Q&A for How to Pick Your Nose Inconspicuously

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    Why would someone need to pick their nose?
    Community Answer
    I believe that many people do it because they want their noses to feel "clean" and blowing their nose doesn't work as well.
  • Question
    Does nose picking make the nose bigger?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    No. Your nose is made of soft skin and muscle tissue, which does not permanently expand when you pick your nose.
  • Question
    Can someone else pick my nose for me?
    Community Answer
    Theoretically yes, but that's disgusting and nobody would do it.
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    Could these techniques also work for the anal sphincter?
    Community Answer
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    Is it healthy to pick my nose?
    Community Answer
    It's not healthy, but it's not really unhealthy either.
  • Question
    Can I eat my boogers?
    Community Answer
    It is very unhygienic and not recommended.
  • Question
    Do people get annoyed when I pick my nose?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the person. Some people wouldn't be bothered by it, but others might find it disgusting or unsanitary, leading them to become annoyed or irritated when they see someone doing it.
  • Question
    Do people feel disgusted or not want to be my friend if there is snot in my nose?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes it can be unsettling. If you make sure your nose is clean, people will probably be more comfortable around you.
  • Question
    What is the little thing in the front center part of the inside of the nose?
    Community Answer
    On the inside of the tip of your nose? It's cartilage. Its function is to keep your nose firm enough to keep its shape, but flexible enough so it doesn't break if you bump up against something.
  • Question
    What happens if I leave the stuff in my nose?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The mucus will be carried off naturally. Your nose is a gland; therefore, it naturally creates a layer of mucus to protect itself. This mucus traps small airborne particles, bacteria, etc. As you breathe, it dries up, becoming detached from the underlying layers of newly-formed mucus. At some point, you will sneeze and it will be carried off that way. So even if you don't take it out yourself, it will not stay there forever.
  • Question
    When someone is caught during this, should they get away or play naive?
    Community Answer
    It’s best to laugh at yourself and make a joke, you may even make a new friend.
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