Q&A for How to Prepare for Marine Boot Camp

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    Will I learn how to swim in boot camp?
    Community Answer
    Yes, If you absolutely can't swim you attend an introductory brief on basic swimming skills, and then you attend swim week with everyone else.
  • Question
    If I'm young and want to be in the Marines, when should I start training?
    Community Answer
    As early as possible, though if you are younger than 16 you should keep your sleep schedule normal.
  • Question
    I am four years from enlisting. And at least one year from J.R.O.T.C. Should I start training now? (I already practice march drills a few times daily.)
    Community Answer
    Usually, in ROTC, the tests are to run one mile in under seven minutes, do 50 crunches in under two minutes and 20 seconds, and do 50 pushups in under two-and-a-half minutes. You may also want to do pull-ups, dips, push-ups, planks and lift weights.
  • Question
    How do I know if I'd be a good Marine?
    Community Answer
    Good Marines are loyal, strong, mentally tough and obedient. It is important to have these qualities before going to boot camp, but you will also develop them during training.
  • Question
    How many pull-ups and push-ups should I be able to perform prior to boot camp?
    Community Answer
    For pull-ups, go for the maximum score of 20. For push-ups, just keep pumping them out until your heart feels like exploding, because that's what your D.I. plans to make you do. Always shoot for maximum.
  • Question
    What type of clothing, backpack and boots should I use on hikes when preparing for Marine boot camp?
    Community Answer
    Choose sturdy boots to support your ankles while hiking and wear lightweight, breathable fabrics. The backpack you use should be able to carry at least 50 pounds.
  • Question
    What is the Marine Corps policy on tattoos?
    Community Answer
    Unauthorized areas are above the collar bone, head, or neck. A tattoo cannot cover the individual's hand. Areas that are authorized are areas that cannot be seen when wearing a properly fitting crew neck shirt and tattoos that can be covered by the individual's hand. A single tattoo on only one finger cannot exceed 3/8 of an inch in width and must fall 2 inches above the elbow or 1 inch below. No more than 4 tattoos can be visible in the standard PT uniform.
  • Question
    How many sit ups do I need to be able to do in boot camp?
    Community Answer
    Marines must be able to do at least 44 modified crunches during boot camp. During a modified crunch, your elbows will touch your thighs before you come back down with your shoulder blade hitting the ground.
  • Question
    Do I need to take a test for joining boot camp?
    Community Answer
    You need to meet many standards, and you can join at age 18. Your recruiter will have information regarding when you can join, so contact them for more in depth information.
  • Question
    Do I need to practice marching or saluting?
    Community Answer
    They will show you all of that in boot camp. Remember that they are there to help you. You just need to be ready to experience the mental and physical toughness.
  • Question
    I'm 18 years old and leaving for boot camp next year. Can you suggest 3 basic do's don't's?
    Community Answer
    1. Don't get into any trouble with the law. 2. Don't do any drugs or take any illegal substances. 3. Don't get injured, if you can help it. 1. Do stay in shape and work out. 2. Make sure you are getting up early and getting to bed at a reasonable time. 3. Do follow any and all instructions from your recruiter.
  • Question
    Does every recruit get picked on by drill instructors?
    Community Answer
    If any recruiter is disobedient, he will be punished and possibly picked on. The drill sergeant will pick on anybody for no reason - that's why you need to get mentally prepared.
  • Question
    Am I allowed to bring medication like birth control to boot camp?
    Community Answer
    With birth control it might depend on why you are taking it (though it shouldn't). Anything that is prescribed by a doctor for legitimate medical purposes should be fine.
  • Question
    I'm 14 and a girl, should I carry a 50-60 lb bag when hiking or should I carry less?
    Community Answer
    You should only do so if you can. You can also practice ahead of time and gradually work your way up to carrying more. This way you will strengthen your back and your arms so you're prepared when you actually need to carry that much weight.
  • Question
    Are there height and weight requirements for the Marines?
    Community Answer
    Yes. The height allowances range from about 4'8" to 6'7". The weight requirements vary based on someone's height, but you can find these weight requirements on the USMC's website.
  • Question
    Can I enter boot camp with tattoos?
    Community Answer
    As long as they aren't visible when wearing a properly fitting crew neck shirt, then yes. You cannot have any tattoos on your head or neck above the collar bone. Your hands may not have tattoos either.
