Q&A for How to Make a Shrimp Aquarium

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    Is a substrate on the bottom a requirement? What purpose does it serve?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, to mimic natural surroundings. The bottom will be too shiny if you don't cover it, plus it'll be hard for the shrimp to walk on it. Algae/food also grows on some substrate.
  • Question
    If I don't want to breed shrimp, would it be cruel to keep only females or just one shrimp? How social are they?
    Jacqueline Lee
    Community Answer
    It is fine to keep a solitary ghost shrimp. Amano shrimp cannot be kept alone, but you do not need to worry about breeding within a group because they only breed in brackish water. Cherry shrimp interact with one another, so you should keep a group of at least six; if you'd like to keep them without breeding them, then look for only females,
  • Question
    Can I put a ghost shrimp with lobsters?
    Community Answer
    No! The lobsters will try to eat anything in their domain, including shrimp.
  • Question
    Are ghost shrimp most comfortable in groups, or are they just as content alone?
    Community Answer
    Groups are beneficial to the shrimp, but not necessary. If you have the right conditions, you won't need to purchase many at the start, as they breed very quickly.
  • Question
    Can small crabs live with shrimp?
    Community Answer
    No, shrimp tanks are fresh water and most crabs need salt water to survive. Also, the crabs will end up eating the shrimp.
  • Question
    Can I house ghost shrimp and cherry shrimp together?
    Community Answer
    No, I wouldn't do this. The ghost shrimp will eat the baby cherry shrimp and attack the adults.
  • Question
    Can I feed my shrimps zooplankton, and how often do I feed them?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't feed them zooplankton, as these are themselves small crustaceans. Commercial flake food and algae wafers will be perfect, with a little blanched vegetables every now and again. If your tank is established, I’d feed them every other day to allow them to naturally graze off the tank.
  • Question
    What specific plants are best?
    Community Answer
    Just about any plants are good, as long as they share the same temperature needs as the shrimp you get (tropical plants for tropical shrimp tank, cold water plants for cold water shrimp tank).
  • Question
    Can I put ghost shrimp in a bowl?
    Community Answer
    Yes you can, just make sure the bowl isn't too small.
  • Question
    Can I keep mantis shrimp with pistol shrimp?
    Community Answer
    No, they are vastly different.
  • Question
    Can I have goldfish with my shrimp?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as the shrimp are large enough not to be eaten by the goldfish.
  • Question
    What fish other than bettas are compatible with red cherry shrimp?
    Community Answer
    Nearly any freshwater fish will be compatible, as long as they are not big enough to eat the shrimp. Bettas are typically pretty aggressive, so I would not suggest these for cohabitation. I would look into rainbow fish, tetras, or even angelfish.
  • Question
    Do shrimp necessarily need an air pump and filter?
    Community Answer
    If you have freshwater shrimp, then the air pump is only necessary if the tank is overstocked or overplanted. However, a filter is necessary.
  • Question
    How do I breed the ghost shrimp?
    Community Answer
    Just put them together and wait for them to reproduce.
  • Question
    How many shrimp can I keep in a ten-gallon aquarium?
    Community Answer
    About 3-10 depending on hiding places, plants, and how often you do maintenance on your tank.
  • Question
    Can I use just natural pebbles as substrate in my shrimp aquarium?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as they are properly rinsed. If you are setting up a new tank it would be ideal to put the substrate in and let a few cycles of the tank run (about 2 - 3 weeks).
  • Question
    Why do my shrimp stay in one corner of my tank?
    Community Answer
    Maybe they just feel comfortable in a small space. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  • Question
    How do I find out the size of my fish tank?
    Community Answer
    If you want the water volume, you can multiply length by width by height. If you want the size in gallons/ litres, it might be easier to look up a fish tank size calculator.
  • Question
    What type of shrimp are below $40?
    Audrey Brinkman
    Community Answer
    There are lots of shrimp under $40. Cherry shrimp and ghost shrimp are most well known. Did you buy them as shrimplets?
  • Question
    How do I keep new ghost shrimp from jumping out of the tank? The water quality is fine.
    Audrey Brinkman
    Community Answer
    You need a lid. Shrimps can jump when they are excited, so you need to be sure to have a lid. If you see a shrimp moving/swimming in your tank but not going down, they don't like the water.
  • Question
    How long do the shrimp live for?
    Sophia Harris
    Community Answer
    It depends on the breed of shrimp you have, ghost shrimp can live from only a couple of days up to a year. Cherry shrimp can live 1-2 years. However, brine shrimp's lifespan can vary, brine shrimp eggs can live up to 25 years and a possible 25 years after hatching! It depends on the breed you have or are hoping to get.
  • Question
    Could I just add an air pump and not a filter, or just do many water changes?
    Community Answer
    An air pump is not really needed if you have a filter, air stone or plants. The filter creates surface movement, which adds oxygen to the water. Air stones and plants also release oxygen into the water.
  • Question
    Do shrimp need anything more than just the water in the aquarium?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they do. If you do not want to use an air pump, you may want to try adding live plants. Plants provide oxygen, through photosynthesis, and their debris will feed the shrimp. Alternatively, you can use an air stone and flake or pellet food. You will also likely need substrate, as algae and waste will collect on the glass, and they are difficult to clean. Sand and gravel are also much better for the shrimp to walk on, and are needed for most aquatic plants, if you decide to add plants.
  • Question
    Can I keep a single ghost shrimp in a 1.5 gallon aquarium?
    Community Answer
    Yes. keep the water on the colder side though, about 20 degrees Celsius. And clean the water weekly with suitable products from the local pet store (brand of your choice).
  • Question
    Can I put shrimp in a tank with tetras, goldfish, and guppies?
    Community Answer
    The tetras and guppies should be fine with it. However, goldfish have a tendency to eat anything they can fit in their mouth. Also, tetras and guppies are tropical fish whereas goldfish are cold freshwater fish, so they cannot be kept together.
  • Question
    I just caught wild shrimp because they were infesting my pond and becoming a big problem. How can I care for them?
    Community Answer
    Contact a professional caretaker of marine life, so they can go back to their natural habitat or somewhere similar.
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