Q&A for How to Memorize Notes for a Test

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    How long should I study on the night before?
    Community Answer
    Do not study too long the night before -- this night should be mostly about summarizing and double checking. Make sure you can get at least 9 hours of sleep before the test/exams.
  • Question
    How do I memorize things quickly?
    Community Answer
    Read what you must memorize many times. Repeat it to yourself out loud, and write it down on an index card. Test yourself, and ask others to test you as well. Continue following these steps and you will commit the material to memory.
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    How long should you study each day?
    Community Answer
    The number of hours you study doesn't matter. You need to set targets for each day and fulfill those targets. Keep your mind completely focused on the tasks for the day.
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    How can I memorize for a test that I have the next day?
    Community Answer
    First of all make sure that you have all the notes laid out in front of you. Write down all of the important information on all the pages on one piece of paper. For example, if you have a history test of explorers and you have pages of info describing their journey, write down the important things like where they went, when they went, when they came back, who they went with and other key details. You don't need to write in complete sentences. Then just review the paper as many times as you can between now and your test.
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    How can I memorize numbers?
    Community Answer
    Try putting them in places that you see a lot, such as: the fridge, your alarm clock, your lunch box, the door to your room, the bathroom mirror, etc.
  • Question
    How much sleep do I need to perform well on a test?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how old you are. Children 6-10 years old need a minimum of 9 hours of sleep. 11-15-year-olds need a minimum of 8 hours of sleep. And teens 16 and older need a minimum of 6 hours sleep. Just try and get as much sleep as you can. Use these numbers as a guide.
  • Question
    What do I do if I get told that I have a test the next day?
    Community Answer
    Employ the skills of scanning, skimming and mapping. With a short amount of time, you can scan your required notes for important information, skim by underlining and developing summary notes on various topics by considering scanned points, and map information by trying to develop the thread or relationship in what has been summarized, thus how topic one leads to topic two. Afterwards, give extra time to difficult topics. It can be okay to have general knowledge on all required areas than to specialize in specific areas.
  • Question
    Does smoking have an effect on memory?
    Community Answer
    Yes, smoking can have an affect on the brain, and therefore may affect memory.
  • Question
    Do you have to have pictures?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily, although, if you are a visual learner, it would be beneficial. Some people learn better through listening to the same thing over and over again, while some memorize better when writing the same thing over and over again. Or, again, some can absorb things quicker visually (e.g. displays and pictures).
  • Question
    What is the easiest way to study geography and maps? My teacher told us about the test only a day ago, so we only have a limited amount of time to study.
    Amy Wang
    Community Answer
    To study and memorize countries or other places on a map, try associating the places with pictures and things you know about. For example, India looks like a dinosaur to me. India is known (to me) for their elephant-riding. Elephants are big, like dinosaurs. You can also try some of the methods above, like turning it into a song.
  • Question
    How do I concentrate only in studies without laziness?
    Community Answer
    Do some activity (like running) to re-activate your brain cells to work actively again before studying.
  • Question
    How can I love studying and stop getting bored?
    Community Answer
    You could try turning the information you need to study into a song. That might make it more interesting to review. You could also try studying with a friend to make it more fun.
  • Question
    How can I focus for an exam?
    Community Answer
    Delete social media applications from your devices and switch off your internet access. If you need to access web pages, download them before you start to study.
  • Question
    What do I do if I took bad notes?
    Community Answer
    Try borrowing a friend's notes, and copy them down neatly. If your own notes have just been written sloppily, try writing them out again neatly. Writing them a second time will make it more likely you will remember everything.
  • Question
    Can I listen to music while memorizing notes for a test?
    Community Answer
    Most would find it too distracting. Try turning on white noise in the background instead. If you really want music, soft classical music (or something similar) would be best.
  • Question
    Whats the duration for breaks while studying?
    Community Answer
    5 - 10 minutes every hour is a good amount of time.
  • Question
    How can I memorize chemistry notes?
    Community Answer
    Follow the instructions listed in the article above.
  • Question
    What do I do if I have bad memory when memorizing notes for a test?
    Community Answer
    Don’t memorise! You have to learn them. When having your notes in front of you, try rewriting your notes over and over again. If possible, make drawings, diagrams or mind maps to help you remember both the substance and the connections.
  • Question
    How do I study for a test at the last minute and not mix up the information?
    Community Answer
    Try the methods in Study at the Last Minute .
  • Question
    Why do I read things and forget them quickly?
    Community Answer
    Maybe because you didn't read it over a few times to ''plant" it in your brain. If you read your notes out loud a few times, you will see better results.
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