  • Question
    My brother really wants to join the Marines, but he has flat feet. Our dad tells him that he's not gonna be accepted because of that, is that true?
    Community Answer
    This is no longer a disqualifying condition from military service, unless extremely severe.
  • Question
    How would I stay with the Marines after graduation? And how long until I graduate? Can I study a major while being in the Marines?
    Community Answer
    Basic training is 3 months, and then you'd be in for another 3 months, so 6 months total. Yes, you can study a major while being in the Marines. If you have more questions, just ask your recruiter.
  • Question
    I am thinking about joining in a year, I run 6 miles every day. Is this going to help me prepare for bootcamp?
    Community Answer
    Being athletic will help you prepare for marine bootcamp as it is very relentless.
  • Question
    I'm 15 right now. What can I do to train at home and prepare? I have a pull up bar at home.
    Community Answer
    You can’t join until you are 18, but you should stay in shape for the future. If you want a military-like experience, then consider joining cadet forces such as JROTC, Naval Sea Cadets or Civil Air Patrol. These cadet forces teach discipline and teamwork to help you succeed in life and help prepare you for your future military career.
  • Question
    With all due respect to the military, can I live life like a Marine, and have the attitude of a Marine, even though I can't join because of my health problems?
    Community Answer
    Yes you can have a Marine lifestyle if you are a civilian. The only thing you should not do is wear a uniform in public and pretend to be an actual Marine.
  • Question
    Why do the Marines not allow people with autism to join? What do they have against people on the spectrum?
    Community Answer
    People with autism are often disqualified from joining any branch of the US Military. The main reason why most people with autism are disqualified is because autistic individuals often easily get overwhelmed with sounds, noise, taste, etc. In battle, this problem will put the whole squad at risk. If you are autistic and you try to join, don’t be surprised if the recruiter says you can’t join, beyond doing civilian desk work.
  • Question
    I am three years away from enlisting and I’m kind of overweight. What should I do in order to get physically fit to pass my tests?
    Community Answer
    You should eat healthly and excersise regularly every day to get prepared for Marine Boot Camp.
  • Question
    I am younger than 10, and I want to be in the marines. Do I start training now? I don't have a pull-up bar or any of the materials needed except myself?
    Community Answer
    The marines don’t accept anyone under 18 and who has not graduated high school. If you want to experience what the Marines is like ,consider joining the JROTC or Civil Air Patrol when you are in high school. These teach discipline and teamwork to help you in life. But by all means keep yourself fit from now on, it can help you, along with your high school diploma and becoming an adult.
  • Question
    Will they explain how to take apart my weapons? If I don't get it right away, does it matter?
    Community Answer
    Yes, in the army and in the marines, they will teach you how to assemble and disassemble your weapons. Don’t worry if you don’t get it right on your first try, practice makes perfect and you get training.
  • Question
    Can I have a tattoo on my wrist and a small one on the side of my hand at the same time if I want to join the Marines?
    Community Answer
    No, tattoos on the arms and hands are not permitted for recruits. If you have tattoos on your arms and hands you will likely be disqualified from joining the Marines.
  • Question
    I’m 32 years old, can I join the marines?
    Community Answer
    You will have to request an age waiver from a recruiter. The maximum age for a recruit to join the marines is 28. If you aren’t accepted into the marines you can join the air force or army instead.
  • Question
    How often should I do push-ups and pull-ups?
    Community Answer
    Change up your routine during your week. Try working on other places by running, doing planks, etc. as well. Do those 3 times a week and work on upper body 2 times a week. Make sure you take breaks and avoid over exercising.
  • Question
    How do I mentally prepare for marine boot camp?
    Community Answer
    Develop a stronger mentality by pushing yourself to your limits and even beyond them when you’re training before boot camp. Make sure that your motivation for becoming a marine will drive you to keep going. Always remember that your DI’s are there to help you. They say and do things for a reason, even if those things seem unfair.
  • Question
    Is there a certain weight I have to weigh in Marine boot camp?
    Community Answer
    Not really, as long as you've met the weight requirements for enlisting, but you may be separated if you are underweight or overweight. If you are separated, you will be fed either less or more depending on your needs.
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