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Q&A for How to Preserve Rose Petals
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QuestionHow do you preserve rose petals without drying them?Rachel Cho is a Floral Designer, Plant Specialist, and the Owner of Rachel Cho Floral Design, a floral shop based in New York City. With more than 16 years of experience, she specializes in original and impactful floral design and is known for her dexterity, innate artistry, and design sense. Rachel’s work has been featured in numerous national media outlets such as The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar, and Huffington Post Weddings.If you plan to use the rose petals for an event, hydrate them in a humid source. Line a clean large recipient with paper towel, and mist it with water. Place the petals over the paper and spray them with water. Close the lid and make sure it is airtight. Keep it in a cool dark area for 1-2 days, or in a cooler if there is space.
QuestionHow can I preserve a rose from a funeral?Community AnswerDrying it out would be your best option.
QuestionHow do I preserve the color of the petals if I want to keep them for a long time?Community AnswerI would recommend putting them in a clear resin or coating them with varnish if you want them to have a fresher look and maintain their color.
QuestionHow long can you keep the petals once dried?IsoldeTop AnswererYou can keep the petals for as long as you like but be aware that they lose their scent over time and the colors will fade too. However, if you're keeping them for sentimental reasons, there is no harm in keeping the petals for as long as you like.
QuestionHow can I keep my dried rose pedals preserved?LunaCommunity AnswerOnce they are dried, they will stay for a long time, as long as they are treated tenderly and not touched on a regular basis. They will look nice as a shrine, around some pictures, a nice tablecloth decor, bath soak, water bowl, or with nice candles.
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