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Q&A for How to Prune a Gardenia Bush
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QuestionGardenia grafted on tree trunk has sticky white stuff on underside of leaves and trunk of tree. What could this be?Community AnswerThe sticky white powder is left behind by mealybugs. Mealybugs are little sap-feeding insects that grow waxy filaments as they mature. They often feed in clusters on tender branches,stalks, and the undersides of leaves, where they shed their body filaments onto plant tissues while they exude a sticky, sweet substance called honeydew.
QuestionHalf of my gardenia is dead and other half is a dull green. What can I do?Myra PrestonCommunity AnswerIf your gardenia is wilting or dying, it is likely caused by a pest or disease and can be remedied by adjusting humidity levels and pruning the plant. This will help improve airflow while also limiting the spread of disease. Using an insecticide and fertilizing your plant can also help.
QuestionMy outside container gardenia was nearly killed over the winter. There are a few green leaves near the base of the plant. How far should I prune it & when?Myra PrestonCommunity AnswerDespite your best efforts, the tips of the branches may die and turn black from frost or cold damage. When this happens, prune the branches a couple of inches (5 cm.) below the damage with sharp pruning shears. If possible, wait until after it blooms.
QuestionThrips have been a problem the last two years. If I cut my gardenia bush back now, will it reduce the problem? The flower buds turn brown before I can wash with soapy water.Zaidee BhaiCommunity AnswerYou can wash the plant with a strong spray of water mixed with a little soap.
QuestionMy gardenias turned all brown and crunchy despite optimal conditions. I cut them back drastically to see if they will revive. Should I continue to put grow lights on them every day?Community AnswerA gardenia's leaves turn yellow and brown as it grows. That's normal. Don't give them a huge amount of water, and keep them in full sunlight (or grow lights).
QuestionI have lots of brown sticks, and I don’t know if I should cut them back. I have put my gardenia on my porch every summer, and it usually does well. Now it’s taking much longer to get better.Community AnswerPrune the brown branches. Otherwise, it will cause severe fungus. Gardenias grow very well in the summer, so prune them in late winter.
QuestionMy gardenias are tall with foliage mostly at the top. Can I cut them low so they will bush out?Community AnswerGardenias grow at the top and defoliate at the bottom. No matter how you prune them, they will grow that way rather than "bush out."
QuestionI live in VA and have a Gardenia from FL in a big pot. It is supposed to be a standard, but the trunk is only about 8” tall, and the shrub is 6’ more. Can I prune it back by 1/2 and not kill it?Community AnswerDon't prune more than 1/3 of it at one time. You can prune more in a later year if you wish.
QuestionI live in Southwest FL. When is the best time to prune the gardenia and how far can I prune?Community AnswerPrune in the winter, and don't cut away more than 1/3 of the bush's mass. In other words, leave more than half the bush.
QuestionA gardenia bush I’m looking after is straggly, and I don’t see any buds on it. I'm in LA. When can I prune it?Community AnswerIn LA you can prune it in the winter. You'll see new sprouting and buds in the spring.
QuestionWhen can I trim a large gardenia bush?Addison SmithCommunity AnswerIt is best to prune your gardenia shrub right after the blooms have faded in the summer. Gardenias will set their flower buds the next year in fall, so pruning in the summer will allow you to cut back some of the older wood without the risk of cutting away newly set buds.
QuestionWhy are there brown leaves on the branches?Community AnswerUsually brown leaves are caused by sub-standard growing conditions. Gardenias require full sun, warm weather, at least 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water per week, and acidic soil (pH level ideally around 5.0 - 6.5). Make sure that your gardenia can drain easily, or it may become overwatered. If the brown leaves are more than 50% damaged (over half of the leaf has become brown), trim them off as soon as possible.
QuestionMy neighbor's gardenia plants sit on her porch all year. The one I have in our desert climate is doing poorly; leaves look straggly. It's fed it. Kept on south porch with indirect sun.Thomas BrewerCommunity AnswerIt is likely that you are watering it too much and over feeding the plant. Water it and look at it in about 4 days later. If it is dry, water it and don't put food on it. Let it go for about 2 weeks and give it only what it needs.
QuestionMy gardenia bushes are large and I’d like about half the size. Can my gardener cut them in half after blooming?Thomas BrewerCommunity AnswerNo, you have to break them apart at the roots and bulbs 3 inches apart and replant the bulbs.
QuestionIs it too late to prune when bush has new green growth?XxTheOnlyOnexXCommunity AnswerIt is best to prune before new growth, as this encourages better flowering and a more fruitful growing season. If you need to though (like if the plant is too big), you can still do so after new growth.
QuestionHow often should I water my gardenias?Community AnswerIt is recommended to water your gardenias at least an inch every week, from hose or rainfall.
QuestionCan I trim a gardenia bush now before it blooms?ChrisTop AnswererIt depends on how far along the gardenia bush is in growth. If there are buds on the branches, do not prune your bush until after it blooms, unless you want the gardenia bush to not have any flowers during this bloom. Once the flowers have bloomed and have all fallen off, it is safe to prune your bush without preventing flower growth.
QuestionCan I prune a 6-foot gardenia bush back to a 3-foot bush without killing it?Addison SmithCommunity AnswerTrim the branches by 2 to 3 inches just after flowering ends, from May to July. Do not prune any gardenia too late in the season, usually after August but as late as October in some areas. The resulting tender green shoots will not have time to harden and will be killed by a frost or freeze.
QuestionWhen is it the best time to transplant gardenia plants?Addison SmithCommunity AnswerThe best time to transplant gardenia plants is in the fall, right after the plant has finished blooming. Gardenia plants transplant best when the weather is cool and the plant is slowing down. About a week before transplanting gardenia bushes, prune the branches back by one-quarter or one-third.
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