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Q&A for How to Make a Frozen Bagel Taste Freshly Baked
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QuestionCan bagels be healthy?Katie Hake is a Registered Dietitian, Licensed Nutritionist, Fitness Professional and the Owner of Katie Hake Health & Fitness, LLC. She specializes in constructing sustainable life changes in health and fitness. Katie received a dual degree BS in Dietetics and Nutrition & Fitness and Health from Purdue University.Sure! There are so many ways to enjoy healthy bagels! You can have the traditional cream cheese or an egg for breakfast, or even add deli meat and veggies for a tasty lunch.
QuestionHow can you tell if frozen bagels are still good?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerMake sure you label and date the bagels when you put them in your freezer so you can track how long you've stored them.
QuestionWhy is a regular toaster preferable to a toaster oven, in method #1? I only have a toaster oven.Community AnswerA regular toaster is preferable to a toaster oven because it toasts both sides evenly. If you have a toaster oven, you can still achieve this effect by flipping the bagel regularly.
QuestionDoes Panera deliver as far as 4 miles away?Community AnswerIt depends on your local Panera. You should call them.
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