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Q&A for How to Record Your Screen on iPhone or iPad
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QuestionMy iPhone doesn't have the screen recording option. What do I do?Mr.HandyDandyCommunity AnswerThis feature requires iOS 11 or later. If you don't see the screen recording feature on your phone, you may need to update your iPhone's operating system.
QuestionWhat if it does not work if I update it?Asher BezdekCommunity AnswerIt should still work when you update it. If it does not, then other people are experiencing the same problem. A new update should arrive shortly and fix the problem, so keep checking for an update.
QuestionHow do you update it?Henry CurranCommunity AnswerGo into settings, and on the top left there should be a notification for a software update.
QuestionDoes the recording stop when the screen saver activates or the iPad screen shuts off?Mohammad BalawiCommunity AnswerYes, the recording will stop when the screen saver activates or the iPad screen shuts off, so ensure your device remains active during recording.
QuestionIf I don't have iOS 11 or later, is there any way for me to record my screen?Henry CurranCommunity AnswerYou cannot use the official Apple screen recording feature. There may be apps in the App Store that allow you to screen record, but the official feature won't work.
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