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Q&A for How to Remove Musty Smell from Clothes
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QuestionHow do I wash mildewy clothes in a front loading washing machine?Community AnswerPut the clothes in the washer with your usual detergent, set on hot wash. Dissolve 1 cup of baking soda in very hot water, then pause the machine and add the soda, or pour it through the liquid detergent dispenser. Launder as normal, and hang the clothes to dry in the sun if possible.
QuestionWill vinegar keep a vinegar smell after washing?Community AnswerNo. I wash my clothes with about a quarter to a third of a cup of white vinegar in the "Bleach" compartment of our front loading washing machine, along with a regular amount of detergent. No smell of vinegar at all.
QuestionFor an HE washer and dryer, can you put baking soda or vinegar in them will they ruin it?Community AnswerA cup of vinegar in with the wash helps the clothes to come out smell free, and as a bonus, the vinegar cuts any oil that is on the clothes. It also helps the moldy smell in the machine.
QuestionHow do I get rid of musty smell on a wax jacket?Community AnswerAsk a professional to wash and renew your wax jacket. Doing this will be sure to get rid of that musty smell, and will also make the jacket look new.
QuestionCan I spray my clothes with alcohol?Community AnswerYou shouldn't. The alcohol will eventually ruin the garment when it's exposed to heat (including body heat) and sun. Especially if it's vodka.
QuestionI've been looking for a no-rinse wash product, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. Any suggestions?Community AnswerTry hand-washing the item with detergent and baking soda, or just baking soda by itself. Then wash with a regular detergent.
QuestionHow do I remove the scent of dryer sheets from clothing?Community AnswerThe next time you are drying the article of clothing, try to air dry it outside, or avoid dryer sheets if possible.
QuestionHow do I remove a musty smell from a leather jacket?Community AnswerI removed mold from a ski jacket and ski pants by putting them in the freezer for a couple of days. The cold kills the bacteria. It should work for most any item.
QuestionWhat can I do if I have washed my ultra suede coat twice trying to get the musty smell out, but it isn't working?Community AnswerIf it's inside a closet, dry baking soda or charcoal can help pull smells from items. It would probably help to have the item in the sunshine for a few hours too.
QuestionHow can I remove the chlorine smell from my shirt?Community AnswerLet the shirt soak in a 50-50 solution of white vinegar and water for about 1/2 hour, then put it through the wash as normal.
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