Q&A for How to Serve a Volleyball

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    How do I learn to serve overhand?
    Community Answer
    The first thing to work on is your toss, as this can create a good serve or a bad serve. Once you have gained a good, consistent toss, go on to the steps provided in the article.
  • Question
    How can I prevent myself from throwing the ball up a little when I am doing an underhand serve?
    Community Answer
    Don't even think about the hand holding the ball. Focus solely on your hitting hand, and you shouldn't have a problem.
  • Question
    Can I toss and hit with the same hand?
    Community Answer
    Yes, although it would be harder than throwing it with one hand and hitting it with the other hand.
  • Question
    How do I get the timing of the hit just right?
    Community Answer
    Wait until the ball is a little bit higher than eye level, but lower than above your head, so right about at your forehead.
  • Question
    True or false: When executing a jump serve, do not follow through.
    Top Answerer
    A full follow-through is difficult in a jump serve. Without any follow-through at all, however, you're not likely to deliver a very strong serve.
  • Question
    When I serve, my shoulder hurts. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Make a visit to your doctor. You could have sprained or pulled a muscle. This should be checked right away.
  • Question
    Where exactly on my hand do I hit a volleyball on a float serve and topspin serve?
    Community Answer
    Your palm. If you hit with your fingers, there would be less pressure applied to the ball.
  • Question
    What does it mean to "follow through" after a serve in volleyball?
    Community Answer
    Follow through means that after you hit the volleyball, your hand goes with the motion, and not stopping right after to hit. This would make your serve better.
  • Question
    Would I need to have strong arms to do a basic underhand serve?
    Top Answerer
    No; though it may seem that way, the power and momentum is actually coming from your legs. Taking a few steps into the serve can help give you more power without needing strong arms.
  • Question
    How can I get better at having good contact with the ball?
    Community Answer
    A drill I do is to serve in front of a wall. When you hit the ball, your hand should pin the ball to the wall. You can check where your hand is contacting the ball and adjust accordingly.
  • Question
    What can I do to have a more powerful serve?
    Top Answerer
    Try taking steps into the serve. Instead of standing in place when you serve, step forward as you hit the ball for more momentum. Following through is also something to try - keep moving your arm forward after you've made contact with the ball.
  • Question
    How do I make an overhand serve go farther?
    Community Answer
    Get behind the ball so it will go farther instead of going straight up. Make sure you have good contact with the ball and be prepared. It also helps to work out to get stronger arms.
  • Question
    How can you get more arm strength for your overhand serve?
    Baylie Voyles
    Community Answer
    The best way to do so is to do curl-ups with dumbbells. If you don't have dumbbells, rotating your arms in tiny circles helps too!
  • Question
    Is there a particular approach to jump up on a jump serve besides taking 2 steps?
    Baylie Voyles
    Community Answer
    You need a form. Every player has a different form when it comes to serving. So find that awesome stance you like whenever you jump to hit the ball.
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