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Q&A for How to Remove Scratches from Plastic
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QuestionHow can I clean plastic?Jon Gholian is a Cleaning Specialist and the Founder of Cleany, a home and office cleaning concierge service based in New York City, New Jersey & Miami. Cleany specializes in providing quality cleaning and handyman services to all their customers. All Cleany employees are insured, bonded, and professionally trained. Cleany has been featured in the New York Times, Bravo & Redfin.You can mix some dish soap in warm water. Dampen a cloth with it and clean the plastic. Then wipe it with a microfiber towel.
QuestionHow can I clean a scratched plastic screen?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIt is possible to remove scratches from a plastic screen, provided they are not too deep. Some ways to remove scratches from a plastic screen include: wiping with a Magic Eraser, using a specifically designed commercial scratch remover, rubbing with a pencil eraser or polishing with car headlight cream. For some more help with specific screen cleaning that removes scratches, see How to Remove Scratches from a Phone Screen and How to Clean a Flat Screen TV .
QuestionCan you polish scratches out of acrylic?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou can remove scratches from acrylic by polishing. You’ll need suitable acrylic or plastic polish and sandpaper. Follow the instructions outlined above in the article for sanding and polishing to remove the scratches. If the scratches are deeper than 5mm, it may not be possible to polish out the scratches. If the item is valuable, it's best to talk to an expert (such as a car repairer) to find out whether other options exist.
QuestionHow do you remove scratches from plastic lenses?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIt may be possible to remove lens scratches provided they are not too deep. Begin by cleaning the lenses gently first, then apply a suitable scratch remover, such as a paste made from baking soda and water. This paste is best applied by rubbing on in a circular motion, using cotton wool. Gently wipe off and check to see if the scratches have improved. You can also try a scratch-filling product. Don’t expect miracles; bad scratches won’t shift just by using a basic paste; the lenses may need professional polishing or even replacement. For more detailed help on removing scratches from plastic lenses, see: How to Remove Scratches from Plastic Lens Glasses .
QuestionHow do you get scratches out of plastic windows?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerConsider how deep the scratches are first––if they are too deep, it is often better to replace the windows. If the scratches are small, it may be possible to remove them by buffing. Using dish soap and warm water, wash the window first, ensuring the scratched area is well cleaned and wiped. Use a few drops of brass cleaner on a clean and soft cloth to rub the scratched area, using small circular wiping motions. With a clean cloth, wipe off the brass cleaner. Repeat if the scratches don’t appear better; if the scratches improve, then it’s a great outcome but if not, the windows may need professional treatment or replacement.
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