How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Play Pick up Sticks
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QuestionWhat if I have no black, green, or orange sticks?Community AnswerThere is always one stick that is different from all the others, so that can be used to move the other sticks regardless of what color it is.
QuestionDo you have to have black stick in your set? We have an orange but no black.Community AnswerIf you have an orange stick, then you can use that as a black stick.
QuestionIs the black stick only used during one turn, or do I get to use it over and over?Community AnswerOnce you have picked up the black stick, you can use it to pick up other sticks at any time, as many times as you want.
QuestionIf someone can move as many sticks out of the way that he/she wants with the black stick, it seems the person with the black stick will automatically win because he/she can pick them all up eventually. Is this correct?Community AnswerPut a limit on how many sticks someone may move with the master stick each turn.
QuestionCan I use two fingers to pick up a stick?Community AnswerYes. You can use as many fingers as you want on one hand as long has you don't touch or move another stick. Then, your turn is over.
QuestionDo I pick up the sticks with my hands?Community AnswerYes. If you have the black stick, you may use it to push other sticks out of the way, but you must pick them up with your hands.
QuestionHow many sticks are there and what colors are they?Community AnswerThere are 10 sticks of each of the following colors: red, blue, yellow, green. And there is one black stick.
QuestionShould I use only one hand to pick up sticks?Community AnswerUse whichever hand is most comfortable.
QuestionWhat stick could be used at the beginning of the game if the black stick has not been picked up yet?Community AnswerOnly the black stick can move other sticks; no other stick can be used before or after the black stick is picked up.
QuestionHow many sticks is there in a set?Community AnswerThere are 41 sticks in a set: one black stick, and ten each of the other colors.
QuestionDo I get to keep the black stick for the whole game if I picked it up?Community AnswerYes, you get to keep the black stick the whole game. It becomes like one of your regular sticks and it is worth 25 points.
QuestionIf a stick is lying on its own on the table, not touching anything else, do I move it into the pile, move it to the side and not use it, or leave it?Community AnswerYou can just leave it where it is. Usually these get picked up first, so if you have the first turn, you are in luck. You can also move it into the pile if you want to make the game more challenging.
QuestionWhat's the maximum number of players?Community AnswerIt works well with 2-4 players, but you can play with more. The more people you play with, the fewer sticks each person will be able to pick up.
QuestionDoes each player get a stick to use right from the beginning of the game?Community AnswerNo. You pick a person to go first, then you can start picking.
QuestionPlease clarify the black stick. How many sticks can it move?Community AnswerThe black stick is dropped at the start of the game, and moves any other sticks (as many as you want) out of the way.
QuestionIf I move a stick when playing, do I return the stick to its original position, or leave things as they are?Community AnswerIf you start to pick up a stick and another one moves, then you have to leave the stick you tried to move where it is and your turn is now over.
QuestionHow many points is each color stick worth?Community AnswerThe color you only have one of is 25 points, red is 10, blue is 5, green is 2, and yellow is 1 point.
QuestionWhat should I do if my set did not come with a black stick?Community AnswerLook for one stick that is different from the others -- it has to be there. Otherwise, you could just choose one at random and decide that you'll use that one as the "black stick."
QuestionIs only one hand allowed to be used, or can we use two at the same time (in the same turn)?Community AnswerYou should only use one hand at a time, otherwise the game gets too easy.
QuestionCan the black stick be used only by the person who removes it from the pile?Community AnswerYes. Only one person can use it at a time, but you can say that after so many turns they have to drop it.
QuestionIf the black stick moves another stick while separating them, should I stop the game?Community AnswerNo. The point of the black stick is to move the other sticks out of the way.
QuestionWhen a player picks up the black stick, do they keep it for the rest of the game?Community AnswerYes, and after you pick it up, you can move any other stick.
QuestionCan I not keep score and just play?Community AnswerYes, it depend on you, but playing with two or more people is fun when you have points and scores.
QuestionWhat is the die that has six different colors on each face for?Community AnswerYou don't have to use it, it only comes in some sets. If you do, you roll it on your turn and it signifies which color you have to pick up.
QuestionCan magnet sticks be used if they are kept separate?Community AnswerYes, they can.
QuestionHow do I know how many points I have?Community AnswerJust add up the points of the colors of sticks you have. Black = 25 points, red = 10, blue = 5, green = 2, yellow = 1.
QuestionCan I find small sticks from outside and color them with markers?Community AnswerYes, but try to get them about the same size. You mean get need to cut them with scissors to the same length. (It doesn't need to be absolutely perfect.) Also, they should all be straight. If you aren't playing with a scorecard, then you don't need to colour the sticks, you only need to make the master stick somewhat different from the others. (For example, stripes on the stick.) Also, you could use bamboo skewers from the kitchen. You can buy these really cheaply at the supermarket.
QuestionWhat happens if a stick falls on the floor?Community AnswerIf it was the stick you wanted to pick up, then you get to take it. If it was another that fell due to your motions, your turn ends there and the stick is given to the person who has the lowest score.
QuestionHow many sticks can someone pickup when playing the game?Community AnswerWhen you are playing each player can only pick one stick per a turn, but if you go to pick a stick up and you move another stick then your turn is over, and you must stop.
QuestionI am making my own set of pick-up sticks. Is there a standard size or shape? What is the purpose of having only one black stick?CageyCatTop AnswererThe Black Stick is called the "Master Stick". The Black stick is worth 25 points to whoever can get it. The Black Stick can help you move and pick up any stick.
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