Q&A for How to Publish a Poem

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    How can I publish my own poems online and make money?
    Community Answer
    You can create a blog and post your poems there. If they catch someone's attention, your blog will became more and more popular, and then you can start making money.
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    How can I publish on Twitter or WhatsApp?
    Community Answer
    Publish your poem the same way you would any other thought. If your poem is too long to fit in one tweet, number each post so your followers can read it in order.
  • Question
    What are some titles that are interesting to write a poem about?
    Community Answer
    Think of commonly used phrases, or idioms. Some poems' titles are literally the first line of the poem, such as "Hope Is the Thing With Feathers" by Emily Dickinson.
  • Question
    How do I publish a poem without someone stealing it?
    Top Answerer
    If you deal with a reputable publisher, you don't need to worry about theft. To be extra safe, keep a copy of your poem. You can mail a copy to yourself, or sign and notarize it.
  • Question
    How do I find a website where I can publish my poetry?
    Community Answer
    Look for "Submit" links on the websites of major publications like Tin House, or if you're a new poet, on smaller ones like Vita Brevis Literature Magazine.
  • Question
    How can I get a poem published in a magazine?
    Gillian Pell
    Community Answer
    Read several issues of the magazine to gain insight into their preferences. Then, if you think they'll like your style/content and you like their style, follow their guidelines and submit your work.
  • Question
    What's a beginner poetry magazine with no reading fees and a fast response time?
    Community Answer
    I know places like Vita Brevis Literary Magazine or The Drabble have really quick turnaround times and are free to submit to. These kinds of "beginner" magazines are likely your best bet.
  • Question
    What if it's on paper, as I don't have a computer?
    Top Answerer
    Some publishers will not accept hard-copy submissions. Without a computer, you will have to write or call a publisher to ask if they will accept paper submissions. If so, they can give you detailed instructions on how to submit your poetry.
  • Question
    Should I submit the poem with or without a background picture?
    Community Answer
    Editors look for submitted work to be clean, easy to read and in proper poetry manuscript format (research this online; it's quite important). As editors receive a huge volume of submissions, they will often simply reject manuscripts without even reading them if they're in an improper format (single-spaced and in Comic Sans font, for example) or include things like pictures. Submitting work for publication--especially if it's for pay--includes the expectation that it will be presented professionally, which means using the industry-standard format. The more you deviate from this, the more you will be viewed as an amateur unfamiliar with the field of poetry, and the harder it will be to find a publisher. Submit something that follows poetry manuscript submission guidelines, on the other hand, and your poem will be judged entirely on its own merits.
  • Question
    Is there a minimum age to be able to submit poems for publication?
    Top Answerer
    There is no legal minimum age for this, but some journals and literary magazines may have a minimum or maximum age (or other requirements - my local university has a literary journal just for current students, for example).
  • Question
    How do I publish my poem on Google and make money online?
    Top Answerer
    Google is just a search engine - you cannot "publish on Google". You could try publishing your poems on a blog with ads, which will eventually pay out once the ads have been seen a certain number of times, but publishing to a magazine or journal will pay more and get your poems noticed sooner.
  • Question
    Do I have to copyright my poetry with the Federal copyright office?
    Top Answerer
    You don't have to - in the United States (and many other countries), you automatically have copyright without formally registering it. Formally registering your copyright will make it a lot easier to defend if you have to, however.
  • Question
    Does your poem have to follow a particular style/format to publish?
    Top Answerer
    No. These days free verse is popular, and with free verse anything goes. However, individual publishers, magazines, and literary journals (etc) might have their own style requirements.
  • Question
    Is it prudent, or necessary to copyright poems before submitting them?
    Top Answerer
    Prudent? Yes. Necessary? No, not in the US, where copyright laws are a little "squishy." Once you produce a physical copy of your work, it is considered "copyrighted." You might increase your peace of mind, however, if you register a copyright of your poem with the US Copyright Office. That would prove helpful in the case of later legal disputes.
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