Q&A for How to Play Center in Netball

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    How do I dodge defenders?
    Community Answer
    Keep moving. If you're being blocked, feint left and go right, or the other way around.
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    What can I do to open up space around me?
    Community Answer
    The simple answer is to run into space. You should be quick on your feet, and as soon as you see an opening, run into space and call for the ball.
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    How can I become a center if I currently play a position I am not good at?
    Community Answer
    Practice playing in your desired position and impress your coach with your skills. Also talk to your coach/team leader. Tell them that you struggle in your current position and that you would like to try playing center. Don't insist, but try to win them over. The better you get, the more convinced your coach will be.
  • Question
    What are the most effective exercises for a center?
    Community Answer
    Practice running really fast, since a center does a lot of running. It is also important to do drills where you practice passing the ball.
  • Question
    Can centers go into the circles?
    Community Answer
    No, they cannot go in the semi-circles, also known as the goal circles, as this prevents them from shooting.
  • Question
    I am a short girl, age 17, and I am a netball player. My position is center. How I can defend against a tall opponent?
    Community Answer
    Jump up to catch the ball. Since you are small, you have the advantage of faking dodging and easily getting past.
  • Question
    Do centers always attack centers in Netball?
    Community Answer
    Yes, unless the opposing center has the ball. They must then mark the person most likely to be passed to.
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    How can I jump high in netball?
    Community Answer
    Plyometric exercises like depth jumps are useful for developing impulse strength. Incorporate plyometrics into your exercise regimen to jump higher.
  • Question
    During the center pass, is the center allowed to throw the ball directly to the goal shooter?
    Community Answer
    No, they have to pass it to wing attack, and then wing attack passes it back to center.
  • Question
    Can a center player put one leg in the center circle while serving a center pass?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as one foot is in the center circle. This is useful when the opposing team has just won a goal so you can run into the circle and make a pass quickly.
  • Question
    Can I defend before the ball is passed to my player in netball?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as you are three feet away from your opponent and do not touch the ball while the opponent has hold of it, otherwise it will be classed as a contact and you will have to stand beside your opponent until they have passed.
  • Question
    Is it necessary for the center to pass the ball to his teammates from the boundaries of the court?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is necessary because if you don't the ball will likely turnover to the other team and they will score.
  • Question
    Where does the center stand?
    Community Answer
    The center can stand in all three thirds of the court, but not inside the shooting semicircle.
  • Question
    What skills do I need to play center in netball?
    Community Answer
    Good communication skills to be able to speak to your team members even during heated moments. Stamina, because you need to be able to be quick on your feet, which leads to the next skill, being a quick thinker: you need to be able to make smart, quick and good decisions when playing netball because you need to know where to move, who to pass to and who to mark.
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