Q&A for How to Run

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    How can long distance runners take care of their ankles?
    Jonathan Frank, MD
    Sports Orthopedic Surgeon & Joint Preservation Specialist
    Dr. Jonathan Frank is an Orthopedic Surgeon based in Beverly Hills, California, specializing in sports medicine and joint preservation. Dr. Frank's practice focuses on minimally invasive, arthroscopic surgery of the knee, shoulder, hip, and elbow. Dr. Frank holds an MD from the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine. He completed an orthopedic residency at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago and a fellowship in Orthopedic Sports Medicine and Hip Preservation at the Steadman Clinic in Vail, Colorado. He is a staff team physician for the US Ski and Snowboard Team. Dr. Frank is currently a scientific reviewer for top peer-reviewed scientific journals, and his research has been presented at regional, national, and international orthopedic conferences, winning several awards including the prestigious Mark Coventry and William A Grana awards.
    Sports Orthopedic Surgeon & Joint Preservation Specialist
    Expert Answer
  • Question
    Can you run in any shoes?
    Tyler Courville
    Professional Runner
    Tyler Courville is a brand ambassador for Salomon Running. He has run in 10 ultra and mountain races across the United States and Nepal, and won the 2018 Crystal Mountain Marathon.
    Professional Runner
    Expert Answer
    It’s really important to get shoes that you like. It makes all the difference. A lot of running stores have associates that come out and look at the way you run and pick shoes that are good for you. Try to do that once or twice to get an idea of what suits you.
  • Question
    What is the importance of running tall?
    Kai Ng
    Certified Running Coach
    Kai Ng is a USATF and RRCA Certified Running Coach at Run Coach Kai. Kai has competed in over 55 races and over 15 marathons, and has trained with 16x USA and World record holder Patti Catalano Dillonso. He specializes in coaching runners of all levels and showing people that everyone can be a runner. Kai is committed to helping his clients reach their goals by showing them how to run with proper form and holding them accountable to train consistently.
    Certified Running Coach
    Expert Answer
    It is necessary to run tall. If you lean too far back, you restrict your quads. If you lean too forward, your hamstrings limit your movements and power.
  • Question
    How can you increase your endurance?
    Kai Ng
    Certified Running Coach
    Kai Ng is a USATF and RRCA Certified Running Coach at Run Coach Kai. Kai has competed in over 55 races and over 15 marathons, and has trained with 16x USA and World record holder Patti Catalano Dillonso. He specializes in coaching runners of all levels and showing people that everyone can be a runner. Kai is committed to helping his clients reach their goals by showing them how to run with proper form and holding them accountable to train consistently.
    Certified Running Coach
    Expert Answer
    It is necessary to run effortlessly to build endurance. And consistently increase the time on your feet or the distance you are running. For example, you can increase the time from 10 minutes to 15 minutes, then 20 minutes. Teach your body to burn fat instead of burning carbs for fuel and encourage it to create red blood cells.
  • Question
    How to start running if I can't even run 500 meters
    Community Answer
    Take it one step at a time. If you can't do the 500 meters at a run, try slowly jogging it, and if that's not possible, try walking it until you feel comfortable jogging it and work to eventually get it at a run. The more you practice, the farther you will be able to run.
  • Question
    How improve running stamina?
    Community Answer
    Just keep training. The more you run, the more your stamina will increase. It builds up gradually over time, it isn't possible to just have this without the constant training.
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    Is it normal to run at 12 years old? Do people find that weird because when I run I am worried that everyone's looking at me.
    Community Answer
    Don't worry, running is perfectly normal at that age. Just put in your earphones and don't listen to them or pay attention to them. Everybody looks at everybody in races and when running, so it is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • Question
    How can I relax before a run?
    Community Answer
    Visualize yourself running and doing it with confidence. You can also try taking deep breaths or doing yoga poses and other stretches.
  • Question
    How can I stop spraining my ankle while running?
    Community Answer
    Practice balance by doing daily yoga (also a great warm up). Push yourself when you run, but not so hard you fall. Be careful not to trip on objects such as cans, roots, twigs, curbs, and steps.
  • Question
    How do I control my breathing when running?
    Community Answer
    Breathe in and out alternating each breath when your foot lands on the pavement (each step). Left foot step in, right foot step out, repeat.
  • Question
    I run in a weird way (i.e. by flanking my hands). How can I run with better posture?
    Community Answer
    When you run, your arms must be in a 90 degree position (almost) all the time. Make sure you are not twisting your torso and that your arms are moving back and forth, not to the side. Keep that in mind next time you run and focus on your technique. Ask someone who knows the proper running technique to give you tips. Make sure your neck is relaxed and that your chin is slightly facing down. Over time this will become a habit.
  • Question
    Is there a specific age for serious running?
