Q&A for How to Pray to God for a Miracle (Christianity)

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    What does the Bible say about Ask and you shall receive?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Here is one version of what the Bible says: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Matthew 7:7–8. You can also find Jesus saying: "Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete" in John 16:24. There are other places in the Bible where this similar text can be found too (e.g., Mark 11:24, Luke 11:9 and John 15:7). It is in relation to prayer.
  • Question
    Can you pray for someone you want?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    If you wish to pray to God about asking someone out or having them ask you out, God will listen. Prayer is communication with God and He hears you. God knows best when the time and person is right for you.
  • Question
    How can I ask God for forgiveness?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    For help with asking God for forgiveness, check out the relevant wikiHow: How to Ask God for Forgiveness or How to Find Forgiveness through Christ .
  • Question
    How do I accept Jesus as my Savior?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    You may find it helpful to read the wikiHow: How to Accept Christ as Your Savior , as the beginning place for your faith journey. It would also be a good idea to talk to a priest or pastor at your local church or at a church that is of interest to you. If you are thinking of converting to Christianity, check out the wikiHow: How to Convert to Christianity for some beginner tips.
  • Question
    Which prayer is most effective?
    Community Answer
    God will listen to you no matter what prayer you use. Just remember that God is always there for you, and that you should praise him just for this.
  • Question
    What can I do to increase the level of my faith?
    Community Answer
    God is the author of faith and the provider of faith. Therefore, you have to go to the provider to seek an increase. Pray and ask the Lord to continue to grow your faith and trust in Him. He may grace you with it.
  • Question
    Can a Hindu person pray to Jesus?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Jesus invites each and every soul in the earth to come unto Him. He died on the cross for the entire world. He loves everyone and always invites everyone irrespective of religion.
  • Question
    How can I know what God is telling me?
    Community Answer
    God is in your mind and heart. What do they tell you? Whatever feels right is likely God speaking to you. You may also look around you; God often sends messages through other people.
  • Question
    How can I get the holy spirit?
    Community Answer
    You can get the holy spirit by asking God to come into your heart. "Father God, I lay down my sins before you. Please come into my heart. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."
  • Question
    How do I know God will listen to my prayers and help me?
    Community Answer
    You know because God promises to hear you and help you in His Word, the Bible. Since God cannot lie, His Word is true.
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    How do I get a miracle to happen?
    Community Answer
    Pray sincerely and ask God to grant you the miracle.
  • Question
    What will happen if my prayers are not heard?
    Community Answer
    God is always listening, he hears your prayers. If your prayers do not come true, it is because God has something else in mind for you. Have faith.
  • Question
    How do I get other people to pray for others?
    Community Answer
    Its not always easy, but you could just simply ask another person to pray for another. Tell why you want them to do this and in return, pray for them.
  • Question
    How can I use the power of prayer in a time of financial stress?
    Community Answer
    Know that God is always listening and that He will guide you to do what is right. Make sure your prayers include praise and expressions of gratitude for the provision God has already made for you and will provide in the future as He leads you through this crisis. Ask other believers to join with you in prayer and to pray for you for wisdom, faith, and peace.
  • Question
    I miss a person, and I fear I will never see them again. How do I pray to God to see them again?
    Brandy-lee N Austin
    Community Answer
    The Bible tells us that we should not be afraid or have fear (2 Tim.1:7 For God had not gave us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind). Fear is the complete opposite of faith, and faith is required in order to get close to God. For God is love, perfect love, and perfect love casts out fear. Also, everything that happens to us happens for a reason, there are no coincidences. So maybe God placed that person in your life for a reason, but only for a season. You may be going through a growth experience and He may be giving you experience so that you will be better equipped for what He has planned for you next. Pray for the person that you miss, pray that they may be blessed.
  • Question
    How do I develop a deeper love for God?
    Community Answer
    Pray that God will deepen his relationship with you. When you worship in church, try to give it your all. Everyone has a different way of praising God. Whenever there is an altar call in your church, try to pray this prayer: "Father God, today I pray that our relationship will deepen, and that I will develop a deeper love for you, in Jesus' name, Amen."
  • Question
    Will God send our family a miracle financial blessing?
    Community Answer
    God will provide what you and your family need. What that will look like, and when the breakthrough will come, no one can say. But you can trust Him: He is faithful.
  • Question
    I pray to God every night, but it seems like He's doing the opposite of what I ask. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Understand that this is a trial. God has a plan for you. I would continue praying and keep your mind focused on your goals and desires. Eventually things will work out as they should.
  • Question
    Why won't God take away my addiction?
    Community Answer
    It isn't God's job to make your life easy. He's there to provide you the strength you need to work through your hardships.
  • Question
    How do I pray to God for housing?
    Stephanie Brown
    Community Answer
    Dear God, Please help me to find a place to live for me and my children. Amen.
  • Question
    Is it ok to ask God to heal my frog?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it's fine to ask Him to heal your animals. He cares about them too, you know.
  • Question
    Can God speak to me through dreams as well?
    Community Answer
    God speaks to us in many ways, potentially through dreams, too, as done with people of old.
  • Question
    Can I tell my angel to deal with someone who messes with me?
    Community Answer
    No, but you can tell God. Angels are under His authority; praying to them is the equivalent of praying to an idol, which is a sin.
  • Question
    As time passes, praying for a miracle can get extremely frustrating. How do I know what is causing such prolonged troubles?
    Community Answer
    While praying for a miracle is an important part of your faith in a greater power helping you, you still need to help yourself by doing all that you can manage to fix your situation. To unravel what is causing your problems, write down what you see as all your problems, then write down what you think would fix them. Then set about putting in train things that will start to improve your situation, while still saying your prayers.
  • Question
    Will praying to God heal me?
    Community Answer
    You haven't clarified what you need to heal from -- if it is physical, be sure to follow everything that your doctors have suggested as well as your prayers. If it's emotional pain, then have faith in God and pray often. In respect of either, nothing is impossible for God.
  • Question
    Should I leave everything up to destiny?
    Community Answer
    No. You need to help yourself to the best of your ability while asking God for help. It's good to have faith, but you still have to do your part and take action to shape your life.
  • Question
    How do I get over losing my job?
    Mrsblack Mathews
    Community Answer
    Ask God to place you were he wants you to be, not where you want to be. When you ask God for a good job and he gives it to you, always remember who gave you that job, and thank and praise him. God has a plan for you, and something better in mind than the job you just lost. Ask and you shall receive. I pray that God be with you on your new journey.
  • Question
    Can I pray for someone that I love to become my wife?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can pray for anything you would like.
  • Question
    How do I pray that all charges be dropped so I won't have to go to prison?
    Community Answer
    You can simply ask God to do it, but if you have done anything the Bible considers a sin, ask for forgiveness and repent. Please don't doubt God for he is able to do all things. Also remember to thank God.
  • Question
    How do I pray that my daughter overcomes her depression and addictions?
    Mrsblack Mathews
    Community Answer
    "Father God, I come to you in the need of you help. I believe in your will and power. Lord Jesus, I give my child to you for the healing of her addiction and depression. Father God, I stand in the need of you with all my faith that you will see my child thought her situation and heal her. I pray that your will be done in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."
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