Q&A for How to Make a Psi Ball

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    Do I need to be standing when I form a psi ball?
    Community Answer
    You do not need to stand. You could sit cross legged or sit on a chair. You could hang upside down from the monkey bars if that suited you. Get into the position that works best for you.
  • Question
    Should I have my eyes opened or closed while doing this?
    Community Answer
    Either way works. However, with eyes closed, it will be easier to concentrate and feel the psi ball in your hand.
  • Question
    Could I actually make a glowing ball just appear?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It takes a lot of focus and belief, however. You may get it, but it may not be very visible. Often, the first attempts will be little glimpses of blue. It takes a lot of practice.
  • Question
    How do I make my psi ball visible?
    Community Answer
    It is very difficult to make a psi ball visible. It requires large amounts of energy, and you may never see it. However, it can be seen through the astral world because everything is energy there. Someone who has the third eye may also be able to see it.
  • Question
    How do I draw energy from something, such as light?
    Community Answer
    You'd need to concentrate on the power of the light flowing into your psi ball.
  • Question
    What are the uses of chi?
    Community Answer
    Chi can be used for many things from healing, to cursing or to just play with energy.
  • Question
    Is the ball supposed to be warm?
    Lorenzo Simmons
    Community Answer
    Yes, you may even feel tingling. When you send it away, you may feel drained.
  • Question
    Can I levitate objects using a psi ball?
    Community Answer
    The short answer is yes, you can. The long answer is when levitating an object, you're working with your aura by expanding it to cover the object then manipulating your aura to move it.
  • Question
    What effect does a psi ball have when it's released?
    Community Answer
    You may feel drained.
  • Question
    Can a psi ball be explosive in a way that can actually destroy something?
    Community Answer
    Well technically it is possible; however it requires a MASSIVE amount of energy.
  • Question
    What can I do with a psi ball?
    Community Answer
    Many things, such healing or even spells.
  • Question
    How long it takes to create a psi ball?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how strong you are. For some people, they can create it in seconds, but for other, it might take a while to do so.
  • Question
    How do you know if it worked?
    Community Answer
    You will feel pressure or pushing against your hand. You could feel heat. You'll know as you will feel like there is something in your hands.
  • Question
    Are long, flowing robes required, or just helpful?
    Community Answer
    It does not matter how you dress; however, if something makes you feel powerful when you wear it, then wear it.
  • Question
    Is it possible that I could create a psi ball that could be too much for me to handle?
    Community Answer
    Probably not. You can handle it because its your life force so its a part of you like your DNA.
  • Question
    Can I do it without moving my hands?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just tell it in your mind to move away. It's not as easy to do, though.
  • Question
    By being "drained" of energy, does it mean you'll pass out?
    Top Answerer
    No, you just feel like if you are drained.
  • Question
    Can I actually see the psi ball?
    Community Answer
    Yes, once you have mastered it you can see it. Only you can see it. It is really hard to make it visible to other people.
  • Question
    Will I be able to see a psi ball?
    Top Answerer
    You can only visualize it, but it is supposed to be invisible.
  • Question
    Why does the hand on the bottom feel heavy?
    Community Answer
    That may mean that your psi ball is getting stronger. It may also mean that your psi ball is becoming more visible. Keep working at it.
  • Question
    Can I give my psi ball to someone else?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. You can just throw it like a normal ball.
  • Question
    Can I make the Psi ball do what ever I want?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it depends on your abilities. That said, try not to do it to much or you will get really drained.
  • Question
    Can I make a fire, water, or electric ball?
    Community Answer
    Yes, and there are a lot of ways to do that, but they require a high level of energy control. It's recommended to master the psi ball first and then practice on those.
  • Question
    My palm felt itchy afterwards - is that natural?
    Community Answer
    In my experience, it's a sign of the energy passing through you hands, so it is completely natural and a good sign.
  • Question
    Is it possible for a beginner to do this in one day?
    Community Answer
    Sort of. You may feel the energy in the first day you start practicing, but you won't really control it very well in one day, so be patient.
  • Question
    Can you summon the ball once you release it?
    Community Answer
    Not exactly. Once your body has recovered you can create another psi ball, but you can't really get the original energy back.
  • Question
    What if the tingle in my fingers is not from the psi ball but because of the numbness? How would I know?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your doctor for advice about the numbness and its source.
  • Question
    I feel heat but nothing happens. Is this normal, if not why?
    Kenneth Price Rainford III
    Community Answer
    Heat may be body heat though it usually followed by magnetic pulling or pushing feel on the hands. It seems you are close. Keep trying.
  • Question
    After I release the psi ball, how do I get energy back?
    Lorenzo Simmons
    Community Answer
    Initially you will feel drained of energy, but you have energy flowing through your body at every moment of the day, so you will recharge over time. If you want to get that energy back faster, you can meditate, pull energy from something nearby, or program the psi ball to return to you after a few minutes.
  • Question
    Can a psi ball be as hot as lava?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it can be. It can also be hotter than lava, but it will take a huge amount energy and require years of practice.
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