Q&A for How to Play Chess

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    What if the opponent doesn't move the way I wish?
    Community Answer
    You need a strong defense and to be prepared for almost anything. One of the main strategies of chess is forcing your opponent into a situation where, no matter what he or she does, you are given an advantage, such as capturing a piece or securing a better position.
  • Question
    What are promoted pawns?
    Top Answerer
    These are pawns that have reached their eighth row (the opponent's first row) and have been converted to some other piece such as a queen.
  • Question
    Can the rook and king move together?
    Community Answer
    Under certain conditions, yes. It is known as castling and is very useful. It was one of the few changes made in the last millennium.
  • Question
    Can a horse come back to its previous place?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it can.
  • Question
    What are the moves of the bishop?
    Community Answer
    A bishop moves diagonally in any direction and as many open squares as it wants. It must stop before coming to a square occupied by a piece of its own color. It can stop on a square occupied by an opponent's piece (thereby capturing that piece).
  • Question
    How does a pawn move?
    Top Answerer
    Usually a pawn moves one square forward. On its first move, it can move either one square or two squares forward. A pawn may move one square diagonally forward if in doing so it captures an opponent's piece.
  • Question
    Can the pawn move forward two spaces only once?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Your pawns may each move either one or two spaces forward on their first move. In all subsequent moves, each may move only one space.
  • Question
    I am a beginner in playing chess. What moves should I learn to be an expert?
    Community Answer
    Expert moves takes time to learn. You need to learn the basic moves, like protecting every single piece of your chess pieces. After that, you can try to learn to focus on a side to check-mate the king. You might want to know some openings and endgames technique too.
  • Question
    Can any chess pieces move backwards?
    Community Answer
    All pieces except pawns can move backwards in directions permitted for the piece in question (e.g. rooks can move straight backwards, bishops can go backwards diagonally, etc.). Promoted pawns can move backwards in the same manner as the piece they've become.
  • Question
    Can you ever capture the king and take it off the board?
    Community Answer
    No. The king remains on the board until the very end of the game. If your king can be captured on your opponent's next move, you are in check and must get out of check immediately. You can do so by moving your king to a safe spot, by putting one of your own pieces between your king and the attacking piece, or by capturing the attacking piece. If you are in check and cannot immediately get out of check in one move, you are in checkmate, and the game is over (without your opponent's actually having to remove your king).
  • Question
    Can the king move without check?
    Community Answer
    A king can move anytime except if a move would put himself into check. A king becomes more powerful toward the end of the game and can help checkmate the other king.
  • Question
    Can I use a pawn to checkmate a king?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can use any piece (except your king) to checkmate your opponent's king. A pawn -- like any other piece -- cannot achieve a checkmate, however, without help from teammates.
  • Question
    Can the king capture a pawn?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, the king can capture a pawn if the pawn is in any adjacent square, as long as the move does not place (or leave) the king in check.
  • Question
    The king isn't supposed to be able to take the opponent's king or queen. However, in a game against the computer, my queen was captured by the king. Why?
    Community Answer
    Without seeing the position, it's hard to say. Normally, a king cannot get close enough to the opponent's queen to capture her without putting himself in check, which is illegal. However, there is a situation where the queen is "pinned," which means she can't move, because moving would place her own king in check. Perhaps the computer had pinned your queen, allowing it to place its king right next to your queen without exposing its king to check, and then captured your queen in the next move.
  • Question
    What is a "fool's mate?"
    Community Answer
    A fool's mate is a checkmate that involves moving your king's F pawn in a way that prevents the knight from blocking and the G pawn is too far forward to block. The opposing queen (or bishop), then will attack diagonally and, assuming the king has no escape, squares (e.g. your queen has moved).
  • Question
    How many checkmates are required to end the game?
    Top Answerer
    One. Once a checkmate is legitimately declared, the game is over.
  • Question
    How can I learn how to play quickly?
    Community Answer
    Everything takes time, but if you keep learning without a cheat-day or procrastination, you will learn it faster.
  • Question
    I have never played chess before, and I'm just trying to learn about the game. How do I identify the pieces?
    Top Answerer
    The article above and many other wikiHow articles on chess will help you learn what you need to know.
  • Question
    Can a pawn capture a queen?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, if moving diagonally forward.
  • Question
    How do I put a king into check without any other pieces captured?
    Community Answer
    There are a number of ways that you can do this. However, it is very hard to put a king into check without capturing any pieces.
  • Question
    Can a pawn that has been promoted to a knight move backwards?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, a promoted pawn may move in any manner permitted to the piece the pawn has become.
  • Question
    Can the king be surrounded by pawns?
    Community Answer
    If you mean pawns of the king's own color, yes, although that may not be a good defense. An opponent's knight, for example, could place your king in check, and you'd have nowhere to move your king.
  • Question
    How can I play chess easily?
    Top Answerer
    Chess is not a game easily mastered. You can learn the basic rules and the moves allowed for the various pieces pretty quickly, but to become truly adept at the game takes years.
  • Question
    Can pawns be in a group?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, pawns can be near each other.
  • Question
    Do I need to use offensive points in chess?
    Community Answer
    No, not at all.
  • Question
    When was this published?
    Top Answerer
    This article was created in 2006 and has been changed through the editing process many times since.
  • Question
    How should I move pawns in chess?
    Community Answer
    Pawns can move forward one or two spaces at the start, one after that and can only attack another piece diagonally forward.
  • Question
    In total, how many checks are there?
    Anthony Jiang
    Community Answer
    You can check the opponent's king as many times as you can.
  • Question
    Why are the pictures backwards? Every single picture in this tutorial shows the wrong board orientation. White is row 1, black is row 8. The text is correct, but doesn't match the photos.
    Top Answerer
    You are correct. Several of the above images do show White and Black set up at the wrong ends of the board. White starts on rows 1 and 2. Black begins on rows 7 and 8. (Some chessboards do not even show rank and file designations, although they are useful in the notation of moves.)
  • Question
    What are the colors for?
    Top Answerer
    The colors are just to make it easy to tell one player's pieces from the other's.
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