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Q&A for How to Remove Stains from Paper
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QuestionHow do you disinfect paper?Community AnswerYou can mist it with a disinfectant spray and let it dry.
QuestionHow can I get rid of a baby's urine stains on a paper?Community AnswerWet the paper, then let it sit in the sun for four to six hours. If that didn't work, let it sit longer in the sun.
QuestionIs there a way other than water-based stain remover to get mucus off?Community AnswerIt depends on whether the stain has dried or not. If it is dry, very carefully dab water onto the paper and slowly peel it off. If it is still wet, use tweezers or a spoon to take it off, then place the paper on or under a surface giving cold air. Warm or hot air can cause the paper to tear or wrinkle.
QuestionHow do I remove white out from paper?Community AnswerAll you have to do is scratch it off, then wipe the paper with dry tissue paper.
QuestionHow can I get rid of coca cola stains in a book?Community AnswerFollow the instructions listed in the article above.
QuestionI got orange juice on an important paper - will these instructions work?Community AnswerOrange juice is a water-based stain, so you can try the steps above.
QuestionHow do I remove cherry stains from paper?Community AnswerCherry stains from the fruit is a water-based stain, try the solution listed above.
QuestionHow do I remove wetness from books?Community AnswerFor wet papers, make sure that you remove all excess water from the paper with a tissue or cotton, lightly dabbing. Then, put it out in the sun until the water evaporates completely, leaving a completely new and dry paper.
QuestionHow can I get soup stains out of book pages?Community AnswerSoup stains are water-based stains, so following the instructions above should do the trick.
QuestionHow can I remove a chocolate stain from paper?Community AnswerThe tiniest dab of dish soap on a cotton swab (and no water) can take most of a chocolate smudge off a page of a book or piece of paper.
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