Q&A for How to Read a Property Survey

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    What does a figure like 1160:144 mean? Is that a measurement? I have a really old plan I'm trying to figure out.
    Community Answer
    That Property Line is what is recorded in the book of records. Based on the numbers you have stated, that would be the page number and then book number.
  • Question
    How do I find square footage?
    Community Answer
    The way to calculate a rectangular area is by measuring the length and width of your area then multiplying those two numbers together to get the area in feet squared.
  • Question
    How many links are equal to one foot?
    Community Answer
    A link is exactly 66⁄100 of a foot, or exactly 7.92 inches. The unit is based on Gunter's chain, a metal chain 66 feet long with 100 links, that was formerly used in land surveying.
  • Question
    In 142.62 c/l, what does c/l mean?
    Community Answer
    For measuring purposes, c/l stands for centerline, that is, to the center of something.
  • Question
    What does 64.92 measured and 65.00 recorded mean?
    Top Answerer
    It means that a measured length has been rounded up to the nearest integer.
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    How do I locate the marker at the front of my property?
    Community Answer
    Most of the points should have a piece of rebar stuck in the ground with a cap on it. The cap can be yellow, red, pink, or blue depending on which state you live in. Use a metal detector to help you find the posts in the ground. Also be aware that some posts do get moved by previous landowners and/or construction workers. Some people just don't care about the markers. You can also start by looking around the corners of your fence or yard.
  • Question
    Can you tell me what 'BRL' means?
    Community Answer
    BRL stands for the currency of Brazil, the Real; thus Brazilian Real = BRL.
  • Question
    Is the measurement taken from the foundation or the furthest point?
    Community Answer
    The foundation should be used when determining property lines, and the furthest point on the structure should be used when speaking about matters related to encroachment of eaves, etc. to said property lines.
  • Question
    Does a current land survey by a licensed surveyor trump a tax map?
    Community Answer
    It should help you in matters of determining legal ownership of a property dispute when dealing with a real estate lawyer. However, the final answer would have to be determined by a judge.
  • Question
    What does eaves correct mean
    Top Answerer
    It may mean that a particular eave design meets local building codes. (Just a guess.)
  • Question
    What is a "casement" on a property survey?
    Community Answer
    It's probably "easement", not "casement". Easements are defined areas where some special activity or utility has been granted by the landowner, such as ingress/egress, under ground or over head pipes or wires, etc.
  • Question
    When there is a distance measurement, is that a ground measurement following the terrain (down one slope/up the next) or is it an air point A to B, corner to corner?
    Community Answer
    Surveys report ground measurements unless otherwise stated on the face of the survey.
  • Question
    What do (D) and (FM) mean when stating the number of feet along a property line?
    Community Answer
    (D) refers to the length of the line as recited in a deed, (FM) refers to measurements shown on the Filed Map on which the property appears.
  • Question
    I have two survey pegs, one at the top of a slope and the other at the bottom. Distance on the survey is 60ft. Is that 60ft along the slope or 60ft in a plan view?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    A standard land survey is based upon the plan view. A surveyor would use a level and a measuring tape to determine the length of a given line. With modern equipment it may also be done using GPS data.
  • Question
    What does CAE stand for on a property survey?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    CAE may refer to "computer aided engineering", which is required for some types of surveys pertaining to engineered roadways or other public infrastructure, as well as important elements of major developmnents (drainage, high-rise footings, etc.).
  • Question
    How do I know if a property is supposed to have a sidewalk on a property survey?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    A sidewalk may be required by local ordinance or by indications on an approved site plan or subdivision. Your local surveyors will know how to confirm this requirement with the official records.
  • Question
    What does 'PS marking' mean?
    Community Answer
    It could stand for Power Line and Sanitary Sewer line. The P represents Power Line and the S represents Sanitary Sewer Line. Or, it might be short for "property survey."
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