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Q&A for How to Make a Baby Sling
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QuestionWhat are the best fabrics for a safe baby sling?Daniela Gutierrez-Diaz is a professional pattern maker and clothing designer at DGpatterns in Vancouver, Canada. With over 5 years of experience, Daniela creates modern and unique silhouettes that are suitable for a busy everyday life. Her blog, On the Cutting Floor, contains sewing tips and PDF sewing patterns for a variety of projects and designs.Linen works great for this. Cotton is also a good fabric, especially if you can find one with bamboo viscose mixed in. Basically, you want a fabric that isn't too stretchy but is soft and comfortable, too. If you don't want to buy extra fabric, get creative with any strong fabric you already have at home, like a bedsheet, woven cotton scarf, or tablecloth.
QuestionWhat fabric is safe for making a baby sling?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThick, durable fabrics like cotton, linen, twill, and denim are best because they won't tear or stretch. Avoid knits and jersey material since those fabrics are too stretchy and won't provide enough support.
QuestionWhere can I buy the rings for baby slings?Community AnswerYou can buy from an online retailer like Amazon or at a craft store. You could also repurpose a ring from a belt, shirt or purse.
QuestionCan I do this for making a sling for a child's doll?Community AnswerThat would work as well. Dolls generally run smaller than infants, so size accordingly.
QuestionCould I use this for a small dog?Community AnswerYes, that would work as well. Make sure to take into account the dog's measurements and special needs. Hoodies and sweatshirts with pockets for small dogs are on the market as well, if that is of interest to you.
Questioncan I use the carrier for dolls?NoraCommunity AnswerYes. The article shows a person putting a baby doll in the sling for the demonstration.
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