Q&A for How to Make a Copyright Notice

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    Can i copyright with to or more authors?
    Community Answer
    You can. The authors must own a copyright in all elements of the work. For example, both could have written a text jointly. If one wrote the text and another created pictures, then each author must register what they created unless they intend to own the work jointly.
  • Question
    Can I use my name for my photography copyright?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it is normal to use your name when you are registering a copyright that you own. If you mean that your name will be used as a trademark, different laws apply for protection of that trademark.
  • Question
    Can I file a lawsuit even if I have not registered at the copyright office, but I have a copyright notice?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Copyright registration is only required for filing a lawsuit in the US courts if you are a citizen of the USA or you are seeking "statutory damages" unique to the US laws. Registration is not even possible, let alone required, in most other countries.
  • Question
    How do I copyright the name of a pre-choreographed exercise class, and the names of the tracks?
    Upnorth Here
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    Copyright does not include protection for "names." Those might be protectable under trademark laws. Choreography is copyrighted when you record it in a tangible form, such as video recording or diagrams.
  • Question
    Are authors of a preface and/or a forward considered joint authors?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Not necessarily. They are considered authors of the "supplemental work" that they have submitted for inclusion in your work. The exact ownership may be determined by the terms of the arrangement under which the supplemental work was contributed. One may prefer, for example, that an author of a preface/foreword NOT be deemed joint author (and thus copyright owner) of the entire work, and that can be specifically agreed beforehand.
  • Question
    Can clothing and accessories be protected by copyright?
    Community Answer
    According to Google, copyright law protects original prints and patterns, unique color arrangements and novel combinations of elements (protectable or non-protectable) used on apparel and accessories, but in most cases, not fashion designs themselves.
  • Question
    Can I copyright a phrase or a slogan?
    Upnorth Here
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    No, the Copyright Office has determined that such materials are of insufficient "creativity and originality" to qualify for copyright protection. However, it could be trademarked; consult wikiHow article Trademark a Phrase .
  • Question
    I want to publish on Wattpad. If I haven't registered online, can I still write a copyright notice on my work to avoid other user copying it?
    Upnorth Here
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    When you post things online, you are granting everyone a license to copy and view your works. The specific terms of a particular website may include further license terms for other users. However, your online publication is automatically covered under international copyright laws, whether or not you have a copyright notice or a copyright registration. In the USA a registration is required if a US citizen wants to sue in federal court.
  • Question
    Can I simply add a copyright symbol to my logo to protect my work?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    No. You don't need to add "copyright notice" to anything to protect it. A logo may be protected by copyright laws upon its creation, assuming it contains "creative work of original authorship." You may also protect a logo using trademark laws if it has been applied to goods or services in commerce. Some countries require registration for a trademark to be enforceable, but not the USA.
  • Question
    Can I copyright the script I am using in a video without having produced the video itself?
    Community Answer
    Copyright already applies to the work when it is created in a tangible form. Also, no copyright notice has been required in the USA since 1989.
  • Question
    Could I use a band's album name as my business name ?
    Community Answer
    Business names, copyrights and trademarks are governed by different laws and rules. There is nothing that automatically prevents you from using an album name as a business name, provided it is not done for purpose of fraud. There are MANY business names that are clearly taken from lyrics (e.g., "Strawberry Fields", "Penny Lane").
  • Question
    Could I use a band's album name as my business name?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Copyright does not apply to names, so you can use an album name as your business name.
  • Question
    Can I copyright an essay written by me?
    Community Answer
    Copyright is already there when the essay is written and copyright registration is only required in the USA as a step in filing a lawsuit.
  • Question
    How do I make a copyright symbol?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    The code for a copyright symbol varies from one type of computer to the next, as well as the different applications (word processing, drawings, digital photographs, etc). You may be able to simply "copy and paste" an existing symbol from one place to another. On a Microsoft operating system, you can generate the symbol by holding the Alt key while pressing the sequence of 0,1,6,9 buttons on the numeric keypad, resulting in ©.
  • Question
    How long does it usually take for my documents to be sent back to me (copyrighted)?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    The only document you will "get back" from a copyright registration will be either a denial letter or a registration certificate. It may take 4 to 8 months for the complete process. Your works are, however, copyrighted the moment you record them in any tangible form, whether or not you ever file for registration.
  • Question
    Let's say I distribute a photo of some plants, but they are in a specific arrangement with some other unique elements, are the arrangement and elements protected?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    If the arrangements are "creative works of original authorship" then they might be copyrightable as part of the copyrighted photograph.
  • Question
    Can I write a copyright notice with my work, without official registration?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Official registration is only required if you are in the United States (or other applicable country; most do not) and want to sue an offending work.
  • Question
    Can the name (e.g. John Doe) also be a company's name (e.g. IniTech)?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as the company's name is legally registered and functional business.
  • Question
    Can I write a copyright notice using an online username rather than my real name?  
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Yes, since copyright notice (in the USA) has been optional since 1989, you can use whatever author identification you choose. If you end up registering your copyright, the name should match what you put into the notice, to avoid delays in processing.
  • Question
    Can I copyright individual poems posted on social media?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Your original works of creative authorship are copyrighted automatically from the moment you record them in any tangible form, including computer memory. You don't "copyright" things; they are already copyrighted by rule.
  • Question
    Do I need to amend my copyright on a poem that is changed slightly?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Your copyright covers whatever you have created and written down. If you mean your copyright registration (which is completely optional until you want to sue), it already covers whatever was in your deposit copy and any "derivative works" based upon that work.
  • Question
    If I make a painting inspired by a copyrighted photograph, is that a violation?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    The specifics of creating such as "derivative work" would depend upon how similar your work is to the copyrighted portions of the original, assuming the original has any copyright of its own.
  • Question
    I’m creating a board game using characters from an established company that sells models. Must I get this company’s permission to use characters' names before I apply for a copyright? No game exists.
    Upnorth Here
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    You would probably need a trademark license to use distinctive names or shapes and a copyright license to use specific characters or derivative artwork.
  • Question
    How can I create a copyright notice that protects my rights as author of an online book, but allows viewers to copy, download and refer to the work in their works, as long as I am credited as author?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    You may want to review the guidelines of licensing Creative Commons works. See further: How to Attribute a Creative Commons Licensed Work.
  • Question
    Can a single word that does not exist because I made it up be copyrighted?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Probably not, since the US Copyright Office does not recognize sufficient "creativity" in a single word or short phrase or title, to trigger legal protection under copyright laws. If you apply it to goods or services in commerce, it may become an enforceable trademark.
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