Q&A for How to Make a Sling Shot

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    Can't you use plastic golf balls for the indoor slingshot?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how powerful your slingshot is. If your slingshot only fires a tiny distance and it fires "slowly," then yes. If it fires a long way and fast (which is most likely), you could break a window or really hurt someone - even if it's plastic.
  • Question
    What if you cant find the right sized material or stick to create a slingshot?
    Community Answer
    Look closer. There's bound to be some suitable materials on the ground somewhere. Keep an eye out for downed branches and larger pieces of wood that your can break or cut to size.
  • Question
    Can I make a different kind?
    Community Answer
    You can look elsewhere online for a different kind, as there are many types that you can make.
  • Question
    Do I have to use a longer piece of rubber band to shoot far?
    Sherm DeLyser
    Community Answer
    It is not so much the length of the band as it is how strong you are and how far you are able to pull it back. It also depends on the thickness of the rubber band. A thick band will send a projectile farther than a weak one stretched to its limit.
  • Question
    Instead of latex surgical tubing, what other things might be helpful?
    Community Answer
    Cut a strip of rubber from a tire inner tube. Ask at an Auto tire shop or a bicycle shop. Farm machinery shops often throw away inner tubes too. Most will give them free. Cut the strip about an inch wide. If you want the pouch to be wider, cut that center area wider. Attach to fork with small tacks or staples.
  • Question
    Can I buy slingshots like these online?
    Community Answer
    Not exactly like them, but most slingshots you can buy online should work even better.
  • Question
    Can slingshots be used as actual weapons in self defense?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If you are adept with one and it is strong enough, a sling shot can be a viable self defense weapon.
  • Question
    Why is a microwave needed in this project? I don't understand.
    Sherm DeLyser
    Community Answer
    It is simply a quicker way to dry the wood. You could place it in a regular oven set at about 200 degrees, but it might take a day to dry that way.
  • Question
    What would be a good replacement for the rubber bands?
    Community Answer
    An elastic band of some kind, perhaps from an old pair of pants, might work. You could also maybe use a headband.
  • Question
    Can an arrow be placed in a sling shot with the same effects?
    Community Answer
    You could try, but it would not be the best option, as an arrow would be a bit large to fire from a sling shot.
  • Question
    Is the slingshot supposed to be accurate or long range?
    Community Answer
    Both the accuracy and range of your slingshot will depend on several factors, from the type and shape of the wood you use to the tension of the bands. In general, though, slingshots are a mid-range projectile weapon. With a heavy enough sling, you could probably fire a stone or BB up to 50 or 60 feet.
  • Question
    Why do I need to dry out the wood?
    Community Answer
    You need to dry the wood because it makes the wood sturdier and more difficult to break.
  • Question
    What can I do if I want to use a slingshot as a toy?
    Community Answer
    Just use weaker rubber bands or fire a smaller/softer projectile. You still shouldn't fire it at a person, though.
  • Question
    Can I use a sling shot in Minecraft?
    Community Answer
    Sadly, you can't, but hopefully that will be included in the next edition of the game!
  • Question
    Can I make a slingshot without a knife?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. You can use any sharp object.
  • Question
    Can I use a substitute for the rubber band?
    Community Answer
    You could cut down exercise bands or use surgical tubing.
  • Question
    What do I do if my ammo keeps hitting the plunger?
    Community Answer
    Try making a small crevice in the center. It might end up not working, so always have enough materials for multiple slingshots.
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