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Q&A for How to Make a Movie With One Person
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QuestionHow can I make a movie with several characters, but with only me as the actor?Community AnswerYou might find this slightly tricky, but it is possible! Just film yourself as one character, then stop the camera, cut away, and film yourself as another character. You can dress up in different outfits to make it look like there are multiple people playing the different parts, and use different voices and facial expressions.
QuestionWhat should the credits look like if I made the movie by myself?Community AnswerYou can either say "Movie Made By (Your Name)" or do all of the credits with your name.
QuestionCan you suggest a good editing software?Community AnswerThe best I've ever used (it isn't free but it's WELL worth the money) is Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. It's a little confusing at first, but there are many tutorials available online.
QuestionWhere can I find more information on how to write a script?Community AnswerYouTube. Look up "Indy Mogul Script" and "Film Riot Script." These two resources alone can provide you with a strong screenwriting foundation.
QuestionWhat is the best free editing app?Community AnswerMovie Maker is the best free editing app for Windows, or iMovie for Apple.
QuestionHow do I get inspired by a movie?Community AnswerThink about movies you've been watching in past. Identify the genre you like most, then make a movie in that genre.
QuestionHow can I make a movie with a double role?Community AnswerYou need an actor to play the role of the twin/clone, and a body double. Everything comes together in editing.
QuestionCan I turn a talk show into a movie?Community AnswerIt is possible, but most talk shows are designed to play live.
QuestionHow do you stop recording the camera without going closer to it (while recording)?Community AnswerWith a remote control. Or just walk to the camera and stop it; you can later edit that part out.
QuestionCan I make a movie if I don't own a camera?Community AnswerYes. Ask your friend or colleague to lend/ spare camera for film shooting. Ask him/her to join you on the project. They'll be happy to.
QuestionHow do I make a Bollywood short film by myself?Community AnswerFor starters, you could use the Bollywood movie trailer template on iMovie. Watch some short Bollywood films to get inspiration. If you have no actors to assist you, that could be problematic for a Bollywood film, but you may be able to get creative and figure out a way to play multiple roles yourself.
QuestionWhat website can I use to cut my movies and edit them without signing up?Community AnswerI don't think there is a website but there should be an app pre-installed into your computer. If you use MAC, iMovie. It doesn't need registration. For Windows, Windows (Live) Movie Maker. It also doesn't need registration. Both should be free.
QuestionCan I make a good one person movie with my iPad?Community AnswerYes, iPads have good cameras, and you can use iMovie for editing, there are also plenty of iPad tripods out there.
QuestionCan I make a movie without editing it?Community AnswerNot really as it would be an incredible feat the shoot the whole movie without making a single error or not having to splice scenes together. Try a free editing software if you cannot afford to pay for one. If you have a Mac, try iMovie. iMovie is simple but you can find many tutorials on wikiHow or YouTube if needed.
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