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Q&A for How to Make a Car Backfire
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QuestionWhy would anyone want to make a car backfire?Community AnswerTo add aggressive sound to your ride, and catch people's attention.
QuestionDo I need to have a rev limiter to make it backfire?Community AnswerNo, you don't. A backfire is caused by a rich fuel/air mixture, so some cars even backfire in low RPM.
QuestionHow do I make my car backfire like a gunshot?Community AnswerIf you have a turbo car, you install an anti-lag system or 2-step. But neither is healthy for your car and are quite expensive, since you need aftermarket electronic parts.
QuestionIs it illegal to make an engine backfire?Community AnswerNo, but you can get a ticket for being a nuisance. People may also mistake the sound for gun shots.
QuestionIs it legal to install a flamer kit? Or can I get a ticket for nuisance?Community AnswerI wouldn't recommend it. Most flamer kits do not offer the same quality as an older car backfiring on its own. Watch "Mighty Car Mods" on Youtube. They explain the correct ways to that sort of project, but would probably recommend going to your nearest automotive mechanic shop and allowing them to do it for you.
QuestionHow can I make a car backfire with a spark plug?ChemGeniusCommunity AnswerYou will need a "flamer kit," which is a way of injecting fuel directly into your exhaust system.
QuestionDo I have to change the cylinder?ChemGeniusCommunity AnswerUnless you destroy it somehow, then no. The majority of any damage done will be in the exhaust system unless the fuel air mixture ignites in the intake.
QuestionCan I backfire with a diesel?Community AnswerNo, diesel engines use compression ignition, which means fuel can only be burnt in the cylinders. Diesel fuel does not explode like gas even if you mix it like gas and air.
QuestionCan I make a car backfire if it has an automatic transmission?Community AnswerYes. With most cars, it’s easier to accomplish with an aftermarket exhaust system, whether that be an axleback, catback or a straight pipe.
QuestionCan this work on motorcycles?Community AnswerYes, this does work on motorcycles. Rev up your motorcycle, turn it off, and when the RPM has gone about halfway down, start it up and fully rev it.
QuestionWhat do we call the kit that makes a car to backfire?Community AnswerA flamer kit and a spark plug in the exhaust to ignite the unburned fuel. It is available from eBay.
QuestionWhat would happen if I put fuel in the exhaust pipe?Community AnswerYour car could catch on fire if you do this, so I don't recommend it. It will also not make your car backfire.
QuestionDoes a stock exhaust work when making a car backfire? Would I need a straight pipe?Community AnswerIt depends on the car. The more cats and mufflers your exhaust has, the harder it is for it to backfire. Most sports or performance cars should be able to backfire with a stock exhaust, but silent family sedans with a very restrictive exhaust will probably not work. If the steps above don't work for you, try replacing your mufflers with a metal pipe. If that doesn't work either, try to remove all resonators and cats. If that still doesn't work, your car is probably not properly prepared for backfiring. Please note that if you plan on doing something like this to your car, make sure it's still silent enough to be legal in your region.
QuestionWill it work on a Nissan Sentra SR 2013?Community AnswerYes It should. Most cars should able to do this but you may need to have a aftermarket ecu or get it professionally modified.
QuestionWhat do I need to make a Toyota Supra MK4 to backfire?Lucas BiaginiCommunity AnswerAn anti-lag or 2-step system will work fine, but I recommend using aftermarket turbos.
QuestionIs it bad to force a car to backfire?Community AnswerYes, it can be. Be careful when you rev your vehicle. Over revving can destroy your engine if done for a long time.
QuestionCan I make a car sound like gunshots without a turbo and a straight pipe?Community AnswerYes, try doing keybangs. For that, you don't need a straight pipe. It might pop on stock exhaust but it will sound like gunshots if you don't have any mufflers. A keybang is when you rev the car to around 4-5k rpm then turn the key to acc and step on the gas for 1 or 2 seconds and turn the car back on. You should hear a loud pop at the end. Note do this at your own risk as it can damage the vehicle.
QuestionWill the backfire affect a car with straight pipe?Mr TinkerCommunity AnswerIt will not. A straight pipe will help you get a louder backfire.
QuestionCan I backfire my car with a normal exhaust and a stock ecu? It is a modern car.Tiffany Walaski-CayceTop AnswererAnyone can make their car backfire by removing a spark plug. I don't advise anyone that actually cares about their car do this because you can cause a lot of damage to the engine. But if it's a beater car and you could not care less, that's how you do it without spending all the extra money on parts meant to do this safely without damaging your engine.
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