How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Make a Cover Page for a Notebook
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QuestionHow can I do this without getting scolded by my teacher?Community AnswerMake it simple, and don’t overdo it! Try using your school colors.
QuestionHow do I make a simple and easy front page design?Community AnswerLook at your favorite books. How is the cover page representative of the book? First decide on the lettering for the title, author, and illustrator, and color of the letters. Then, decide what illustration will look best underneath the names. Then color your illustration.
QuestionHow do I decorate the first page of my notebook?Community AnswerOn the first page of my notebook, I always neatly wrote my name, address, phone number, and an emergency phone number (my mom's). This way, if you lose it or leave it somewhere, people can notify you.
QuestionWhat are some eye-catching ideas for a cover page?Community AnswerThe simplest one is to be colorful. The "stick-with-the-subject" idea above is also good. You can add biology stuff like bacteria in the biology notebook. Bubbling chemicals would relate to chemistry. A doodle of Newton's face would do in physics. For music, sketch musical instruments, like guitars, drums, etc. For art, you can draw paintbrushes, pencils, etc. If you're not good at drawing, print pictures and tape or glue them on.
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