Q&A for How to Not Get Creeped out by a Chain Letter

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    What if it threatens to kill my family? Like "if you do not send this to 20 people, your mom will die in 2 days?"
    Community Answer
    Chain letters often say scary things like this to convince people to keep spreading them. But it's always fake. Nothing is going to happen to anyone because of the chain letter. It's best to just not read those things and delete them as soon as you get them.
  • Question
    What if it says "this is real, you can research on it"?
    Community Answer
    It says that because it is using standard scare tactics to make you think that it has some basis. It doesn't - every chain letter is a threat, a falsehood and should be ignored. If you feel pressured or threatened by it, put it into the trash and press delete. All done, you're free.
  • Question
    What if the chain mail adds examples of people who broke this mail and something bad happened to them?
    Community Answer
    It's still fake. There's no evidence the person actually received bad luck because of breaking a chain letter. Nothing will actually happen if you don't forward it.
  • Question
    If you get scared and have nightmares, should you tell an adult?
    Community Answer
    You may tell an adult you're having nightmares over it. Maybe they'll help you remove it from your mind.
  • Question
    How do I calm myself down after I get scared?
    Community Answer
    Determine the reason you're afraid. Tell yourself that everything's going to be fine, and then do something you enjoy doing.
  • Question
    What if the chain mail says to look up the person's name, and the person who died actually existed?
    Community Answer
    The chain mail is still fake. The dead person cannot come back to life and hurt you. If you are still afraid, considering praying for their soul instead, so that it can rest in peace.
  • Question
    What if it tells me to keep reading because I've opened it?
    Community Answer
    It's not real, so just leave or delete the message.
  • Question
    What happens if I never receive the mail, when someone sent it to me?
    Community Answer
    Nothing happens. The only difference is that the mail never even made into your inbox, and you didn't even read it.
  • Question
    What if the chain mail is sent to you via text message or social media?
    Community Answer
    It is the same thing as a chain mail sent via email. Chain mails are just made for you to share, re-post, re-tweet, forward, etc.
  • Question
    What if the chain mail is a voice message?
    Community Answer
    Mute it or delete it quickly. Voice messages are creepier than a chain letter. Don't listen to what it says; it's just a waste of time.
  • Question
    If I'm having nightmares about a chain letter, who can I talk to?
    Community Answer
    Someone you trust. If you're a kid, your parent or teacher, if not, tell someone you feel comfortable with, who's a good listener.
  • Question
    I'm really scared of the Carmen Winstead one, I saw a bunch of pictures and videos online. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Go to snopes.com and search "Carmen Winstead." Snopes.com is a well-known website dedicated to debunking internet urban legends and rumors. They have an article on this urban legend, which tells you where and when it got started and how there's no genuine evidence that such a death ever occurred. All those pictures and messages were created with the intent of making the legend seem more real and to frighten others. This is common with popular internet urban legends. It's easy to fake things online and make up more believable stories with this "evidence." If it's possible and if it would make you feel better, talk to someone level-headed that you trust about your fears.
  • Question
    What if you're religious, and the chain mail is regarding something spiritual, and seems frighteningly real?
    Community Answer
    Just delete it. Authentic letters containing stories of real need or genuine spiritual advice don't need to resort to pressure tactics to spread their message.
  • Question
    Why do they want to do this? It looks and sounds stupid.
    Community Answer
    Only mean, nasty people that are bored want to do it. They only do it to scare people so that they can make fun of them afterwards.
  • Question
    What happens if I believe that people can come back from the dead?
    Community Answer
    You can believe that all you want, but that won't change the reality that it isn't true.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have already sent these chains?
    Top Answerer
    Apologize to the people you sent it to if you feel the need to, explaining that you didn't know better, and make sure not to do it again. Don't beat yourself up too much: for many people, chain mail is just a minor nuisance or maybe even a bit fun. If someone you forwarded the message to seems upset, however, definitely apologize.
  • Question
    What if all it is is a creepy image that says repost or die at 3 a.m.?
    Jenna Swain-Radford
    Community Answer
    Report the image. Look at some nice pictures, listen to really silly music - do this to distract you and make you feel less scared! And you won't die at 3 a.m.!
  • Question
    What happens if I do the chain?
    Top Answerer
    Nothing will happen, except that the chain gets forwarded. At most, a few people might get frightened, but many probably won't. Most will probably get slightly annoyed, amused, or will ignore it without thought. Some will possibly forward it as you did, for their own reasons.
  • Question
    Can I send a chain letter even though I know it is fake?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you should let the people you send it to know that it is fake. They may not realize it otherwise.
  • Question
    What if they sent it on Snapchat?
    Jenna Swain-Radford
    Community Answer
    No matter what the letter has been sent on, it is still fake and nothing is going to hurt you.
  • Question
    If I don't send it to people, will I die?
    Community Answer
    No. They only say that to scare you and make you send the chain letter to more people. Just delete it and forget about it, it's not real.
  • Question
    Why do people make videos of chain letters?
    Community Answer
    They make videos of chain letters to scare people even more than they already are, but you just have to remember that it's never real. You can send a message to anyone with a made up story and video to get attention.
  • Question
    What if it doesn't give me a threat, simply a reward (new wallpaper, fancy text bubbles, etc.) if I send it?
    Macey R.
    Community Answer
    Do not click it. If you do, your device could get a virus, or something worse. It is always best to ignore those emails.
  • Question
    What if it actually comes true?
    Community Answer
    It can't come true. It's physically impossible. A chain letter can't make something happen to you. It's all fake baloney meant to scare you and to make you spread it. If anything in a chain letter really happens to you, it is a coincidence.
  • Question
    What if I've already forwarded a few after someone sent them to me?
    Community Answer
    Nothing is necessarily going to happen. Most people don't care one way or another. If you know someone who is upset about it, apologize.
  • Question
    How are chain letters started?
    Community Answer
    Some bored or nasty people just decide they want to do something to scare others, thinking of it as fun. Then they'll write a chain letter and start passing it on via email or social media.
  • Question
    My friend keeps making made-up chain letters and it's really annoying. What should I do to get revenge?
    Community Answer
    Don't take revenge, tell her to stop. If she doesn't stop, then stop talking to her until she does. They're not real, so just ignore them.
  • Question
    If talking to a parent or family member doesn't help, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try talking to a friend or teacher or someone that will really listen to you.
  • Question
    I am 11 years old. My friends have been sending it to me. I am really scared and I have to sleep with my parents every night. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you're scared, talk to your parents or someone you trust. Ask your friends to stop sending you this stuff, and remember that it isn't real.
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm really scared about a chain letter and I'm home alone?
    Community Answer
    The chain letter isn't real. Keep telling yourself this, and distract yourself by reading a book, watching YouTube, or doing something else you like to do. You can also call a friend or parent and ask them to stay on the phone with you for a while if you're scared about being alone.
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