Q&A for How to Prepare For a Stage Performance

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    When I'm singing, I often lose my breath from nerves, is there any way to stop this?
    Community Answer
    It happens to me too and I often notice that my legs are stiff and tense. It's best to try to get in a relaxed position, whether it's sitting or even letting your body hang loose. Next, remember to breathe from your diaphragm and in through your nose, out through your mouth. Finally, know where your notes are being held in your body, such as your head voice, chest voice, and the overall body voice. Try not to focus on the audience when you're performing, just pick a spot at the back of the room and stare at it.
  • Question
    What should I do before opening night?
    Community Answer
    Get everything ready and prepare yourself for an amazing night. Go to bed early and sleep well if possible and just try to stay calm.
  • Question
    What do I do if I forget my lines on stage?
    Community Answer
    If you know roughly what the line is, find a way to weave in the basic idea. Otherwise, if you know that one of your fellow cast members has a line to say soon after the one you forgot, find a way to prompt them to say that to get past it. Standing there silent for any longer than a few seconds will tip the audience off that something was missed, so you want to resurrect the situation one way or another quickly so the audience does not realize anything was off. Learn your cues - it's all well and good knowing your lines, but if you don't know where to say them, there's no point.
  • Question
    How do I get everyone to slow down during the performance when they are nervous?
    Community Answer
    When you say your own lines, say them slowly, so that they get the hint to slow down too. Make the most of dramatic pauses too, to slow things down. You could also give your fellow actos a pep-talk right before you go on stage.
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    How do I get super excited for my very hyperactive role?
    Community Answer
    You could think about something to look forward to, such as Christmas, your birthday, or even what you're doing after the performance. Maybe you have a crush to think about?
  • Question
    What if I'm so nervous I can't fall asleep?
    Community Answer
    Try realizing you have the awesome privilege to actually be onstage and others aren't even close to doing that. If you mess up, oh, well, you just created a funny memory to keep for when you are older.
  • Question
    What is a good thing to help with a sore throat before I get on stage?
    Community Answer
    Gargling mouthwash might help, and it may help to take cough medicine too. Lozenges made for sore throats can be used but some can only be taken at two to four hourly intervals; read the instructions first.
  • Question
    What if someone in the audience tries to make me laugh?
    Community Answer
    Ignore them and avoid eye contact. Stay focused on your performance.
  • Question
    What should I do before performing on stage?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you have your lines memorized, practice a couple times backstage or bring a script to read.
  • Question
    What should I do if I think I'm going to forget my lines before I go on stage?
    Community Answer
    It often helps professional actors to have a page of only their lines and queue lines, to help them get it right before or during the show.
  • Question
    My partner is my ex boyfriend. What do I do to make it less awkward?
    Community Answer
    Don't think of him as your ex boyfriend. Think of him as just another boy. If he tries to strike up a conversation, make small talk. Whatever happened in the past is over, just put it out of your mind.
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    What do I do if I have a costume malfunction, such as a tear, rip or stain?
    Community Answer
    Don't panic and try to find a remedy backstage, like a safety pin. Most malfunctions will not be visible to the audience.
  • Question
    Why is it a good thing to rehearse before a performance?
    Community Answer
    It is often a good thing to rehearse before a performance so that you are accustomed to saying the lines. They will sound more natural if you are well-practiced. If you tend to forget lines, you, of course, wouldn't want to ad-lib, so you'd need to know them by heart since you won't have a script to read from in a performance. It can also make you feel more confident in your performance if you're having problems with motivation. I hope this helped answer your question.
  • Question
    How do I prep my voice for a singing performance?
    Community Answer
    Go backstage (in a place you can sing with the audience not hearing) and do singing warm-ups. Go up and down the scale a few times.
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    What if I missed an important word in my lines?
    Community Answer
    Just go with the flow. The audience won't notice if you play it off casually.
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    How do I find a venue to stage a performance?
    Community Answer
    Visit your local theatre's website and apply to host a performance, or rent a park for a more casual feel.
  • Question
    What are some personal issues dancers may face before a live performance?
    Community Answer
    Some of these things may include: 1. Anxiety and fear of performing. 2. Fear of forgetting the dance. 3. Wonder of whether you look okay or not. 4. Fear of not being as good as the other dancers. 5. (If a solo dance) Fear of being on stage alone. 6. (If group dance) Fear of letting the group down.
  • Question
    If I am on stage, what should I do make the crowd proud?
    Community Answer
    That shouldn't be on the list of things you're worried about. Just pay attention to what you are supposed to be doing and don't even think about the audience being there. If you focus on your performance, you will succeed, and everyone will be proud.
  • Question
    I'm going to be in Aladdin. I really want to be the genie. What should I do to assure that I get that role?
    Community Answer
    Just continue to practice, practice and practice. But if you're already going to play a different role, then you'll have to stick with that.
  • Question
    How do I sound like a grandma?
    Community Answer
    YouTube guides can be extremely helpful for these kinds of specific acting needs, so I would check there for recommendations/tips on becoming a grandma.
  • Question
    How do I make a boring scene interesting?
    Community Answer
    Figure out possible motives behind the character's words and actions in a scene - focus on what your character wants and how that clashes with the motives of others in the scene. Make acting choices that show what's going on under the surface with your character.
  • Question
    I don't have the courage to speak in front of an audience. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Just focus on your lines and pretend the audience doesn't exist. Just focus on the person you're delivering your lines to.
  • Question
    If I accidentally say another line before the real line, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Just continue on as though nothing had happened.
  • Question
    What if I'm in a dance with 8 people and I forget my solo?
    Community Answer
    If you are feeling at all uncertain about your dance, ask the other people in the dance and see if they can help you out.
  • Question
    How do you choose a costume for a part in a ballet?
    Amanda Cousins
    Community Answer
    The director will help everyone choose costumes.
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