    Community Answer
    No. You can be a serious runner at any age. However, high school is a great time and place to start running competitively. You can even start training your body to run in middle school.
  • Question
    When I run 200 meters, should I run the first 100 meters faster or the second?
    Community Answer
    With a 200m, you want to give it your all, but definitely push more at the end. Leave a little in the tank for the last half.
  • Question
    I only walk. What do I do first to run fast?
    Community Answer
    Run what you can to begin with and don't worry as much about running fast, especially if you're aiming to be a long distance runner. Pace yourself and go as slowly as needed until you feel able to run in place of walking. To get faster, just keep practicing, gradually increasing your speed until you can do a little faster each week.
  • Question
    Is barefoot running better, or is running with running shoes better.
    Community Answer
    Both have their benefits. Barefoot training works and strengthens muscles that cannot get exercise when you wear standard shoes. Building these muscles is key to preventing both serious and minor injuries.
  • Question
    Does running on concrete really cause a lot of harm?
    Community Answer
    It's not extremely harmful but it's not that good for your shins, it can result in painful shin splints if you do it too often. It's better to run on grass or dirt. If you're running for a shorter distance, like track, it's not too much to worry about. But be careful with more than a mile or cross country running.
  • Question
    I am a school athlete. For about two months I haven't practiced because I was on vacation. Now if I try to run, my knees and calves hurt. Why is this happening?
    Community Answer
    Have you been stretching? Do dynamic and static stretches. If those aren't helping, talk to your school's trainer/coach.
  • Question
    I need help on how to breathe when running. I try my hardest and don't know what I'm doing wrong. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Do what is comfortable. Perhaps you could inhale for so many strides and then exhale.
  • Question
    How can I breathe after 1000m while running 1500m? I find I run out of breath by then.
    Community Answer
    Pace yourself. If you feel like you can't catch your breath after 1000m, slow down at a jog, catch your breath, then continue at a good pace. Avoid gasping--even while jogging you should maintain a steady breathing pattern.
  • Question
    What surfaces are best to jog on?
    Community Answer
    The surface best to jog on would be woodland trails and synthetic tracks but grass is the best to run on.
  • Question
    Can I run without a sports bra?
    Community Answer
    Whatever feels most comfortable. It's up to you, and everyone's comfort level is different.
  • Question
    What if I want to run track but don't know how to get discovered?
    Community Answer
    If you're just getting started, approach the faculty member that runs your track team and tell them you're interested in joining.
  • Question
    What is the best way to breathe while running?
    Community Answer
    The best way to do this is to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This is the only way your body can regulate itself while running. It is even good to recover by breathing in this pattern.
  • Question
    What if I have to run (in school) and feel pain in my sides? The teachers won't let us stop!
    Top Answerer
    If they won't let you stop, just slow down. You shouldn't be expected to run hard if you're in pain. It may help if you avoid food and drink immediately before running. For a longer answer, see RunnersConnect. net/side-stitches-abdominal-pain-causes-and-treatments.
  • Question
    How can I complete 1600m race in 5:40?
    Community Answer
    Complete the first lap at an accelerated pace. The second and third laps need to be a steady pace. The third lap is normally the hardest lap to run, so you need to mentally prepare to keep going in as consistent of a pace that you can manage. Start the fourth lap at this pace, but prepare to accelerate or 'kick' when you hit the last curve (the 200m mark). Other than this, you just need to train your endurance. Since you are running the1600, train by running the 3200 (two miles) to improve endurance, and practice picking up speed.
  • Question
    I have a physical test in which I will have to run 800 meters in 2 minutes 40 seconds, and I have only 10 days to prepare. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Train every day, and practice the 400 at 1 min 10 seconds, because the second lap will require more stamina. Work your way up to running distances close to 800 meters.
  • Question
    How do I control my breathing if I am breathing too hard?
    Community Answer
    If you are breathing hard, slow down a little, and if you are in the front in a race, it's okay! It's better to be second anyway, because the person in front of you is breaking the air for you. They are using more energy, so stay behind someone and count 1, 2, 3, breathe in, 1, 2, 3, breathe out.
  • Question
    What should we I or drink before and after running?
    Community Answer
    It is always good to hydrate before and after, but not too much before because it can feel uncomfortable in your stomach. It's fine to eat a light snack before running, but if eating a full meal, wait an hour before running.
  • Question
    Why can't we run 100 mph?
    Community Answer
    Because bodies have physical limitations that only allow us to do so much. There is no known creature that can run that fast. The fastest animals in the world, cheetahs, can run around 60 mph.
  • Question
    If I am running in lane 7 for 200m, is that a disadvantage?
    Community Answer
    Most tracks curve and have staggered starts. This is because it makes it an even distance. So, no, you most likely won’t be at a disadvantage.
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