they only pinch off and eat what they need.
  • Question
    Can a pair of hermit crabs live a long time, or do I need to have more than 3?
    Community Answer
    I only have one hermit crab, and he has been with me for 6 years.
  • Question
    What do I do if my hermit crab looks too big for its shell?
    Community Answer
    You should provide it plenty of larger natural shells from which to choose and just leave it be. It will change when it wants to.
  • Question
    Do hermit crabs carry any diseases?
    Community Answer
    No, hermit crabs do not carry diseases or transmit them to humans. However, their living conditions, if unsuitable, can affect them.
  • Question
    Why do hermit crabs hide?
    Community Answer
    Hermit crabs hide when they feel threatened, like if something moves unexpectedly or a shadow passes over them. They'll either barricade themselves in their shells or seek shelter elsewhere.
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